Par 1972.gada Starptautisko konvenciju par drošiem konteineriem un tās
1993.gada grozījumiem
1.pants. 1972.gada Starptautiskā konvencija par drošiem konteineriem (turpmāk - Konvencija) un tās 1993.gada grozījumi (turpmāk - Grozījumi) ar šo likumu tiek pieņemti un apstiprināti.
2.pants. Likums stājas spēkā tā izsludināšanas dienā. Līdz ar likumu ir izsludināma Konvencija un Grozījumi angļu valodā un to tulkojums latviešu valodā.
3.pants. Satiksmes ministrija koordinē Konvencijā paredzēto saistību izpildi.
4.pants. Konvencija stājas spēkā tās VIII pantā un Grozījumi Konvencijas IX pantā noteiktajā laikā un kārtībā, un Ārlietu ministrija par to paziņo laikrakstā "Latvijas Vēstnesis".
1972. gada Starptautiskā konvencija par drošiem konteineriem
Piezīme: Šis teksts ietver oriģinālo tekstu, kas pārveidots ar šādiem grozījumiem:
Spēkā stāšanās datums
- 1981. gada grozījumi (I pielikums), kurus
pieņēmusi MSC (Kuģošanas drošības komiteja) 01.12. 1981
- 1983. gada grozījumi (I un II pielikums), kurus
pieņēmusi MSC 01.01.1984
pieņemti ar MSC rezolūciju 20(59) 01.01. 1993
atzīstot nepieciešamību saglabāt cilvēka dzīvības drošības augsto pakāpi kraušanas operācijās, iekraušanā un pārvadāšanā,
rūpējoties par nepieciešamību sekmēt starptautisko konteineru pārvadāšanu,
atzīstot, šajā kontekstā, vispārējo starptautisko drošības standartu formalizēšanas priekšrocības,
apsverot, ka šo mērķi vislabāk var īstenot parakstot Konvenciju,
ir nolēmušas formalizēt struktūras prasības, lai nodrošinātu drošību kraušanas operācijās, novietošanā krautnē un pārvadāšanā, un šim nolūkam
ir vienojušās:
I. pants. Vispārējie pienākumi saskaņā ar šo Konvenciju
Dalībvalstis apņemas pildīt Konvencijas un tās Pielikumu nosacījumus, kas ir šīs Konvencijas neatņemama sastāvdaļa.
II. pants. Definīcijas
Šajā Konvencijā, ja vien īpaši nav paredzēts citādi:
Termins konteiners neietver ne satiksmes līdzekļus, ne iepakojumu, tomēr, ja konteineri tiek pārvadāti uz šasijām, tie terminā tiek ietverti.
IV pants. Testēšana, apskate, apstiprināšana un ekspluatēšana
V pants. Atbilstības apstiprināšana
VI pants Pārbaude
VII pants. Parakstīšana, ratificēšana, akceptēšana, apstiprināšana un pievienošanās
VIII Stāšanās spēkā
IX pants. Procedūra par šās Konvencijas atsevišķas daļas vai daļu grozīšanu
Pēc Dalībvalsts, kuru atbalsta vismaz viena trešdaļa Dalībvalstu, pieprasījuma, Ģenerālsekretārs sasauc konferenci, uz kuru tiek uzaicinātas VII panta minētās valstis.
X pants. Īpaša procedūra Pielikumu grozīšanai
XI pants. Denonsēšana
XII pants. Darbības pārtraukšana
Šī Konvencija zaudē spēku, ja Dalībvalstu skaits divpadsmit secīgu mēnešu laikā ir mazāks par pieci.
XIII pants. Strīdu izšķiršana
XIV Atrunas
I-VI pantu, XIII pantu, uz šo pantu un Pielikumiem, ir pieļaujamas, ar noteikumu, ka šādas atrunas tiek iesniegtas rakstveidā un, ja tās paziņotas pirms instrumenta ratificēšanas, akceptēšanas, apstiprināšanas vai pievienošanās, tās jāietver šajā instrumentā. Ģenerālsekretārs paziņo par šādām atrunām visām valstīm, kādas minētas VII pantā.
XV pants. Paziņošana
Papildus IX, X un XIV pantā noteiktajiem paziņojumiem, Ģenerālsekretārs informē visas valstis, kuras minētas VII pantā, par:
XVI. pants. Autentiski teksti
Šīs Konvencijas oriģinālu, kura ir angļu, franču, krievu, ķīniešu un spāņu teksti ir vienlīdz autentiski, deponē Ģenerālsekretāram, kurš tā apstiprinātās kopijas nosūta visām VII pantā minētajām valstīm.
To apliecinot, apakšā parakstījusies, šim nolūkam pienācīgi pilnvaroti pārstāvji ir parakstījuši šo Konvenciju.
Parakstīta Ženēvā tūkstoš deviņi simti septiņdesmit otrā gada otrajā decembrī.
(b) Uz katra konteinera visi uz konteinera izdarītie kravnesības marķējumi, ir saskaņā ar informāciju par kravnesību uz Drošības atbilstības plāksnītes.
(c) Konteinera īpašnieks Drošības atbilstības plāksnīti no konteinera noņem gadījumos, ja:
Valsts, kura veikusi novērtēšanu un novērtēšanas atsauce
Izgatavošanas datums (mēnesis un gads)
Izgatavotāja piešķirtais konteinera reģistrācijas numurs vai gadījumā, ja konteiners jau eksistē, bet kuram nav šāda numura, numurs, kādu piešķir Administrācija
Kravnesība ( kilogramos un mārciņās)
Pieļaujamais novietošanas augstums pie 1,9 g (kilogramos un mārciņās)
Konteinera izturības pārbaude atkarībā no kravas
izvietojuma (kilogramos un mārciņās)
(b) Uz plāksnītes tiek rezervēta brīva vieta, lai ierakstītu gala sienas vai sānu sienas izturības pakāpi (faktoru) saskaņā ar šo noteikumu 3. pantu un II Pielikumu, 6. un 7. pārbaudi. Brīva vieta uz plāksnītes līdzīgi tiek rezervēta, lai atspoguļotu pirmo un sekojošos ekspluatācijas pārbaudes datumus (mēnesi un gadu).
(b) Datumu (mēnesis un gads), kurā konteiners ir izturējis savu pirmo pārbaudi, atzīmē Drošības atbilstības plāksnītē.
(c) Datumu (mēnesis un gads), kurā konteineru atkārtoti pārbauda, skaidri atzīmē uz konteinera vai pēc iespējas tuvāk Drošības atbilstības plāksnītei un ar metodēm, kādas pieņemamas tai Dalībvalstij, kura parakstījusi vai apstiprinājusi īpašo ekspluatācijas procedūru.
(d) Laika posms no izgatavošanas datuma līdz pirmajam pārbaudes datumam nepārsniedz piecus gadus.
(b) Lai norādītu, ka konteiners tiek ekspluatēts saskaņā ar pastāvīgu konteineru drošības pārbaudes programmu, burtu atzīme ACEP un Dalībvalsts pazīšanās zīmes, kura ir piešķīrusi apstiprinājumu programmai, tiek atspoguļotas uz konteinera vai pēc iespējas tuvāk Drošības atbilstības plāksnītei.
