National guardsmen to be enlisted as soldiers on active duty in case of mobilisation


On Thursday, 6 October, the Saeima supported in the third reading amendments to the National Guard of the Republic of Latvia Law that stipulate the enlistment of national guardsmen as soldiers on active duty in case of mobilisation.

The Cabinet of Ministers will be able to decide on the mobilisation of national guardsmen before the declaration of a state-wide special legal regime. The Law also provides for a decision on partial enlistment of national guardsmen for active duty, placing all other guardsmen under an increased preparedness regime.

The Law stipulates an obligation for employers to release the guardsmen to be mobilised from their work duties without the payment of wages. According to the explanatory note of the Draft Law, such regulation is necessary because, following the completion of the mobilisation process, the guardsmen will temporarily become soldiers and receive the established salary.

The amendments also stipulate exceptions regarding the mobilisation and placement of national guardsmen under an increased preparedness regime. The Cabinet of Ministers will be able to decide on applying the exception to other state and municipal institution officials and employees or public and private legal entity officials and employees who are not mentioned in the Law but are involved in carrying out the measures to overcome a national threat or are ensuring the continuity of critical infrastructure or critical financial services.

The amendments stipulate that a guardsman under an increased preparedness regime will have an obligation to be accessible for the National Guard unit via the official electronic address or phone number indicated by him within six hours following the entry into force of the increased preparedness regime. A guardsman will also be obligated to be located in Latvia or, if he is located outside the country, to immediately inform the National Guard unit on the possibilities of return and to act in accordance with further instructions. A penalty of up to 350 euros will be applied to guardsmen for failure to fulfil the increased preparedness regime obligations.

The Law provides that combat readiness inspections can be organised every two years for a period of up to 72 hours. According to the explanatory note of the Draft Law, the inspections are intended to improve the notification procedure, assembly procedure, as well as the procedure of providing the personnel with the necessary equipment.

The maximum age of service in the National Guard has also been increased from 60 to 65 years. Specialist guardsmen, specialist guardsmen instructors, and National Guard officers may continue serving the National Guard after the age of 65, provided that their health and physical fitness meet specific requirements.

The Saeima also supported in the third reading related amendments to the National Security Law and the Mobilisation Law.


Saeima Press Service

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