Vehicles registered in Russia will be prohibited from participating in road traffic in Latvia


To enforce the sanctions set by the European Union and reduce security risks, on Thursday, 2 November, the Saeima supported, in the final reading, urgent amendments to the Road Traffic Law. The amendments prohibit Russian vehicles from participating in road traffic if they are not registered in Latvia by the specified deadline.

Vehicles must be registered or moved out of Latvia no later than by 14 February of the next year. If the use of an unregistered Russian vehicle is detected in road traffic in Latvia after this deadline, it will be impounded and confiscated. The confiscated vehicles will be transferred to Ukraine.

Using a vehicle registered in Russia to participate in road traffic in Latvia will only be permitted if the person crosses the territory of Latvia in transit. Transit through Latvia is allowed once and must be done within 24 hours. Before entering Latvia, the person must provide information about the vehicle and its driver using the e-services provided by the Road Traffic Safety Directorate.

Similarly, the unauthorised use of an unregistered Russian vehicle in road traffic in Latvia will be subject to a fine ranging from one hundred and fifty to four hundred fine units.

After the specified deadlines, the use of a Russia-registered vehicle in road traffic in Latvia will be allowed if the vehicle is owned or held by a person who is granted privileges and immunities under international law applicable to Latvia, or by persons who are on a short-term trip, including transit, for the performance of official duties or technical support to a Latvian or foreign diplomatic and consular mission or an international organisation. The person must present documentary evidence of these circumstances.

The amendments will enter into force on 15 November of this year.


Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 18.septembrī
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