Press releases

Vehicle Operation Tax for goods vehicles to depend on carbon dioxide emissions; tax on company vehicles to increase
On Monday, 30 November, the Saeima adopted in the final reading amendments to the Law on the Vehicle Operation Tax and Company Car Tax, which propose calculating the tax for goods vehicles according to the amount of carbon dioxide generated by the engine of the vehicle. The amendments are introduced as a part of the legislative package related to the state budget for 2021.
Lower social insurance contributions and a minimum amount of mandatory contributions to be introduced from 2021
On Friday, 27 November, the Saeima adopted in the final reading amendments to the Law On State Social Insurance, stipulating that social contributions will decrease by one percentage point and a minimum amount of mandatory contributions will be set for people whose income is lower than the minimum wage in the country, both for the general tax arrangement and other arrangements. The amendments are introduced as a part of the legislative package related to the State Budget for 2021. 
Micro-enterprise tax to apply only to micro-enterprise owners
On Thursday, 26 November, the Saeima adopted in the final reading amendments to the Micro-enterprise Tax Law, introducing changes to the micro-enterprise tax (MET) application procedure. The amendments are introduced as a part of the legislative package related to the state budget for 2021.     
Persons with disabilities to gain improved access to assistance
On Monday, 23 November, the Saeima adopted in the final reading amendments to the Disability Law to improve access to assistant services for persons with disabilities, including children with severe functional limitations.
Speaker of the Saeima: We are creative, we know how to change for the better, we have our place in the sun
We live in a country with strong public safety, scenic nature, and healthy food. We can successfully accomplish work that has never been done before and come up with innovative solutions. We are creative, we strive for excellence, and we know how to change for the better. We have our freedom, and we have our own country.  We have our place in the sun, said Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima, at the ceremonial sitting of the Saeima in honour of the 102nd anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia held on Wednesday, 18 November.
Saeima approves government decision on declaring state of emergency due to the rapid spread of COVID-19
At an extraordinary sitting on Tuesday, 10 November, the Saeima reviewed and approved the government Decision on declaring a state of emergency due to the rapid spread of COVID-19 and the increasing risk of overloading the healthcare system. 
Ināra Mūrniece: economic recovery will require dedicated efforts of the entire Baltic region
“It is important to start thinking about the means of overcoming the crisis caused by the pandemic. Economic recovery will require dedicated efforts, including those of the entire Baltic region,” said Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima, on Friday, 6 November, in her remote opening address to participants of the digital 39th session of the Baltic Assembly (BA).
Baltic parliamentarians: the priority for 2021 is to promote economic and social stability
On Friday, 6 November, parliamentarians from Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania took part in the digital 39th session of the Baltic Assembly (BA) and agreed on the cooperation priorities for 2021, emphasising the promotion of economic and social stability in the Baltic States as a matter of first concern.
Speaker of the Saeima: the budget of 2021 is for keeping promises
Next year's budget is that of kept promises, and it is vital that the budget will honour the promises given to the public about increasing the salaries of medical and teaching staff. It is also important that the government has been able to find funding to raise the guaranteed minimum income, as well as to boost other valuable areas, which includes funds to continue the housing program, stressed Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima, on Wednesday, October 14, upon receiving the traditional portfolio containing next year's draft state budget and the accompanying package of draft laws from Jānis Reirs, Minister of Finance.
Piektdien, 27.septembrī
09:00  Baltijas Asamblejas Balvu Literatūrā, mākslā un zinātnē Apvienotās žūrijas sēde
10:00  Cilvēktiesību un sabiedrisko lietu komisijas Latgales apakškomisijas sēde
10:00  Atvērto durvju diena Saeimā