Speaker of the Saeima strongly condemns terrorist attacks in Brussels and expresses condolences to the victims and their families


Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima, strongly condemns the terrorist attacks carried out in Brussels on 22 March, expresses her deepest condolences to the families of those killed and wishes quick recovery to those injured in the attacks.

“The explosions at Brussels airport and the metro yet again confirm that our freedoms and values are under attack,” Speaker Mūrniece said, “We must do everything in our power to protect our people.” 

“The tragic events in Brussels remind us that the decisions which the European Union has taken with the aim of strengthening both internal and external security in Europe must be implemented immediately and to the full extent,” the Speaker stated.

Speaker Mūrniece further emphasised that “we must fight radicalisation, including terrorist propaganda on the Internet, and we must clamp down on illegal circulation of weapons and explosives. The competent authorities throughout Europe must closely cooperate and exchange information regarding terrorist threats”.


Saeima Press Service

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