Āboltiņa: Turkmenistan is a promising partner for economic cooperation in Central Asia


Turkmenistan is a promising partner for our country in Central Asia, and all the necessary prerequisites exist in order to develop closer economic cooperation, emphasised Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, on Tuesday, 11 September, when meeting with the President of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov, in the main building of the Saeima.

The Speaker of the Saeima said that this visit, a first visit to Latvia by a President of Turkmenistan, will strengthen the bilateral relations between the two countries. Latvia and Turkmenistan have the opportunity to broaden economic cooperation and contacts between legislatures, and the group for interparliamentary relations with Turkmenistan, which has been established in the Saeima, is open to sharing experience, Āboltiņa said.

The Speaker of the Saeima remarked that an important prerequisite for the development of economic relations is the elaboration of the legal framework, and thus she was gratified by the signing of a convention for avoidance of double taxation and tax evasion.

When discussing economic cooperation, Āboltiņa cited transportation, transit and ports as the most promising sectors, and she invited entrepreneurs from Turkmenistan to employ European-level logistics and distribution services both for exports to and imports from the European Union.

Both parties agreed that the first meeting of the Latvia–Turkmenistan Intergovernmental Commission, which just took place and discussed issues on economic, industrial and technological cooperation, is of crucial importance in strengthening economic relations.

During the meeting, opportunities to intensify cooperation in the higher education sector were also discussed.

The President of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov, is officially visiting Latvia on 11 and 12 September of this year.

Photos from the meeting are available at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/saeima/sets/72157631510948747/
Video from the meeting is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RZlDrwedVU&feature=plcp
When using the material, please give credit to the Saeima Chancellery.

Saeima Press Service

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