Gundars Daudze, Deputy Speaker of the Saeima, to visit Moldova


On 8–10 September Gundars Daudze, Deputy Speaker of the Saeima, is on a working visit in Moldova, where, upon the invitation of the parliament of Moldova, he is taking part in the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the independence of Moldova.

The Deputy Speaker of the Saeima will meet with Andrian Candu, Speaker of the parliament of Moldova, to discuss bilateral cooperation between Latvia and Moldova.

As part of the celebrations, Deputy Speaker Daudze will attend the ceremonial laying of flowers and the ceremonial event at the Republic Palace. Addresses will be given at the event by Andrian Candu, Speaker of the parliament of Moldova; Alexandru Tănase, President of the Constitutional Court of Moldova; Stanisław Karczewski, Marshal of the Senate of Poland; Christa Markwalder, President of the National Council of the Federal Assembly of Switzerland, as well as Christine Defraigne, President of the Senate of the Federal Parliament of Belgium.

The Deputy Speaker of the Saeima will also visit the Latvian Embassy and meet with Atis Lots, our first resident ambassador to Moldova. Daudze will also meet with Valery Dragnev, Latvia’s honorary consul, and various Latvian specialists working in Moldova. 

Saeima Press Service

Ceturtdien, 12.decembrī
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