Press releases

On Thursday, 31 May, the Parliament of Latvia (Saeima) in the second and final reading adopted the draft law whereby Latvia ratifies the so-called EU Fiscal Compact. The Compact was ratified with 67 MPs voting for, 29 voting against, and one abstaining.
Āboltiņa: Excellent relations between Latvia and Poland help to solve EU and regional development issues
On Wednesday, 30 May, Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, met with Ewa Kopacz, Marshal of the Polish Sejm. The Speaker stressed that excellent bilateral relations between Latvia and Poland and their close cooperation help both countries to jointly defend their vital interests at the EU level, including access to cohesion and agricultural funding, as well as to solve regional development issues.
Āboltiņa meets with Saakashvili and confirms Latvia’s support for Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic integration
On Tuesday, 29 May, Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, held a meeting with Mikheil Saakashvili, President of Georgia, during which she stressed that Latvia is Georgia’s trustworthy ally in its quest for integration into NATO and the European Union.
Ewa Kopacz, Marshal of the Polish Sejm, along with a delegation of Polish parliamentarians, will visit Latvia on 30 and 31 May upon the invitation of Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima.
During the subsidiarity check, the European Affairs Committee of the Saeima concluded that EU’s proposal for regulation regarding the exercise of the right to take collective action within the context of the freedom to provide services violates the principle of subsidiarity. On Tuesday, 22 May, the European Affairs Committee sent its reasoned opinion to the European Commission indicating that by adopting the regulation its aim will not be attained, and therefore the proposal for this legislative act should not be supported.
On Thursday, 10 May, the Saeima unanimously approved a concept of national defence that focuses on a radical paradigm shift whereby Latvia is transformed from a security consumer into a security provider within NATO.
Solvita Āboltiņa: EU Presidency is Latvia’s opportunity to set the EU agenda
Latvia’s Presidency of the European Union (EU) in 2015 is our country’s opportunity to be noticed and to promote our interests in setting the EU agenda. Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, emphasised this on Wednesday, 9 May, at the presentation in the Saeima of the publication “Latvia’s Interests in the European Union”, which is dedicated to the opportunities of small countries to be heard and to affect decisions at the EU level.
On Wednesday, 9 May, the members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Saeima supported the proposal that the draft law with which Latvia is to ratify the so-called Fiscal Compact of the European Union (EU) be reviewed in the first reading. The Committee also came to an agreement that the ratification process shall require a two-thirds majority.
Foreign Affairs Committee: Riga 2014 will be a splendid opportunity to advertise Latvia
On Wednesday, 2 May, members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Saeima, while meeting with representatives from the Riga 2014 foundation, stressed that when Riga becomes the European capital of culture in 2014, it will be a great opportunity for all of Latvia that our country should take maximum advantage of in order to raise the visibility of Latvia and to attract tourists; moreover, the extensive cultural programme will offer a good preview before Latvia assumes the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) scheduled for the first half of 2015.
Solvita Āboltiņa: The millstone of freedom is the most precious, albeit the heaviest burden
“The millstone of freedom has to be carried day by day throughout one’s lifetime, for it is the most precious, albeit the heaviest burden. Since 4 May 1990, each patriot, each and every one of us, has to keep on carrying it. You cannot cast off your freedom; you cannot collapse under its weight or complain about how heavy it is,” said Speaker Āboltiņa in her address at the ceremonial sitting of the Saeima on 4 May.
Sestdien, 28.septembrī