(c) Visas pārbaudes, kas veicamas saskaņā ar šādu programmu, nosaka vai konteineram ir vai nav trūkumi, kas varētu radīt draudus kādai no personām. Tās ir veicamas saistībā ar nozīmīgu remontu, atjaunošanu vai kuģu izīrēšanas gadījumā tos saņemot un atgriežot un nekādā gadījumā ne mazāk, kā reizi 30 mēnešos.
4. Šajos noteikumos ar iesaistīto Dalībvalsti saprot Dalībvalsts teritoriju, kurā atrodas īpašnieka pastāvīgā dzīvesvieta vai birojs. Tomēr gadījumā, ja īpašnieka pastāvīgā dzīvesvieta vai birojs atrodas valstī, kuras valdība vēl nav vienojusies par pārbaudes plāna parakstīšanu vai apstiprināšanu un līdz laikam, kamēr šāda vienošanās tiek panākta, īpašnieks var pielietot procedūru, kuru parakstījusi vai apstiprinājusi Dalībvalsts Administrācija, kura ir gatava darbojas kā iesaistītā Dalībvalsts. Īpašniekam jāpiekrīt šādas procedūras pielietošanai nosacījumiem, ko šajā jautājumā noteikusi Administrācija.
Lai saņemtu Drošības atbilstības apstiprinājumu saskaņā ar šo Konvenciju, visiem jaunajiem konteineriem jāatbilst II Pielikumā noteiktajām prasībām.
Konteineram, attiecībā uz kuru ir iesniegts pieprasījums atbilstības apstiprinājumam, Administrācija pārbauda prototipa konteineru konstrukciju, lai pārliecinātos, ka konteineri atbilst II Pielikumā noteiktajām prasībām. Ja atbilst, Administrācija paziņo pretendentam rakstiskā veidā, ka konteiners atbilst šīs Konvencijas prasībām un šis paziņojums dod tiesības izgatavotājam piestiprināt Drošības atbilstības plāksnīti katram šādas sērijas konteineram.
jāietver izgatavotāja piešķirtie reģistrācijas numuri, piegādāšanas datumi un pircēju, kuriem konteineri ir piegādāti, vārdi un adreses.
4. Administrācija var piešķirt apstiprinājumu konteineriem, kas izgatavoti, pārveidojot apstiprināto konstrukcijas veidu, ja Administrācija ir pārliecināta, ka modifikācijas neietekmē pārbaudes pamatotību, kas veikta, lai apstiprinātu konstrukcijas veidu.
5. Administrācija nepiešķir izgatavotājiestādei tiesības piestiprināt Drošības atbilstības plāksnīti, pamatojoties uz apstiprināto konstrukcijas veidu, ja vien tā nav pārliecināta, ka izgatavotājs ir veicis konteineru ražošanas procesa iekšējo kontroli, lai nodrošinātu, ka izgatavotie konteineri atbilst apstiprinātajam prototipam.
Lai nodrošinātu, ka tās pašas sērijas konteineri ir izgatavoti saskaņā ar apstiprināto konstrukciju, Administrācija var apskatīt un pārbaudīt tik vienību, cik tā uzskata par nepieciešamu jebkurā attie cīgās sērijas veida izgatavošanas posmā.
Izgatavotājs, pirms uzsāk ražot produkciju, paziņo Administrācijai par katru jaunu konteineru sēriju, kas ražojama saskaņā ar apstiprināto konstrukcijas veidu.
Apstiprinājumu individuāliem konteineriem var piešķirt, ja Administrācija pēc pārbaudes un testēšanas ir pārliecināta, ka konteiners atbilst šīs konvencijas prasībām, ja tā ir pārliecināta, tā rakstveidā paziņo pretendentam par apstiprinājumu un šis paziņojums dod tiesības tam piestiprināt Drošības atbilstības plāksnīti.
d) (i) pierādījumus, ka šāda veida konteineru izmantošana bijusi droša jūras vai iekšzemes transportā laika posmā, kas nav mazāks par diviem gadiem, vai
(ii) pierādījumus, kas pārliecina Administrāciju, ka konteiners izgatavots saskaņā ar pārbaudīto konstrukcijas veidu un ir saskaņā ar II Pielikumā izklāstītajiem tehniskajiem nosacījumiem, izslēdzot tos tehniskos nosacījumus, kas attiecas uz gala sienas un sānu sienas izturības pārbaudēm, vai
(iii) pierādījumi, ka konteiners konstruēts saskaņā ar standartiem, kuri pēc Administrācijas uzskatiem, bija ekvivalenti II Pielikumā izklāstītajiem tehniskajiem nosacījumiem, izslēdzot tos tehniskos nosacījumus, kas attiecas uz gala sienas un sānu sienas pretestības pārbaudēm;
Administrācija, pēc iepazīšanās, īpašniekam rakstveidā paziņo par to, vai apstiprinājums ir vai nav piešķirts, un ja ir, šis paziņojums īpašniekam dod tiesības piestiprināt Drošības atbilstības plāksnīti pēc attiecīgās konteinera pārbaudes, kas veikta saskaņā ar 2. Noteikumu. Attiecīgā konteinera pārbaude jāveic un Drošības atbilstības plāksnīte jāpiestiprina ne vēlāk kā līdz 1985. gada 1. janvārim.
2. Esošajiem konteineriem, kuriem apstiprinājumu nenosaka saskaņā ar šo Noteikumu 1. pantu, apstiprinājumu var saņemt saskaņā ar šā Pielikuma II vai III nodaļas nosacījumiem. Šādiem konteineriem II Pielikuma prasības attiecībā uz gala sienas un sānu sienas izturības pārbaudēm nepiemēro. Administrācija var, ja tas apmierina, attiecībā uz minētajiem konteineriem, kas tiek izmantoti, attiekties no prasībām par zīmējumu iesniegšanu un testēšanu, bet tas nav attiecināms uz pacelšanu un grīdas izturības pārbaudēm, ja tas ir pieņemams.
10. Noteikums. Jaunu konteineru apstiprināšana, kas nav apstiprināti izgatavošanas laikā
Ja, 1982. gada 6. septembrī vai pirms tam, jaunā konteinera, kas netika apstiprināts izgatavošanas laikā, īpašnieks iesniedz Administrācijai informāciju par:
Administrācija, pēc iepazīšanās, var apstiprināt konteineru, neņemot vērā II nodaļas nosacījumus. Ja apstiprinājums ir piešķirts, par to rakstveidā paziņo īpašniekam, un šāds paziņojums īpašniekam dod tiesības piestiprināt Drošības atbilstības plāksnīti pēc attiecīgās konteinera pārbaudes, kas tiek veikta saskaņā ar 2. noteikumu. Attiecīgā konteinera pārbaude jāveic un Drošības atbilstības plāksnīte jāpiestiprina ne vēlāk kā līdz 1985. gada 1. janvārim.
11. noteikums. Pārveidoto konteineru apstiprināšana
Pārveidoto konteineru, kuru pārveidošanas rezultātā ir izmaiņas uzbūvē, īpašnieks, šīs izmaiņas paziņo Administrācijai vai institūcijai, kura ir devusi apstiprinājumu un ir pienācīgi pilnvarota tam. Administrācija vai pilnvarotā institūcija, atbilstoši, var pieprasīt pārveidoto konteineru atkārtotu pārbaudi pirms atkārtotas sertificēšanas.
