Representation of the Saeima in the OECD Global Parliamentary Network  

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is a unique forum and globally recognised centre of expertise that enables its member states to effectively address issues of importance in a variety of areas. The mission of the organisation is to design and promote reforms that improve living standards and socio-economic conditions, as well as economic competitiveness. The OECD develops international guidelines and standards to promote sustainable development, inclusive growth, and social justice in OECD member states.

Since Latvia's accession to the OECD on 1 July 2016, contacts between the Saeima and the organisation have been intensified within the OECD Global Parliamentary Network.

The OECD Global Parliamentary Network usually holds biannual meetings at the OECD headquarters in Paris. During the meetings, parliamentarians from OECD member states discuss topical issues of concern to the organisation, with a particular view to good legislative practices to help address these issues.

The representative of the 14th Saeima to the OECD is the Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee Rihards Kols.

In December 2021, Latvia will host a meeting of the OECD Global Parliamentary Network, which will have demographic and social issues at the forefront of its agenda. It will focus on national policies to support families and children.

Latvia's membership in the OECD provides an international quality seal, confirming Latvia's compliance with the highest standards in, among other areas, business, financial transactions, corporate governance, and the fight against corruption in international transactions.

The OECD provides assessments of sectoral policies and reforms, as well as evidence-based recommendations on issues of importance to Latvia: improving the business and investment environment, increasing productivity, reducing inequalities, reforming education, combating tax evasion, fighting corruption, improving the efficiency of Latvia's administration, raising Latvia's competitiveness, and promoting the welfare of its population.

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