Speaker Mūrniece in Tokyo: domestic violence is a social problem that needs to be addressed


Domestic violence is a problem that erodes our society like a cancer. It is not just a family matter, it is an issue for the whole of society, and countries must do everything possible to achieve zero tolerance towards gender-based violence, emphasised Speaker Ināra Mūrniece, while addressing the participants of the Women Political Leaders Global Summit in Tokyo on Wednesday, June 26.

To fight violence, we have improved the legal framework and coordination between competent authorities to ensure women are fully protected against violence and have access to justice. To be able to examine these cases, we also need better-trained judges. We have improved the quality of state-funded social rehabilitation services for victims of violence, but a lot remains to be done, admitted Speaker Mūrniece.

The Speaker pointed out that women comprise one third of all members of parliament in the new Saeima, and noted the high proportion of women in local governments, delegations to international organisations and diplomatic staff of Latvia.

However, I. Mūrniece emphasised that society is more demanding towards women politicians than their male counterparts. "Women who have managed to enter politics are very capable, because society expects much more from them. We cannot deny that sometimes women are still assessed based not only on their professional qualities, but also their looks and how good they are as mothers," said the Speaker.

A recent report by the World Bank named Latvia as one of six countries which give women and men full legal equality in areas such as employment and entrepreneurship, added Speaker Mūrniece. "I believe there is a strong link between women’s participation and democracy," said the Speaker, emphasising that a lot can be achieved using the legislative procedure, which is largely based on gender equality principles.

Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima, Inese Lībiņa-Egnere, Deputy Speaker of the Saeima, and Anda Čakša, Deputy Chair of the Social and Employment Matters Committee of the Saeima, are visiting Japan to participate in the Women Political Leaders Global Summit and to meet with Members of the Parliament and government representatives of Japan.


Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/saeima/albums/72157709243089246
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Saeima Press Service

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