Drošības atbilstības plāksnīte, kas atbilst zemāk atspoguļotajam modelim, ir pastāvīga, nerūsējoša, ugunsizturīga taisnstūra plāksnīte, kuras izmēri nav mazāki par 200 mm uz 100 mm. Vārdi CSC Drošības atbilstība, kurā minimālais burtu augstums ir 8 mm un visu pārējo vārdu un ciparu minimālais augstums ir 5 mm, tiek iespiesti, iekalti vai uzrādīti uz plāksnītes virsmas jebkurā citā pastāvīgā un salasāmā veidā.
1. (GB L/749/2/7/75)
4. KRAVNESĪBA kg .. mārciņās
pie 1,8 g mārciņās
3. Izgatavotāja piešķirtais konteinera reģistrācijas numurs vai gadījumā, ja konteiners jau ir, bet tam nav zināms numurs, Administrācijas piešķirtais numurs.
Pildot šā Pielikuma prasības, ir nešaubīgi, ka visos konteinera operāciju līmeņos, spēki, kas izriet no kustības, izvietošanas, novietošanas krautnē un piekrauta konteinera svars un ārējie spēki nepārsniegs konteinera konstrukcijas izturību. Ir izdarīti šādi pieņēmumi:
Ja tas atbilst konteinera uzbūvei, visiem konteineru veidiem tiek piemērotas šādas kravnesības pārbaudes un pārbaudes procedūras:
1. Pacelšana
Konteiners, kuram ir noteikts KRAVAS IZVIETOJUMS KONTEINERĀ, tiek pacelts, nepielietojot būtisku paātrinājuma spēku. Pēc pacelšanas, konteiners jānotur piecas minūtes un pēc tam jānolaiž zemē.
Kravnesības pārbaudes un iedarbības spēki |
Pārbaudes procedūras |
Kravas izvietojums konteinerā: Attiecībā uz tanka konteineriem, ja konteinera kravas svara un tanka svara pārbaudes svars ir mazāks par 2R, konteineram ir jāuzliek papildu svars, kas ir sadalīts pa tanka garumu. Vienmērīgi izvietota krava tādā veidā, ka kopējais konteinera taras un pārbaudes kravas svars ir vienāds ar 2R. Ārējās iedarbības spēki: Tādi, lai paceltu 2R kopējā svara noteiktajā veidā (saskaņā ar virsrakstu PĀRBAUDES PROCEDŪRAS). |
(i) Pacelšana no stūru fitingiem : Konteineriem, kas garumā pārsniedz 3,000 mm (10 pēdas) (nomināls) ir piemērojami pacelšanas spēki vertikāli no visiem četriem augšējiem stūru fitingiem. Konteineriem, kuru garums ir 3,000 mm (10 pēdas) (nomināls) vai mazāks, piemērojami pacelšanas spēki no visiem četriem augšējiem stūru fitingiem, tādā veidā, ka leņķis starp katru pacelšanas ierīci un vertikāli ir 30 grādi. (ii)Pacelšana no apakšējiem stūru fitingiem : Konteineriem pacelšanas spēki piemērojami tādā veidā, ka pacelšanas iekārtas attiecināmas tikai uz apakšējiem stūru fitingiem. Pacelšanas spēki uzliekami pie stūriem horizontāli no: 30 grādi attiecībā uz konteineriem, kuru garums ir 12,000 mm (40 pēdas) (nomināls) vai lielāki, 37 grādi attiecībā uz konteineriem, kuru garums ir 9,000 mm (30 pēdas) (nomināls) un līdz 12,000 mm (40 pēdas) (nomināls), bet to neieskaitot 45 grādi attiecībā uz konteineriem, kuru garums ir 6,000 mm (20) pēdas (nomināls) un līdz 9,000 mm (30 pēdas) (nomināls), bet to neieskaitot 60 grādi attiecībā uz konteineriem, kas ir mazāki par 6,000 mm (20 pēdas) (nomināls). |
Kravnesības pārbaudes un iedarbības spēki |
Pārbaudes procedūras |
Kravas izvietojums konteinerā: Attiecībā uz tanka konteineriem, ja konteinera kravas svara un tanka svara pārbaudes svars ir mazāks par 1.25R, konteineram ir uzliekams papildu svars, kas sadalīts pa tanka garumu. Vienmērīgi izvietota krava, tādā veidā, ka konteinera taras un pārbaudes kravas kopējais svars ir vienāds ar 1,25R. Ārējās iedarbības spēki: Tādi, lai paceltu 1,25R kopējā svara noteiktajā veidā (saskaņā ar virsrakstu PĀRBAUDES PROCEDŪRAS). Kravas izvietojums konteinerā: Vienmērīgi izvietota krava tādā veidā, lai kopējais konteinera taras un pārbaudes kravas svars ir vienāds ar 1,25R. Ārējās iedarbības spēki: Tādi, lai paceltu 1,25R kopējā svara, noteiktajā veidā (saskaņā ar virsrakstu PĀRBAUDES PROCEDŪRAS).
(i) Pacelšana no dakšu kabatām: Konteiners tiek novietots uz stieņiem, kas atrodas vienā horizontālā plāksnē, viens stienis centrēts katrā dakšas kabatā, kas tiek izmantots piekrauta konteinera pacelšanai. Stieņi ir vienādā platumā ar dakšām, kuras plānots izmantot kraušanas operācijās un ir paredzēti 75% no dakšas kabatas garuma.
(ii) Pacelšana no konvenciālā krāna: Konteiners tiek novietots uz paliktņiem vienā horizontālā plāksnē, viens zem katra konvenciālā krāna. Šie paliktņi ir vienādā izmērā ar konvenciālo krānu pacelšanas laukumu, kurus paredzēts izmantot. |
(iii) Citas metodes
Ja konteineri ir konstruēti, lai tos piekrautā stāvoklī paceltu ar jebkurām citām metodēm, kuras nav minētas (A) vai (B) (i) un (ii) tie arī jāpārbauda izmantojot KRAVAS IZVIETOJUMU KONTEINERĀ UN ĀRĒJĀS IEDARBĪBAS SPĒKUS, kas raksturo paātrinājuma nosacījumus atbilstoši šai metodei.
2. Novietošana krautnē
Kravnesības pārbaudes un iedarbības spēki |
Pārbaudes procedūras |
Kravas izvietojums konteinerā: Vienmērīgi izvietota krava tādā veidā, ka konteinera taras un pārbaudes kravas kopējais svars ir 1,8R. Tanka konteinerus var pārbaudīt taras stāvolī.
Ārējās iedarbības spēki: Tādi, lai pakļautu katru no četriem virsmas stūru fitingiem vertikālam lejupvērstam spēkam, kas ir vienāds viena ceturtdaļa X 1,8 X pieļaujamais statiskais iekraušanas svars. |
Konteiners, kuram ir noteikts kravas izvietojums tiek novietots uz četriem līmeņa paliktņiem, kuri balstās uz cietas horizontālas virsmas, viens zem katra pamatnes stūra fitinga vai līdzīgas stūra konstrukcijas. Paliktņi ir centrēti zem fitingiem un ir tāda paša izmērā kā fitingi. Katrs ĀRĒJĀS IEDARBĪBAS SPĒKS tiek pielietots katrai stūra konstrukcijai caur attiecīgo pārbaudes stūru fitingu vai caur tāda paša izmēra paliktni. Pārbaudes stūra fitings vai paliktnis ir izvirzīts attiecībā uz konteinera augšējo stūru fitingu par 25 mm (1 unce) sāniski un 38 mm (1,5 unces) gareniski. |
Kravnesības pārbaudes un iedarbības spēki |
Pārbaudes procedūras |
Kravas izvietojums konteinerā: Nekāds. Ārējās iedarbības spēki: 300 kg (600 mārciņas) kompaktās kravas vienmērīgi izvietota pa 600 mm X 300 mm (24 unces X 12 unces) lielu laukumu.
