Speakers of the parliaments of the Baltic States urge the US Congress to not delay aid for Ukraine


“We are counting on Congress to make the right decision and approve the assistance package to Ukraine that it so urgently needs. For the sake of standing up to tyrants and aggressors and for the sake of our collective security. Supporting Ukraine is an investment in our collective secure future,” states an open letter signed by Daiga Mieriņa, Speaker of the Saeima, Lauri Hussari, Speaker of the Riigikogu, and Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, Speaker of the Seimas.

In their letter, the speakers of parliament note that Europe is taking historic steps to strengthen its defence capabilities, but this inevitably takes time – time that Ukraine does not have. That is why US aid is indispensable at this crucial juncture.

“Our joint assistance has helped to stop the aggressor and liberate a large share of previously occupied territories of Ukraine. But the Russia threat continues to be imminent, which is why we welcome the USA’s convincing leadership and dedication to freedom and security in Europe in this joint effort,” the speakers of the parliaments of the Baltic States note, emphasizing that the Baltic Security Initiative is but one such example.

The speakers of parliament highlight that today the world is rapidly moving towards the destruction of the world order, and we feel this more and more every day in Europe as Russia and other malign actors use every and all, including hybrid, tools at their disposal to destabilize us.

“We see it as our responsibility and our task to prevent this descent into chaos and impunity, and therefore our countries are committed to further increasing our support to Ukraine and its defense forces, seeing it as a considerable investment in our individual and collective security. The axis of evil must be defeated, and all perpetrators brought to justice. This will serve as a significant deterrent to further conflicts and will return a sense of control and security to our peoples,” the letter states.


Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 18.septembrī
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