Saeima extends Latvian troops’ participation in the UN mission in Mali


On Thursday, 16 June, the Saeima supported a draft resolution on the participation of the Latvian National Armed Forces troops in the United Nations-led Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in Mali. The parliament extended the Latvian troops’ mission in Mali pursuant to the relevant UN Security Council resolution. The previous term of the mission had been set at 30 June 2016.

It is stated in the summary of the draft resolution that in light of the high priority status of the mission in stabilising Mali and the entire Sahel region, Latvia, as a trustworthy partner within the international coalition, is committed to make its contribution.

Currently the Latvian Armed Forces are represented in the UN mission in Mali by a field officer serving as Information Analyst under the Netherlands-led Information Processing Unit in Bamako. The Latvian Armed Forces have been participating in the mission since February 2016. This is the first instance of the Latvian Armed Forces participating in a UN operation.

The UN-led mission in Mali plays a central role in stabilising the country. By supporting the mission, Latvia helps strengthen the UN presence in Mali and the entire region, thus ensuring peace, furthering the reconciliation process, protecting civilians, promoting human rights, and preventing escalation in the neighbouring countries.

According to the Latvian Armed Forces, Latvian troops are currently participating in the EU counter-piracy operation Atalanta, the EU training mission in Mali, the Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve against the terrorist organisation Daesh in Iraq, the NATO training operation Resolute Support in Afghanistan, and the European Union Naval Force Mediterranean (EUNAVFOR Med) military operation Sophia.



Saeima Press Service

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