Kravas izvietojums konteinerā: Divas kompaktās kravas, katra 2,730 kg (6,000 mārciņas) un katra jāpielieto konteinera grīdai caur 142 cm2 (22 kvadrātunces) kontaktsfēru. |
ĀRĒJĀS IEDARBĪBAS SPĒKI tiek uzlikti vertikāli uz leju konteinera jumta ārējās virsmas vājākajam laukumam.
Pārbaude jāizdara konteineram, kas balstās uz četriem vienādiem atbalstiem zem tā četrām stūru konstrukcijām tādā veidā, ka konteinera pamata uzbūve ir brīva, lai novirzītos. Pārbaudes mehānisms, kura svars ir 5,460 kg (12,000 mārciņas) tas ir, 2,730 kg (6,000 mārciņas) uz katru no divām virsmām, kad piekrauts, kopējais kontaktlaukums 284 cm2 (44 kvadrātunces) uz katras virsmas, virsmas platums 180 mm (7 unces), kas izkārtots 760 mm (30 unces) sāņus, centrs pret centru, manevrē pāri visai konteinera grīdas laukumam. |
Ārējās iedarbības spēki:
4. Konteinera izturības pārbaude atkarībā no kravas izvietojuma
Kravnesības pārbaudes un iedarbības spēki |
Pārbaudes procedūras |
Kravas izvietojums konteinerā: Nekāds.
Ārējās iedarbības spēki: Tādi, lai sāniski sasniegtu konteinera galu struktūras. Spēki ir vienādi ar tiem, kādiem konteiners bija paredzēts. |
Tukšs konteiners tiek novietots uz četriem vienādiem atbalstiem, viens zem katra pamatnes stūra un ar speciālām stiprinājuma ierīcēm tiek nodrošināts pret sānu un vertikālām kustībām tā piemērojot, ka sānu nodrošinājums ir paredzēts tikai uz apakšējiem stūriem diagonāli pretēji tiem, kuriem tiek piemēroti spēki. ĀRĒJĀS IEDARBĪBAS SPĒKI piemērojami atsevišķi vai vienlaicīgi katram augšējā stūra fitingam vienā konteinera pusē līnijās, paralēli konteinera pamatnei un galu plaknēm. Spēki piemērojami vispirms virzienā uz pēc tam no virsējiem stūru fitingiem. Gadījumā, ja konteineram katrs gals ir simetrisks tā vertikālajai centra līnijai, jāpārbauda tika viena puse, bet konteineram ar asimetriskiem galiem, jāpārbauda abas puses. |
5. Kravas izvietojums gareniski (statiskais tests)
Projektējot un konstruējot konteinerus, jāpatur prātā, ka konteineri, kurus pārvadā ar iekšējiem ūdensceļiem paredzētajiem transporta līdzekļiem, var izturēt 2 g paātrinājumu, kas pielietots horizontāli gareniskā virzienā.
Kravnesības pārbaudes un iedarbības spēki |
Pārbaudes procedūras |
Kravas izvietojums konteinerā: Vienmērīgi izvietota krava, tādā veidā lai konteinera taras un pārbaudes kravas kopējais svars ir vienāds ar kravnesību R. attiecībā uz tanka konteineriem, ja konteinera kravas un taras svars ir mazāks par kravnesību R, konteineram ir uzliekama papildus krava. Ārējās iedarbības spēki: Tādi, lai pakļautu katru konteinera malu kravnesības R gareniskiem spiešanas un stiepšanas spēkiem, tas ir kompaktais spēks no 2R uz konteinera, kā vienota kopuma bāzes.
Konteineri ar noteiktu KRAVAS IZVIETOJUMU jānodrošina gareniski, nostiprinot divus apakšējos stūru fitingus vai ekvivalentas stūru konstrukcijas vienā galā stiprinājuma iekārtas izdevīgos punktos.
ĀRĒJĀS IEDARBĪBAS SPĒKI vispirms pielietojami virzienā uz un pēc tam no speciālas stiprinājuma ierīces punktiem. Jāpārbauda katra konteinera mala. |
6. Gala sienas
Gala sienām ir jāiztur slodze, kas nav mazāka par 0,4 reizēm maksimāli pieļaujamās kravas. Ja tomēr gala sienas ir konstruētas, lai izturētu slodzi, kas ir mazāka vai lielāka par 0,4 reizēm maksimāli pieļaujamās kravas, šāda izturības pakāpe (faktors) jānorāda uz Drošības atbilstības plāksnītes saskaņā ar 1. noteikuma 1. Pielikumu.
Kravas izvietojums konteinerā: Tāds, lai pakļautu gala sienas iekšpusi 0,4P vienmērīgi izvietotai kravai vai citai kravai, kurai konteiners var būt paredzēts.
Ārējās iedarbības spēki: Nekādi.
Noteiktais KRAVAS IZVIETOJUMS piemērojams šādi: Jāpārbauda abi konteinera gali, izņemot gadījumus, ja abi gali ir identiski. Tad jāpārbauda tikai viens no tiem. Konteinera gala sienas, kuras ir ar sānu sienām vai sānu durvīm var pārbaudīt atsevišķi vai vienlaicīgi. Konteinera gala sienas, kurām nav sānu sienas vai sānu durvis jāpārbauda atsevišķi. Ja gali tiek pārbaudīti atsevišķi, reakcijas uz iedarbības spēkiem uz gala sienu jāierobežo uz konteinera bāzisko struktūru. |
7. Sanu sienas
Sānu sienām jāiztur slodze, kas nav mazāka par 0,6 reizēm maksimāli pieļaujamās kravas. Ja tomēr sānu sienas ir konstruētas, lai izturētu slodzi, kas ir mazāka vai lielāka par 0,6 reizēm maksimāli pieļaujamās kravas, šāda izturības pakāpe (faktors) jānorāda uz Drošības atbilstības plāksnītes saskaņā ar 1. noteikuma 1. Pielikumu.
Kravnesības pārbaudes un iedarbības spēki |
Pārbaudes procedūras |
Kravas izvietojums konteinerā: Tāds, lai pakļautu malas sienas iekšpusi 0,6P vienmērīgi izvietotai kravai vai citādai kravai, kurai konteiners var būt paredzēts.
