Press releases

Political parties represented in the 11th Saeima sign agreement on preparation and implementation of Latvia’s presidency of the Council of the EU
Taking into consideration that Latvia’s presidency of the Council of the European Union in the beginning of 2015 will be of national importance and that it will involve not only the government but also cooperation between the legislature and the executive power, on Thursday, 19 December, the political parties represented in the 11th Saeima signed an agreement on the preparation and implementation of Latvia’s presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Solvita Āboltiņa meets with Pope Francis in the Vatican
On Wednesday, 18 December, Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, had an audience with His Holiness Pope Francis.
On Monday, 16 December, in the framework of her official visit to Italy, Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, met with Laura Boldrini, President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian parliament, and proposed that both parliaments draft an agreement on cooperation within the framework of the trio presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU). The trio presidency consisting of Italy, Latvia and Luxembourg will last from mid-2014 until the end of 2015. 
Solvita Āboltiņa urges President of Italian Senate to improve economic cooperation between Latvia and Italy
Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, during her official visit to Italy, met with Pietro Grasso, President of the Senate, whom she urged to deepen the economic cooperation between Latvia and Italy. Āboltiņa noted that Latvia is acceding to the euro area on 1 January 2014, which clearly attests to the country’s macroeconomic stability and its movement towards sustainable development. 
European Affairs Committee shows unanimous support for Ukraine’s European aspirations
The European Affairs Committee of the Saeima deplores the decision of Ukrainian authorities not to sign the Association Agreement with the European Union at the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius. This was said in the statement on the situation in Ukraine adopted by the Committee unanimously on Friday, 13 December. In the statement, members of the Committee emphasise that Latvia as a full-fledged member state of the UN, OSCE, Council of Europe, EU and NATO that upholds the values of democracy cannot condone the actions of the Ukrainian authorities – breaking into the offices of the parliamentary opposition party – which can be viewed as a threat to parliamentarism.
Ojārs Ēriks Kalniņš: The situation in Ukraine has escalated into a setback for the nation; it can only be resolved through talks
On Thursday, 12 December, Ojārs Ēriks Kalniņš, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Saeima, issued a statement on the situation in Ukraine.
Speaker expresses condolences on the passing of Nelson Mandela
On behalf of the Latvian parliament, Speaker Solvita Āboltiņa has sent a letter to Max Sisulu, Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of South Africa, expressing condolences on the passing of Nelson Mandela.
Saeima amends conditions for issuing residence permits to foreigners who invest in Latvian companies
On Thursday, 5 December, the Saeima in the final reading supported amendments to the Immigration Law that introduce changes in conditions regarding issuance of temporary residence permits for foreigners who invest money in Latvian companies.
Saeima amends the Law envisaging social benefits of former Presidents of Latvia
On Thursday, 5 December, the Saeima adopted in the third and final reading amendments to the Law on Ensuring Activity of the President of Latvia, which envisage changes in the amount of social benefits provided to former Presidents of Latvia.
Saeima loses to State Police in a friendly hockey match
On Tuesday, 3 December, the Saeima’s hockey team lost 5-6 to the State Police team in a tense and dynamic friendly match.
Piektdien, 27.septembrī
09:00  Baltijas Asamblejas Balvu Literatūrā, mākslā un zinātnē Apvienotās žūrijas sēde
10:00  Cilvēktiesību un sabiedrisko lietu komisijas Latgales apakškomisijas sēde
10:00  Atvērto durvju diena Saeimā