Food products’ country of origin to be displayed on price tags


On Thursday, 25 April, in the third a final reading the Saeima adopted amendments to the law aimed to raise consumer awareness, tasking retailers with indicating the country of origin of food products. 

The origin of the product may be indicated in writing or with a picture of the flag of that country. If the food product is produced in Russia or Belarus, the information is to be provided only in writing. The Cabinet will determine the criteria for identifying the country in which the product is produced, the requirements for drawing up and displaying the country signs. The law also provides for exceptions where the displaying of the country of origin is not mandatory. The new requirements will apply from 1 September.

Failure to indicate the producing country at a food point of sale will be subject to a warning or a fine: for natural persons up to EUR 250, and for legal persons up to EUR 1000.

Members of the Economic, Agricultural, Environmental and Regional Policy Committee responsible for the progress of the draft law in the Saeima previously underlined that the amendments will make it easier to distinguish between local and imported products, identify the producer, as well as reduce the risk of misleading information. Members pointed out that Russian and Belarusian products are still available in some retail outlets.

Until now, it was established that the country of origin should only be indicated for certain groups of foodstuffs, such as meat, fresh fruit and vegetables.

The changes will take effect on the day following their promulgation.


Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 18.septembrī
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