Ārējās iedarbības spēki: Nekādi. |
Noteiktais KRAVAS IZVIETOJUMS piemērojams šādi: Jāpārbauda abas konteinera malas, izņemot tos gadījumus, kad abas malas ir identiskas. Tad jāpārbauda tikai viena mala. Sienas malas jāpārbauda atsevišķi un reakcijas uz kravas izvietojumu jānorobežo uz stūru fitingiem vai ekvivalentām stūru konstrukcijām. Konteineri ar brezenta jumta segumu tiek pārbaudīti tādā stāvoklī, kādā tos ir paredzēts izmantot, piemēram, ar noņemamu virsmu. |
Valsts sekretārs U. Pētersons
Juridiskā departamenta direktore A. Ļubļina
Atsaucoties uz 1972. gada Starptautiskās konvencijas par drošiem konteineriem (CSC) IX pantu par jebkuras konvencijas daļas grozīšanas procedūru,
Ņemot vērā 1972. gada Starptautiskās konvencijas par drošiem konteineriem (CSC) grozījumus, kas pieņemti Jūras drošības komitejas sešdesmit pirmās sesijas laikā un nosūtītas visām Dalībvalstīm saskaņā ar šīs Konvencijas IX panta 2(a) punktu,
1. Pieņem, saskaņā ar 1972. gada Starptautiskās konvencijas par drošiem konteineriem (CSC) IX panta 2(b) punktu, Konvencijas un tās Pielikumu grozījumus, kas izklāstīti šās Rezolūcijas Pielikumā;
2. Atzīmē, ka saskaņā ar Konvencijas IX panta 2(c) punktu iepriekšminētie grozījumi stājas spēkā pēc divpadsmit mēnešiem, skaitot no datuma, kad tos akceptējušas divas trešdaļas Dalībvalstu;
3. Lūdz Ģenerālsekretāru saskaņā ar Konvencijas IX panta 2(b) punktu, nosūtīt iepriekšminētos grozījumus visām Dalībvalstīm to akceptēšanai.
14. Ar terminu kravnesība vai jauda vai R saprot maksimāli pieļaujamo konteinera masas un tā kravas summu. Burts R ir izteikts masas vienībās. Ja Pielikumi balstās uz gravitācijas spēkiem, kas iegūti no šā lieluma, tas spēks, kas ir inerces spēks, ir apzīmēts ar Rg.
15. Ar terminu tara saprot tukša konteinera masu, ieskaitot pastāvīgi piestiprinātu palīgaprīkojumu.
16. Ar terminu maksimāli pieļaujamā krava vai P saprot starpību starp kravnesību vai jaudu un taru. Burts P Ir izteikts masas vienībās. Ja Pielikumi balstās uz gravitācijas spēkiem, kas iegūti no šā lieluma, tas spēks, kas ir inerces spēks, ir apzīmēts ar Pg.
No jauna pievienots 17. līdz 19. punkts šādā redakcijā:
17. Vārds krava, ja tas lietots, lai aprakstītu fizikālu lielumu uz
kuru ir attiecināmas vienības, nozīmē masu.
18. Vārds kravas izvietojums, piemēram, kravas izvietojums konteinerā nozīmē spēku.
19. Burts g nozīmē gravitācijas standarta paātrinājumu, g ir vienāds 9,8 m/s2.
(b) uz katra konteinera visi izdarītie kravnesības marķējumi ir saskaņā ar informāciju par kravnesību uz Drošības atbilstības plāksnītes.
2(a) apakšpunkts ir grozīts un izteikts šādi:
(a) Plāksnīte ietver šādu informāciju ne mazāk kā divās valodās angļu un franču:
Valsts, kura veikusi novērtēšanu un novērtēšanas atsauce
Izgatavošanas datums (mēnesis un gads)
Izgatavotāja piešķirtais konteinera reģistrācijas numurs vai gadījumā, ja konteiners jau eksistē, bet tam nav šāda numura, numurs, kādu piešķir Administrācija
Kravnesība (kilogramos un mārciņās)
Pieļaujamais novietošanas augstums pie 1,8 g (kilogramos un mārciņās)
Konteinera izturības pārbaude atkarībā no kravas
izvietojuma (Ņūtonos)
No jauna pievienots 5. punkts šādā redakcijā:
5. Konteineram, kura izgatavošana tika pabeigta pirms .*, var saglabāt Drošības atbilstības plāksnīti, kā to pieļauj Konvencija, līdz laikam, kamēr šādam konteineram nav izdarītas strukturālas pārmaiņas.
(c) kravnesības spēja;
(e) pieļaujamais novietošanas augstums pie 1,8 g (kilogramos un mārciņās); un
(c) kravnesības spēja ;
(e) pieļaujamais novietošanas augstums pie 1,8 g (kilogramos un mārciņās); un
KRAVNESĪBA . mārciņās
4. Kravnesība (kilogramos un mārciņās).
5. Pieļaujamais novietošanas augstums pie 1,8 g (kilogramos un mārciņās).
6. Konteinera izturības pārbaude atkarībā no kravas izvietojuma (Ņūtonos).
7. Gala sienas izturība uz plāksnītes tiek norādīta tikai tad, ja gala siena ir konstruēta, lai izturētu spēku, kas ir 0,4 reizes mazāks vai 0,4 reizes pārsniedz gravitācijas spēku pie maksimāli pieļaujamās kravas, t.i. 0,4 Pg.
8. Sānu sienas izturība uz plāksnītes tiek norādīta tikai tad, ja sānu siena ir konstruēta, lai izturētu spēku, kas ir 0,6 reizes mazāks vai 0,6 reizes pārsniedz gravitācijas spēku pie maksimāli pieļaujamās kravas, t.i. 0,6 Pg.
7. II Pielikuma (Konstrukcijas drošības prasības un to pārbaudes) priekšvārda pirmais teikums ir grozīts un izteikts šādi:
Pildot šā Pielikuma prasības, ir nešaubīgi, ka visos konteinera operāciju līmeņos, spēki, kas izriet no kustības, izvietošanas, novietošanas krautnē un piekrauta konteinera gravitācijas ietekme un ārējie spēki nepārsniegs konteinera konstrukcijas izturību.
8. II Pielikuma 1(A) nodaļas - Pacelšana no stūru fitingiem - teksts attiecībā uz kravnesības pārbaudēm un ārējās iedarbības spēkiem ir grozīts un izteikts šādi:
Kravas izvietojums konteinerā:
Vienmērīgi izvietota krava tādā veidā, ka konteinera masas un kontrolkravas summa ir vienāda ar 2R. Attiecībā uz tanka konteineriem, ja konteinera kravas izvietojuma kontrolkarvas un taras svars ir mazāks par 2R, konteineram ir jāuzliek papildu svars, kas ir sadalīts pa tanka garumu.
Ārējās iedarbības spēki:
Tādi, lai paceltu 2R masas summu noteiktajā veidā (saskaņā ar virsrakstu PĀRBAUDES PROCEDŪRAS).
9. II Pielikuma 1(B) nodaļa Pacelšana, izmantojot jebkādas citas papildus metodes ir grozīta un izteikta šādi:
KONTROLKRAVA UN IEDARBĪBAS SPĒKI Kravas izvietojums konteinerā: Vienmērīgi izvietota krava tādā veidā, ka konteinera masas un kontrolkravas summa ir vienāda ar 1.25 R Ārējās iedarbības spēki: Tādi, lai paceltu 1.25R masas summu noteiktajā veidā (saskaņā ar virsrakstu PĀRBAUDES PROCEDŪRAS).
