Press releases

State Fire and Rescue Service information to be communicated to the public by electronic communications service providers
On Thursday, 17 September, the Saeima adopted in the final reading urgent amendments to the Electronic Communications Law, stipulating that providers of electronic communications services shall communicate information provided by the State Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) to the public.
The Saeima supports the participation of Latvian troops in the NATO mission in Iraq and the EU military operation in the Mediterranean
On Thursday, 17 September, the Saeima adopted a decision on the participation of the National Armed Forces (NAF) troops in the NATO mission in Iraq until 1 November 2022. The Saeima also adopted a decision on the participation of the NAF troops in the European Union (EU) military operation in the Mediterranean.
Baltic and Nordic parliamentarians express firm support to the Belarusian people on their path towards a pluralistic democracy
On Friday, 4 September, the parliamentary delegations of Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Finland, and Sweden (NB8) to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted a joint statement on the situation in Belarus after the presidential election, expressing firm support to the Belarusian people on their path towards a pluralistic democracy.
Saeima supports the participation of Latvian troops in the international mission in Kosovo
On Thursday, 3 September, the Saeima adopted a decision on the participation of the troops of the National Armed Forces (NAF) in the international mission in Kosovo (KFOR), lead by the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), until 31 December 2023.
The Saeima adopts Statement on the presidential election in Belarus
On Tuesday, 18 August, the Saeima adopted a Statement on the presidential election in Belarus, urging to hold a new presidential election in line with internationally recognised standards, while providing the opposition with equal access to all state-controlled mass media and allowing the opposition to participate in the election on equal footing.
Latvian and Lithuanian speakers discuss joint response to the situation in Belarus
On Friday, 14 August, during a working visit to Panevėžys, Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima, met with Viktoras Pranckietis, Speaker of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, to discuss coordinated joint actions of Latvia and Lithuania in response to the situation in Belarus following the presidential election.
Latvian delegation to PACE: The Belarusian presidential election cannot be considered an expression of the people’s free will
The campaign for the election of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the voting on August 9, 2020, and the counting of votes do not meet international electoral standards. They were conducted with mass violations of the rights and freedoms of citizens and do not reflect the free will of the Belarusian people, pointed out Inese Lībiņa-Egnere, Head of the Latvian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on behalf of the delegation and other member states of the Baltic+ Group.
The Human Rights Committee of the Saeima urges Belarus to discontinue violations of human rights
On Friday, 14 August, the Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee of the Saeima sent a letter to H.E. Vasily Markovich, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Latvia. In the letter, the Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee of the Saeima urges the Republic of Belarus to immediately discontinue and prevent violations of human rights, and to adhere to the Constitution.
Ināra Mūrniece: the Latvian-Russian Peace Treaty irreversibly established Latvia’s place in the European geopolitical area
The Latvian-Russian Peace Treaty, signed a century ago on 11 August, marked a turning point in the relationship between the two countries, irreversibly establishing Latvia’s place in the European geopolitical area, emphasised Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima, in her address at the event held in Riga Castle commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Latvian-Russian Peace Treaty.
Parliamentarians of the Baltic States and Poland in a joint statement express unwavering support for the Belarusian people and their national sovereignty
“In light of the current situation in Belarus, we reaffirm our unwavering support for the well-being and national sovereignty of the Belarusian people. We urge to engage in an open dialogue with the society on the long-awaited changes that the people of Belarus hold desirable and necessary,” stressed the Chairs of the Foreign Affairs Committees of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland in their joint statement on Tuesday, 11 August following the Belarusian presidential election.
Sestdien, 28.septembrī