Speaker Mieriņa on Vyshyvanka Day: we know from our own history how important it is to safeguard your national culture


“From our own history, the occupation we survived, we know how important it is to maintain your national culture and identity, and also to educate the international community. A nation with its own unique identity is a hallmark of statehood,” Daiga Mieriņa, Speaker of the Saeima, emphasised on Thursday, 16 May, at the opening of the photo exhibition “Symbol of a Nation. The Ukrainian Vyshyvanka” at the Saeima building. The exhibition is dedicated to the day celebrating the national treasure of Ukraine – the embroidered shirt called the vyshyvanka. 

The Speaker of the Saeima highlighted that similarly to our own national costume, the vyshyvanka is not merely a shirt, but an assertion of belonging containing in itself an immense amount of information. Speaker Mieriņa noted that
the exhibition is an excellent addition to the celebration of the 20th anniversary of our accession to the European Union, as all of us in Europe are united by our diversity, and this certainly also includes Ukraine and Ukrainians. 

Anatolii Kutsevol, the Ukrainian ambassador to the Republic of Latvia, emphasised that the vyshyvanka is more than just a national costume for Ukrainians – it is a reflection of the nation’s unity and identity. The ambassador thanked Latvia, and the Saeima, for its unwavering and steadfast support which Ukrainians feel every day, noting that it is of immense importance. 

Viktorija Prituļaka, representative of the local Ukrainian community, spoke about the history of Vyshyvanka Day and the regional features of the embroidered shirt. 

Vyshyvanka Day is celebrated in Ukraine, and nowadays around the world, on the third Thursday of May. The embroidered shirt is a symbol of the national identity, the unity and rich cultural heritage of Ukraine. Today, the embroidered Ukrainian shirt holds a special significance – in Russia’s war of aggression Ukrainians are forced to defend their national authenticity, sacrificing their lives in this fight. The vyshyvanka is not just a piece of clothing: it is a talisman. 

The photo exhibition of the Ukrainian national costume collection of the Ivan Honchar Museum provides an opportunity to see examples of traditional costumes and embroidery of various regions of Ukraine dating back to the late 19th century and early 20th century. Each region has its own embroidery traditions and symbolic ornaments, and each shirt hand-made by artisans is unique and one-of-a-kind. 

In solidarity with the Ukrainian people and to demonstrate support for Ukraine, members of the Saeima had also donned vyshyvankas on Thursday. 

Photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/saeima/albums/72177720317007647
Disclaimer: saeima.lv/en/copyright


Saeima Press Service

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