
MPs may join together and form groups for promoting cooperation with parliaments of other countries or for expressing some other interests related to their work.

Maintaining contacts with parliaments of other countries is a way of carrying out the state representation function of the Saeima; at the same time, it is one of the most efficient ways to promote cooperation among countries in general. Interparliamentary contacts take place on all levels of the Saeima organisational units.

According to the Rules of Procedure, at least three MPs are needed to form a Saeima group. Groups are not funded, and MPs are not remunerated for their work in groups.

The 13th Saeima have groups for promoting cooperation with parliaments of other countries and other interests.

The 12th Saeima had groups for promoting cooperation with parliaments of other countries and other interests.

The 11th Saeima had groups for promoting cooperation with parliaments of other countries and other interests.

The 10th Saeima had groups for promoting cooperation with parliaments of other countries and other interests. The 9th Saeima had 65 groups; the 8th Saeima had 61 groups; the 7th Saeima had 44 groups; the 6th Saeima 37 had groups; and the 5th Saeima had nine groups.

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Pirmdien, 24.martā