Kravas izvietojums konteinerā: Vienmērīgi izvietota krava tādā veidā, ka konteinera masas un kontrolkravas summa ir 1.25R. Attiecībā uz tanka konteineriem, ja kravas izvietojuma kontrolkrava un tara ir mazāka par 1.25R, konteineram ir uzliekams papildu smagums, kas ir sadalīts pa tanka garumu. Ārējās iedarbības spēki: Tādi, lai paceltu 1.25R masas summu noteiktajā veidā (saskaņā ar virsrakstu PĀRBAUDES PROCEDŪRAS). |
(i) pacelšana no dakšu kabatām: Konteiners tiek novietots uz stieņiem, kas atrodas vienā horizontālā plāksnē, viens stienis centrēts katrā dakšās kabatā, kas tiek izmantots piekrauta konteinera pacelšanai. Stieņi ir vienādā platumā ar dakšām, kuras plānots izmantot kraušanas operācijās un ir paredzēti 75% no dakšas kabatas garuma. (ii) Pacelšana no konvenciālā krāna: Konteiners tiek novietots uz paliktņiem vienā horizontālā plāksnē, viens zem katra konvenciālā krāna. Šie paliktņi ir vienādā izmērā ar konvenciālo krānu pacelšanas laukumu, kurus paredzēts izmantot.
(iii) Citas metodes: Ja konteineri ir konstruēti, lai tos piekrautā stāvoklī paceltu ar jebkurām citām metodēm, kuras nav minētas (A) vai (B)(i) un (ii) tie arī jāpārbauda piemērojot kravas izvietojumu un ārējās iedarbības spēkus, kas raksturo paātrinājuma nosacījumus atbilstoši šai metodei. |
10. II Pielikuma 2. nodaļas - NOVIETOŠANA KRAUTNĒ - 1. un 2. punkts ir grozīts un izteikts šādi:
1. Starptautiskā transporta nosacījumos, kur maksimālais vertikālais paātrinājuma spēks būtiski variē no 1,8 g un, ja konteiners ir droši un efektīvi pielāgots šādiem transportēšanas nosacījumiem, konteineru novietošanas augstums var mainīties proporcionāli paātrinājuma spēkiem.
2. Pēc veiksmīgi pabeigtas pārbaudes konteineru var uzskatīt par
atbilstošu maksimāli pieļaujamajam statiskās iekraušanas svaram, kurš norādāms uz Drošības atbilstības plāksnītes pret virsrakstu PIEĻAULAMAIS NOVIETOŠANAS AUGSTUMS pie 1,8 g (kilogramos un mārciņās).
11. II Pielikuma 2. nodaļas - NOVIETOŠANA KRAUTNĒ - teksts attiecībā uz kravnesības pārbaudēm un iedarbības spēkiem ir grozīts un izteikts šādi:
Kravas izvietojums konteinerā:
Vienmērīgi izvietota krava tādā veidā, ka konteinera masas un kontrolkravas summa ir vienāda ar 1.8R. Tanka konteinerus var pārbaudīt taras stāvoklī.
Ārējās iedarbības spēki:
Tādi, lai pakļautu katru no četriem augšējiem stūru fitingiem vertikāli lejupvērstam spēkam, kas ir vienāds viena ceturtdaļa X 1.8 X pieļaujamais statiskais iekraušanas svara gravitācijas spēks.
12. II Pielikuma 3. nodaļa KOMPAKTĀS KRAVAS ir grozīta un izteikta šādi:
KONTROLKRAVA UN IEDARBĪBAS SPĒKI (a) jumtam Kravas izvietojums konteinerā: Nekāds. Ārējās iedarbības spēki: Kompaktais gravitācijas spēks no 300 kg (600 mārciņas) vienmērīgi izvietota pa 600 mm X 300 mm (24 unces X 12 unces) lielu laukumu. (a) grīdai Kravas izvietojums konteinerā: Divas kompaktās kravas, katra no tām 2,730 kg (6,000 mārciņas) un katra jāpielieto konteinera grīdai caur 142 cm2 (22 kvadrātunces) kontaktsfēru.
Ārējās iedarbības spēki: Nekādi. |
Arējās iedarbības spēki tiek uzlikti vertikāli uz leju konteinera jumta vājākā laukuma ārējai virsmai.
Pārbaude jāizdara konteineram, kas balstās uz četriem vienādiem atbalstiem zem tā četriem apakšējiem stūriem tādā veidā, ka konteinera pamata uzbūve ir brīva, lai novirzītos. Pārbaudes mehānisms, kura masa ir 5,460 kg (12,000 mārciņas) tas ir, 2,730 kg (6,000 mārciņas) uz katru no divām virsmām, kad piekrauts, kopējais kontaktlaukums 284 cm2 (44 kvadrātunces) tas ir 142 cm2 (22 kvadrātunces) uz katras virsmas, virsmas platums 180 mm (7 unces), kas izkārtots 760 mm (30 unces) sāņus, centrs pret centru, manevrē pāri visam konteinera grīdas laukumam.
13. II Pielikuma 4. nodaļas virsraksts un apakšvirsraksts ir grozīts un izteikts šādi:
KONTROLKRAVA UN IEDARBĪBAS SPĒKI un Kravas izvietojums konteinerā:.
14. II Pielikuma 5. nodaļas - Kravas izvietojums gareniski (statiskais tests) teksts attiecībā uz kravnesības pārbaudēm un iedarbības spēkiem ir grozīts un izteikts šādi:
Kravas izvietojums konteinerā:
Vienmērīgi izvietota krava, tādā veidā, ka konteinera masas un kontrolkravas summa ir vienāda ar jaudu R. Attiecībā uz tanka konteineriem, ja kravas izvietojuma un taras masa ir mazāka par kravnesību vai jaudu R, konteineram ir uzliekama papildus krava.
Ārējās iedarbības spēki:
Tādi, lai pakļautu katru konteinera malu Rg gareniskiem spiešanas un stiepšanas spēkiem, tas ir kompaktais spēks no 2R uz konteinera, kā vienota kopuma bāzes.
15. II Pielikuma 6. nodaļas GALA SIENAS pirmais punkts ir grozīts un izteikts šādi:
Gala sienām ir jāiztur spēks, kas nav 0,4 reizes mazāks par gravitācijas spēku pie maksimāli pieļaujamās kravas. Ja tomēr gala sienas ir konstruētas, lai izturētu spēku, kas ir 0,4 reizes mazāks vai 0,4 reizes pārsniedz gravitācijas spēku pie maksimāli pieļaujamās kravas, šāda izturības pakāpe (faktors) jānorāda uz Drošības atbilstības plāksnītes saskaņā ar 1. noteikuma 1. Pielikumu.
16. II Pielikuma 6. nodaļas - GALA SIENAS teksts attiecībā uz kravnesības pārbaudēm un iedarbības spēkiem ir grozīts un izteikts šādi:
Kravas izvietojums konteinerā:
Tāds, lai pakļautu gala sienas iekšpusi 0,4Pg vienmērīgi izvietotam spēkam vai citādam spēkam, kuram konteiners var būt paredzēts.
Ārējās iedarbības spēki:
17. II Pielikuma 7. nodaļas SĀNU SIENAS 1. pants ir grozīts un izteikts šādi:
Sānu sienām jāiztur spēks, kas nav 0,6 reizes mazāks par gravitācijas spēku pie maksimāli pieļaujamās kravas. Ja tomēr malas sienas ir konstruētas, lai izturētu spēku, kas ir 0,6 reizes mazāks vai 0,6 reizes pārsniedz gravitācijas spēku pie maksimāli pieļaujamās kravas, šāda izturības pakāpe (faktors) jānorāda uz Drošības atbilstības plāksnītes saskaņā ar 1. noteikuma 1. Pielikumu.
