Press releases

On Thursday, 12 February, in the second and final reading, the Saeima adopted amendments to the Criminal Law which envisage criminal liability for illegal participation in an armed conflict abroad, funding an armed conflict, as well as for recruiting, training and deploying for an armed conflict. 
On Job Shadow Day almost 350 youths observe the everyday work of the Saeima during the Latvian Presidency
In order to learn about the everyday work of MPs and staff of the parliament during the Latvian Presidency, on Job Shadow Day, 11 February, almost 350 youths from all over Latvia visited the Saeima as shadows of MPs, ministerial employees, experts and journalists. 
Speaker of the Saeima and President of the European Parliament discuss economic development
On Wednesday, 4 February, when Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima, met with Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament (EP), she emphasised that “attracting public and private investment, creating new jobs, as well as reducing social inequality are essential for Europe’s economic development; they are not only topics for parliamentary discussions but issues that directly affect all Europeans”. She also expressed satisfaction about the long-awaited discussions concerning European Union’s investment plan, or the so-called ”new deal”, within the framework of the EU economic governance conference organised by the Saeima and the EP.
Chairpersons of the Saeima committees emphasise a sustainable approach to solving Europe’s economic problems during a meeting in Brussels
On Wednesday, 4 February, the chairpersons of the Saeima committees who moderated the discussions of a high-level conference on economic and financial governance at the European Parliament emphasised that EU member states and institutions must find sustainable solutions to problems facing the European economy. 
In her keynote address on Wednesday, 4 February, to participants of the conference on economic and financial governance organised jointly by the Saeima and European Parliament (EP) in Brussels, Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima, stressed that the overarching goal of the European Union’s economic policy is the welfare of every member of society. 
On Wednesday, 4 February, the Saeima as the national parliament of the EU presiding country, together with the European Parliament (EP), will hold a conference in Brussels dedicated to topicalities and challenges of the European Economic and Monetary Union. For the fourth time, the Interparliamentary Conference Under Article 13 of the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union will bring together members of national parliaments and the European Parliament, as well as high-level officials from European Union institutions.
Speaker of the Saeima to EU parliamentarians: Europe needs to speak clearly and act decisively
On Tuesday, 2 February, Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima, addressed EU parliamentarians dealing with EU affairs. She emphasised that „history shows that security does not come from separation and building walls, but from continuous engagement. The European Neighbourhood Policy, with its eastern and southern dimensions, is a priority of EU’s external relations, and during the Riga Eastern Partnership Summit, a strong signal should be sent reaffirming long-term EU strategic support for its neighbouring countries”.
At the Saeima EU parliamentarians responsible for EU affairs adopt a joint statement on the situation in Ukraine
On Monday, 2 February, the participants of the Meeting of the Chairpersons of the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union (COSAC) adopted a joint statement on the situation in Ukraine expressing deep concern about the recent escalation of the military conflict in eastern Ukraine.
Otrdien, 2.jūlijā