MPs and staff of the Saeima collect Christmas gifts for children in Ukraine


Coming together for a charity drive, MPs and staff of the Saeima prepared Christmas gifts for children in Ukraine. The charity drive, which ended on Thursday, 17 December, saw members of the Presidium and the Saeima, as well as staff of the parliament gather for the traditional Christmas workshop and decorate gingerbread hearts together with students of the Riga Ukrainian Secondary School and Chef Raimonds Zommers. 

This year the initiative for the charity event, a sign of solidarity with Ukraine, came from the Baltic Assembly. Parliaments of all three Baltic States responded to the invitation.MPs and staff of the Saeima prepared Christmas gifts for 34 children of the Chernigiv Community Work Centre for Children and Youth. Donations included clothing, sports gear and toys. Money donations will be used to install two TV-sets and buy toys for two of the Centre’s playrooms.Today the decorated gingerbread hearts were sent to girls and boys living at the Centre. The glazed hearts were painted with natural food colouring made of beet root, carrots and cocoa.

The Christmas charity event of the Saeima was introduced several years ago. This was the sixth Christmas Workshop organised by the parliament.The creative workshop outside the Main Building of the Saeima was open to everyone who wanted to experience the joy of giving and find the Christmas spirit.The gifts will be delivered to the children in Ukraine in cooperation with the Latvian postal service and Latvia’s Consulate in the Chernigiv Region.

Photos from the event are available at:
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Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 18.decembrī
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