18. II Pielikuma 7. nodaļas SĀNU SIENAS teksts attiecībā uz kravnesības pārbaudēm un iedarbības spēkiem ir grozīts un izteikts šādi:
Kravas izvietojums konteinerā:
Tāds, lai pakļautu sānu sienas iekšpusi 0,6Pg vienmērīgi izvietotam spēkam vai citādam spēkam, kuram konteiners var būt paredzēts.
Ārējās iedarbības spēki:
Valsts sekretārs U. Pētersons
Juridiskā departamenta direktore A. Ļubļina
10 435
Note: The present text incorporates the original text as modified by the following amendments:
Date of entry
into force
-1981 (Annex I) amendments adopted by MSC 01.12.1981
-1983 (Annex I and II) amendments adopted by MSC 01.01.1984
-1991 (Annex I and II) amendments adopted by res. MSC.20(59) 01.01.1993
The Contracting Parties,
Recognizing the need to maintain a high level of safety of human life in the handling, stacking and transporting of containers,
Mindful of the need to facilitate international container transport,
Recognizing, in this context, the advantages of formalizing common international safety requirements,
Considering that this end may best be achieved by the conclusion of a Convention,
Have decided to formalize structural requirements to ensure safety in the handling, stacking and transporting of containers in the course of normal operations, and to this end
Have agreed as follows:
Article I. General obligation under the present Convention
The Contracting Parties undertake to give effect to the provisions of the present Convention and the Annexes hereto, which shall constitute an integral part of the present Convention.
Article II. Definitions
For the purpose of the present Convention, unless expressly provided otherwise:
1. "Container" means an article of transport equipment:
(i) at least 14 sq.m. (150 sq. ft.) or
(ii) at least 7 sq.m. (75 sq. ft.) if it is fitted with top corner fittings;
the term "container" includes neither vehicles nor packaging; however, containers when carried on chassis are included.
2. "Corner Fittings" means an arrangement of apertures and faces at the top and/or bottom of a container for the purposes of handling, stacking and/or securing.
3. "Administration" means the Government of a Contracting Party under whose authority containers are approved.
4. "Approved" means approved by the Administration.
5. "Approval" means the decision by an Administration that a design type of a container is safe within the terms of the present Convention.
6. "International transport" means transport between points of departure and destination situated in the territory of two countries to at least one of which the present Convention applies. The present Convention shall also apply when part of a transport operation between two countries takes place in the territory of a country to which the present Convention applies.
7. "Cargo" means any goods wares, merchandise and articles of every kind whatsoever carried in the containers.
8. "New container" means a container the construction of which was commenced on or after the date of entry into force of the present Convention.
9. "Existing container" means a container which is not a new container.
10. "Owner" means the owner as provided for under the national law of the Contracting Party or the lessee or bailee, if an agreement between the parties provides for the exercise of the owner's responsibility for maintenance and examination of the container by such lessee or bailee.
11. "Type of container" means the design type approved by the Administration.
12. "Type-series container" means any container manufactured in accordance with the approved design type.
13. "Prototype" means a container representative of those manufactured or to be manufactured in a design type series.
14. "Maximum Operating Gross Weight or Rating" or "R" means the maximum allowable combined weight of the container and its cargo.
15. "Tare Weight" means the weight of the empty container including permanently affixed ancillary equipment.
16. "Maximum Permissible Payload" or "P" means the difference between maximum operating gross weight or rating and tare weight.
Article III. Application
1. The present Convention applies to new and existing containers used in international transport, excluding containers specially designed for air transport.
2. Every new container shall be approved in accordance with the provisions either for type-testing or for individual testing as contained in Annex I.
3. Every existing container shall be approved in accordance with the relevant provisions for approval of existing containers set out in Annex I within 5 years from the date of entry into force of the present Convention.
Article IV. Testing, inspection, approval and maintenance
1. For the enforcement of the provisions in Annex I every Administration shall establish an effective procedure for the testing, inspection and approval of containers in accordance with the criteria established in the present Convention, provided however that an Administration may entrust such testing, inspection and approval to organizations duly authorized by it.
2. An Administration which entrusts such testing, inspection and approval to an organization shall inform the Secretary-General of the Inter-governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (hereinafter referred to as "the Organization") for communication to Contracting Parties.
3. Application for approval may be made to the Administration of any Contracting Party.
4. Every container shall be maintained in a safe condition in accordance with the provisions of Annex I.
5. If an approved container does not in fact comply with the requirements of Annexes I and II the Administration concerned shall take such steps as it deems necessary to bring the container into compliance with such requirements or to withdraw the approval.
Article V. Acceptance of approval
1. Approval under the authority of a Contracting Party, granted under the terms of the present Convention, shall be accepted by the other Contracting Parties for all purposes covered by the present Convention. It shall be regarded by the other Contracting Parties as having the same force as an approval issued by them.
2. A Contracting Party shall not impose any other structural safety requirements or tests on containers covered by the present Convention, provided however that nothing in the present Convention shall preclude the application of provisions of national regulations or legislation or of international agreements, prescribing additional structural safety requirements or tests for containers specially designed for the transport of dangerous goods, or for those features unique to containers carrying bulk liquids or for containers when carried by air. The term "dangerous goods" shall have that meaning assigned to it by international agreements.
Article VI. Control
1. Every container which has been approved under Article III shall be subject to control in the territory of the Contracting Parties by officers duly authorized by such Contracting Parties. This control shall be limited to verifying that the container carries a valid Safety Approval Plate as required by the present Convention, unless there is significant evidence for believing that the condition of the container is such as to create an obvious risk to safety. In that case the officer carrying out the control shall only exercise it in so far as it may be necessary to ensure that the container is restored to a safe condition before it continues in service.
2. Where the container appears to have become unsafe as a result of a defect which may have existed when the container was approved, the Administration responsible for that approval shall be informed by the Contracting Party which detected the defect.
Article VII. Signature, ratification, acceptance, approval and accession
1. The present Convention shall be open for signature until 15 January 1973 at the Office of the United Nations at Geneva and subsequently from 1 February 1973 until 31 December 1973 inclusive at the Headquarters of the Organization at London by all States Members of the United Nations or Members of any of the Specialized Agencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency or Parties to the Statute of the International Court by Justice, and by any other State invited by the General Assembly of the United Nations to become a Party to the present Convention.
2. The present Convention is subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by States which have signed it.
3. The present Convention shall remain open for accession by any State referred to in paragraph 1.
4. Instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the Organization (hereinafter referred to as "the Secretary-General").
Article VIII. Entry into force
1. The present Convention shall enter into force twelve months from the date of the deposit of the tenth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
2. For each State ratifying, accepting, approving or acceding to the present Convention after the deposit of the tenth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, the present Convention shall enter into force twelve months after the date of deposit by such State of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
3. Any State which becomes a Party to the present Convention after the entry into force of an amendment shall, failing an expression of a different intention by that State,
(a) be considered as a Party to the Convention as amended; and
(b) be considered as a Party to the unamended Convention in relation to any Party to the Convention not bound by the amendment.
