Raimonds Vējonis in Brussels: The Baltic States are united in their efforts to prevent unfair treatment of their farmers


“This is the moment when we – the Baltic States – have to be - and I proudly declare that we are - united in our position, namely, the need to jointly prevent continuation of the unfair EU policy concerning direct payments to farmers”, stressed Raimonds Vējonis, Head of the Latvian delegation to the Baltic Assembly.

On Thursday, 22 November, Raimonds Vējonis took part in the protest campaign organised in Brussels by the Baltic farmers, thus supporting their request to receive equal direct payments. “Today, the tractor symbolising the protest of the Baltic farmers reached its destination in Brussels in order to be a part of the protest campaign organised by more than 100 Baltic farmers at the Schuman roundabout, where the meeting of the heads of state of the EU member states regarding the new Multiannual Financial Framework of the EU for 2014 – 2020 will be held,” stated Vējonis.

In the beginning of November, the Baltic Assembly adopted a resolution stating that the proposed principles and methods of calculation of direct payments within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union still do not conform with the basic values of the European Union and result in unfair treatment of Baltic farmers.

Within the framework of his visit to Brussels, Raimonds Vējonis, together with members of the Benelux Parliament, will participate in the conference on forestry policy and employment where, on behalf of the Baltic Assembly, he will urge the representatives of the Benelux Parliament to support Baltic efforts in ensuring fair direct payments to Baltic farmers.

Saeima Press Service

Svētdien, 20.oktobrī