Press releases

Saeima simplifies coordination of high-voltage network rebuilding with landowners
On Thursday, 21 March, the Saeima in the third and final reading adopted amendments to the Energy Law aimed to facilitate the installation of high-voltage external engineering networks, by simplifying procedures to coordinate the rebuilding with the owners of the affected land.
Local government officials required special permit for accessing official secret
Senior officials of local governments will have to receive a special permit for access to official secret. This is foreseen by the amendments to the Law "On Official Secret" and changes to the Local Government Law supported in the final reading by the Saeima on Thursday, 21 March. Changes in laws have been initiated by the President of Latvia.
The sanctioned persons who own real estate in Latvia will no longer receive real estate tax relief, including in free ports and special economic zones, as of 1 July this year. This is established by amendments to the law On Immovable Property Tax, adopted by the Saeima in the final reading on Thursday, 21 March.
Speakers of Latvia and Ukraine to co-host the Parliamentary Summit of International Crimea Platform in Riga
The third Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimea Platform will convene in Riga this October and will be co-hosted by Speaker of the Saeima of Latvia Daiga Mieriņa and Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk.
Saeima categorically condemns the holding of Russian presidential elections in occupied and annexed territories of Ukraine
In light of the Russian presidential elections set to take place this weekend, on Thursday, 14 March, the Saeima adopted a Statement categorically condemning the holding of the elections in the temporarily occupied and illegally annexed territories of Ukraine. According to Members of the Saeima, such actions carried out by Russia within the internationally recognised borders of Ukraine are illegal, and the results of the elections will not be recognised.
Saeima adopts amendments to improve animal welfare and traceability
On Thursday, 14 March, the Saeima adopted in the third and final reading amendments to the Animal Protection Law with the aim of improving animal welfare. The new requirements concern the keeping, breeding, and surrendering of pets. In addition, the amendments facilitate animal traceability.
New model for doctoral studies; students to receive remuneration
On Thursday, 14 March, the Saeima adopted amendments to the Law on Higher Education Institutions, establishing a new model for doctoral studies, changing the funding procedure, introducing remuneration for doctoral students for the duration of their studies, and creating a unified doctoral degree conferral procedure.
Reducing administrative burden for innovative entrepreneurship and priority projects
In order to promote export-oriented investments and to provide an environment for the development of new products, technologies and services, the Saeima supported the urgent draft law on support for innovative business and priority projects on Thursday, 14 March, in the second – final – reading.
Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica: support for Ukraine is the fight for the rule of law and justice
“The feeling of impunity leads to new crimes. Justice must be ensured and all perpetrators brought to justice. Justice can only be ensured by the victory of Ukraine," said Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, Deputy Speaker of the Saeima, Head of the Latvian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, on Thursday, 7 March, at the meeting of the Assembly’s Standing Committee, which takes place this time in the French Senate, Paris. The Committee’s debate was dedicated to two years since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. 
Speaker Mieriņa to Zimbabwean Speaker: Together, we must stand up for compliance with international law
“It is essential for the international community to strongly insist on respect for international law in relations between states. Russia’s war in Ukraine affects the global economy and threatens the global democratic order,” emphasised Daiga Mieriņa, Speaker of the Saeima, on Wednesday 6 March, meeting in the Latvian parliament with Jacob Francis Nzwidamilimo Mudenda, Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Zimbabwe. This is a regional visit of the Zimbabwean Speaker who is visiting also Lithuania, Finland, and Sweden.
Piektdien, 27.septembrī
09:00  Baltijas Asamblejas Balvu Literatūrā, mākslā un zinātnē Apvienotās žūrijas sēde
10:00  Cilvēktiesību un sabiedrisko lietu komisijas Latgales apakškomisijas sēde
10:00  Atvērto durvju diena Saeimā