Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima: Latvia will continue supporting Moldova’s aspirations for closer integration with the European Union


On Friday, 6 November, Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima, received Andrian Candu, President of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, in the Saeima. “Moldova and Latvia are engaged in active political dialogue and practical cooperation. Latvia will continue supporting Moldova’s European integration efforts.”

Speaker Mūrniece emphasised that Latvia as a member of the EU has always endorsed Moldova’s interests. She also pointed out that Eastern Partnership countries, including Moldova, must continue reforms as part of the European integration process.

Ināra Mūrniece confirmed that members of the Saeima European Affairs Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee are ready to visit Moldova and meet with fellow parliamentarians to share with them the reform experience. Mr. Candu thanked the Latvian side and expressed the readiness to host the meeting between the parliamentarians of the Saeima and Moldova.

Speakers also discussed the Russian propaganda and its pressure on both countries.  Ināra Mūrniece and Mr. Candu also covered Moldova’s domestic policy.

In conclusion of the meeting Speaker Mūrniece wished Mr. Candu a pleasant stay in Latvia and successful participation in the Riga Conference.

Meeting was also attended by Ojārs Ēriks Kalniņš, Chair of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee.

Photos from the meeting are available at:
Video from the meeting is available at:
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Saeima Press Service

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