Press releases

A total of 2,399 visitors tour the main building of the Saeima on 21 August
On 21 August, when the 20th anniversary of the de facto restoration of Latvia’s independence was celebrated, the Saeima opened its doors to visitors, and 2,399 persons took advantage of the opportunity to see the main building of the Saeima, its interior, the Plenary Chamber, representation rooms and exhibitions devoted to the anniversary.
Āboltiņa: 21 August 1991 marked Latvia’s complete return to the family of Western states
 On Sunday, 21 August, at the opening of the ceremonial concert that was devoted to the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitutional Law On the Statehood of the Republic of Latvia and that was held at the Latvian National Theatre, Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, emphasized that with the historic decision which restored Latvia’s independence Latvia 20 years ago, Latvia once again became an internationally recognised state and returned to its historical place – the family of Western democratic states. 
Speakers of parliaments and former Supreme Council members plant trees in Jēkaba Square to commemorate 21 August
On 21 August, the 20th anniversary of the de facto restoration of independence of Latvia, the speakers of the Baltic and Nordic countries’ parliaments, along with members of the Supreme Council who voted in favour of restoring Latvia’s independence twenty years ago, were planting new trees in Jēkaba Square by the main Saeima building.
Ecumenical service and ceremonial laying of flowers in honour of the anniversary of the restoration of Latvia’s independence
Commemorative events dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the restoration of Latvia’s independence on 21 August 1991 began today with an ecumenical service in the Dome Church and the ceremonial laying of flowers at the Freedom Monument.
Speakers of parliaments and former Supreme Council members to plant trees in Jēkaba Square to commemorate 21 August
On 21 August, the 20th anniversary of the de facto restoration of independence of Latvia, the speakers of the Baltic and Nordic countries’ parliaments, along with members of the Supreme Council who voted in favour of restoring Latvia’s independence twenty years ago, will plant new trees in Jēkaba Square by the main Saeima building.
On 21 August 2011, at 15:00 a classical music concert organised by the Saeima and devoted to the anniversary of restoration of Latvia’s independence will begin at the Latvian National Theatre.
Participants of the 21 August logo contest invited to visit the Saeima
On Friday, 12 August children and young people who participated in the logo contest for the celebrations of 21 August will visit the Saeima.
On 21 August, several events will be held to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the de facto restoration of the independence of our state.
On Sunday, 6 August, Speaker Solvita Āboltiņa sent a letter of condolence to John Boehner, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, in relation to the helicopter crash in Afghanistan that took the lives of 38 persons, mainly the troops of the U.S. special forces.
On Thursday, 4 August, the Saeima adopted in the final reading amendments to several laws aimed at improving the protection of a child’s interests by facilitating a speedy return to his or her place of permanent residence after the child has been illegally relocated and by improving the execution of decisions taken in relevant cases in Latvia.
Piektdien, 27.septembrī
09:00  Baltijas Asamblejas Balvu Literatūrā, mākslā un zinātnē Apvienotās žūrijas sēde
10:00  Cilvēktiesību un sabiedrisko lietu komisijas Latgales apakškomisijas sēde
10:00  Atvērto durvju diena Saeimā