Saeima decides to extend participation of National Armed Forces in NATO Mission Iraq


On Thursday, 20 October, the Saeima decided to extend the participation of the soldiers of the National Armed Forces (NAF) of Latvia in NATO Mission Iraq until 1 November 2024.

NATO Mission Iraq is a non‑combat training and advisory mission. Its main tasks are to provide support and advice to build effective, sustainable, transparent, and comprehensive national defence and security institutions, as well as the civil sector in Iraq. According to the explanatory note of the draft decision, the Mission will contribute to Iraq’s ability to efficiently combat terrorism.

Currently, several hundred military and civil advisors and support staff are participating in the Mission, and Italy has assumed its leadership. At the moment, two members of the NAF participate in the Mission, performing their duties in the Mission Headquarters in Baghdad, whereas, starting from February 2023, the NAF are to return to their original tasks: ensuring the safety of the armed forces engaged in the Mission, focussing on the protection of the base and providing safe transportation for advisors of the Mission in the Mission territory. Additionally, as explained in the explanatory note to the draft decision, a platoon of 30 troops is to be sent to the location of the Mission and integrated into the Danish contingent.

Decisions made by the Saeima enter into force at the time they are taken.


Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 18.septembrī
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