Edmunds Cepurītis: European Union decisions must reflect society's values and principles


“The decisions made within the European Union today are not only about regulating our common market, but also about upholding the core values that underpin the EU. They address ways to strengthen security in Europe and Ukraine and to protect European values from multiple external challenges," said Edmunds Cepurītis, Chair of the Saeima European Affairs Committee, on 20 September at the Saeima, opening the discussion “How can the Saeima become more visible, influential, and strategic regarding European matters?”.

The Chair of the European Affairs Committee emphasised that these decisions should not be made solely by a narrow circle of experts and that it is vital they reflect the values and principles cherished by the entire society.

Edmunds Cepurītis noted that this year marks the 20 anniversary since Latvia's accession to the European Union, a period in which much has been accomplished. This discussion allows to explore new perspectives on enhancing public participation and representation, areas where the Saeima continues to play a key role, underlined the Chair of the European Affairs Committee.

Participants of the discussion “How can the Saeima become more visible, influential, and strategic regarding European matters?” addressed Latvia's priorities within the EU, proactive and strategic engagement, Latvia's interests, and successful decision-making within the EU framework. The event also focused on the work of the European Affairs Committee and ways to improve its effectiveness.

Former Chairs of the Saeima European Affairs Committee, including Lolita Čigāne, Oskars Kastēns, Deputy Chair of the Saeima Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, and Vita Anda-Tērauda, addressed the participants of the discussion. Iveta Kažoka, Director and Senior Policy Analyst at the Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS, and Kristīne Zonberga, Director of the Civic Alliance–Latvia, also took part in the event.

The discussion was organised by the Saeima European Affairs Committee in cooperation with the Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS and the association European Movement–Latvia.


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Saeima Press Service

Svētdien, 20.oktobrī