Press releases

Speaker Mieriņa to ambassadors of EU member states to Latvia: integration into a shared space of security and values has fostered our growth and development
“It seems unbelievable that a country can transform from an occupied state to a strong and developed member of the European Union and NATO within a single generation. Our integration into a shared space of security and values has fostered our growth and development. It has allowed democratic values and principles to take deep roots within our society,” said Daiga Mieriņa, Speaker of the Saeima, on Wednesday, 8 May, addressing the ambassadors extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the European Union member states to the Republic of Latvia. The ambassadors gathered in the Parliament on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Latvia’s accession to the European Union.
Speaker of the Saeima on 4 May: Latvia beats in each of our hearts
“Latvia beats in each of our hearts! We are Latvia—with our history, our countryside, cities, and people who hold our future in their hands,” said Daiga Mieriņa, Speaker of the Saeima, on Saturday, 4 May, at the ceremonial sitting of the Saeima in honour of Latvia’s restoration of independence. The Speaker of the Saeima emphasised that, on this festive day, we pay homage to those who, through their thoughts and actions, dared to bring the idea of Latvia to life.
Saeima approves participation of Latvian troops in the EU maritime security operation to protect freedom of navigation in relation to the crisis in the Red Sea
On Thursday, 2 May, the Saeima decided to send troops of the Latvian National Armed Forces (NAF) to participate in the European Union (EU) maritime security operation for the protection of freedom of navigation in connection with the crisis in the Red Sea (EUNAVFOR ASPIDES) until 19 February of the following year.
The Saeima authorises the State to purchase Air Baltic securities
The Minister of Finance will be authorised to purchase new fixed income securities of joint stock company Air Baltic Corporation on behalf of the State. This is provided for by the decision  taken by the Saeima on Thursday, 2 May.
Speaker Mieriņa to participants of the 11th Youth Parliament: Youth participation in politics is very important for Latvia’s future
“I appreciate that you have shown such passionate interest in the developments and political processes taking place in the country. Youth participation is important because you are our future. You will be the ones sitting here at one point, and this historic moment will remind you of your first steps in politics. I hope and believe that you will be the future statesmen and stateswomen," said Daiga Mieriņa, Speaker of the Saeima on Friday, 26 April, addressing the participants of the 11th Youth Parliament.
The Minister of Finance has been authorized to purchase fixed income securities of state capital companies
The Minister of Finance will have the right to purchase fixed income securities of state capital companies, this is provided in amendments to the Law on Budget and Financial Management adopted by the Saeima in the final reading on Thursday, April 25.
Food products’ country of origin to be displayed on price tags
On Thursday, 25 April, in the third a final reading the Saeima adopted amendments to the law aimed to raise consumer awareness, tasking retailers with indicating the country of origin of food products. 
Saeima Speaker invites EU counterparts to attend the Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimea Platform held in Riga this autumn
Addressing her colleagues at the Conference of Speakers of the European Union (EU) Parliaments in Spain, Daiga Mieriņa, Speaker of the Saeima, invited the parliament speakers of EU Member States to attend the third Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimea Platform to take place in Riga in October.
Speaker of the Saeima: Europe must use all its power to safeguard democracy and peace
We live at a time when democratic values are under threat. There is a need for political determination to fight for them. As long as we in Europe do not use our political and economic potential to take care of our own security, we allow the vulnerability that our systemic rivals and the aggressor state are happy to exploit. This was said by the Speaker of the Saeima Daiga Mieriņa, addressing the speakers of parliaments of the European Union (EU) in Spain.
Sestdien, 19.oktobrī