Article IX. Procedure for amending any part or parts of the present Convention
2. Amendment after consideration in the Organization:
(a) Upon the request of a Contracting Party, any amendment proposed by it to the present Convention shall be considered in the Organization. If adopted by a majority of two thirds of those present and voting in the Maritime Safety Committee of the Organization, to which all Contracting Parties shall have been invited to participate and vote, such amendment shall be communicated to all Members of the Organization and all Contracting Parties at least six months prior to its consideration by the Assembly of the Organization. Any Contracting Party which is not a Member of the Organization shall be entitled to participate and vote when the amendment is considered by the Assembly.
(b) If adopted by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting in the Assembly, and if such a majority includes a two-thirds majority of the Contracting Parties present and voting, the amendment shall be communicated by the Secretary-General to all Contracting Parties for their acceptance.
(c) Such amendment shall come into force twelve months after the date on which it is accepted by two-thirds of the Contracting Parties. The amendment shall come into force with respect to all Contracting Parties except those which, before it comes into force, make a declaration that they do not accept the amendment.
3. Amendment by a Conference:
Upon the request of a Contracting Party concurred in by at least one-third of the Contracting Parties, a Conference to which the States referred to in Article VII shall be invited will be convened by the Secretary-General.
Article X. Special procedure for amending the Annexes
1. Any amendment to the Annexes proposed by a Contracting Party shall be considered in the Organization at the request of that Party.
2. If adopted by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting in the Maritime Safety Committee of the Organization to which all Contracting Parties shall have been invited to participate and to vote, and if such majority includes a two-thirds majority of the Contracting Parties present and voting, such amendment shall be communicated by the Secretary-General to all Contracting Parties for their acceptance.
3. Such an amendment shall enter into force on a date to be determined by the Maritime Safety Committee at the time of its adoption unless, by a prior date determined by the Maritime Safety Committee at the same time, one-fifth or five of the Contracting Parties, whichever number is less, notify the Secretary-General of their objection to the amendment. Determination by the Maritime Safety Committee of the dates referred to in this paragraph shall be by a twothirds majority of those present and voting, which majority shall include a two-thirds majority of the Contracting Parties present and voting.
4. On entry into force any amendment shall, for all Contracting Parties which have not objected to the amendment, replace and supersede any previous provision to which the amendment refers; an objection made by a Contracting Party shall not be binding on other Contracting Parties as to acceptance of containers to which the present Convention applies.
5. The Secretary-General shall inform all Contracting Parties and Members of the Organization of any request and communication under this article and the date on which any amendment enters into force.
6. Where a proposed amendment to the Annexes has been considered but not adopted by the, Maritime Safety Committee, any Contracting Party may request the convening of a Conference to which the States referred to in Article VII shall be invited. Upon receipt of notification of concurrence by at least one-third of the other Contracting Parties such a Conference shall be convened by the Secretary-General to consider amendments to the Annexes.
Article XI. Denunciation
1. Any Contracting Party may denounce the present Convention by effecting the deposit of an instrument with the Secretary-General. The denunciation shall take effect one year from the date of such deposit with the Secretary-General.
2. A Contracting Party which has communicated an objection to an amendment to the Annexes may denounce the present Convention and such denunciation shah take effect on the date of entry into force of such an amendment.
Article XII. Termination
The present Convention shall cease to be in force if the number of Contracting Parties is less than five for any period of twelve consecutive months.
Article XIII. Settlement of disputes
1. Any disputes between two or more Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation or application of the present Convention which cannot be settled by negotiation or other means of settlement shall, at the request of one of them, be referred to an arbitration tribunal composed as follows: each party to the dispute shall appoint an arbitrator and these two arbitrators shall appoint a third arbitrator, who shall be the Chairman. If, three months after receipt of a request, one of the parties has failed to appoint an arbitrator or if the arbitrators have failed to elect the Chairman, any of the parties may request the Secretary-General to appoint an arbitrator or the Chairman of the arbitration tribunal.
2. The decision of the arbitration tribunal established under the provisions of paragraph 1 shall be binding on the parties to the dispute.
3. The arbitration tribunal shall determine its own rules of procedure.
4. Decisions of the arbitration tribunal, both as to its procedure and its place of meeting and as to any controversy laid before it, shall be taken by majority vote.
5. Any controversy which may arise between the parties to the dispute as regards the interpretation and execution of the award may be submitted by any of the parties for judgment to the arbitration tribunal which made the award.
Article XIV. Reservations
1. Reservations to the present Convention shall be permitted, excepting those relating to the provisions of Articles I-VI, XIII, the present article and the Annexes, on condition that such reservations are communicated in writing and, if communicated before the deposit of the instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, are confined in that instrument. The Secretary-General shall communicate such reservations to all States referred to in Article VII.
2. Any reservation made in accordance with paragraph 1:
(a) modifies for the Contracting Party which made the reservation the provisions of the present Convention to which the reservation relates to the extent of the reservation; and (b) modifies those provisions to the same extent for the other Contracting Parties in their relations with the Contracting Party which entered the reservations.
3. Any Contracting Party which has formulated a reservation under paragraph 1 may withdraw it at any time by notification to the Secretary-General.
Article XV. Notification
In addition to the notifications and communications provided for in Articles IX, X and XIV, the Secretary-General shall notify all the States referred to in Article VII of the following:
(a) signatures, ratifications, acceptances, approvals and accessions under Article VII;
(b) the dates of entry into force of the present Convention in accordance with Article VIII;
(c) the date of entry into force of amendments to the present Convention in accordance with Articles IX and X;
(d) denunciations under Article XI;
(e) the termination of the present Convention under Article XII.
Article XVI. Authentic texts
The original of the present Convention, of which the Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Secretary-General, who shall communicate certified true copies to all States referred to in Article VII.
In witness whereof the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, being duly authorized thereto by their respective Governments, have signed the present Convention.
Done at Geneva this second day of December, one thousand nine hundred and seventy-two.
Regulation 1. Safety Approval Plate
1. (a) A Safety Approval Plate conforming to the specifications set out in the Appendix to this Annex shall be permanently affixed to every approved container at a readily visible place, adjacent to any other approval plate issued for official purposes, where it would not be easily damaged.
(b) On each container, all maximum gross weight markings on the container shall be consistent with the maximum gross weight information on the Safety Approval Plate.
(c) The owner of the container shall remove the Safety Approval Plate on the container if:
- the container has been modified in a manner which would void the original approval and the information found on the Safety Approval Plate, or
- the container is removed from service and is not being maintained in accordance with the Convention, or
- if the approval has been withdrawn by the Administration.
2. (a) The Plate shall contain the following information in at least the English or French language:
Country of approval and approval reference
Date (month and year) of manufacture
Manufacturer's identification number of the container or,
in the case of existing containers for which that
number is unknown, the number allotted by the Administration
Maximum operating gross weight (kilogrammes and lbs)
Allowable stacking weight for 1.9 g (kilogrammes and lbs)
Transverse racking test load value (kilogrammes and lbs).
(b) A blank space should be reserved on the Plate for insertion of end-wall and/or side-wall strength values (factors) in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Regulation and Annex II, tests 6 and 7. A blank space should also be reserved on the Plate for the first and subsequent maintenance examination dates (month and year) when used.
3. Where the Administration considers that a new container satisfies the requirements of the present Convention in respect of safety and if, for such container, the end-wall and/or side-wall strength values (factors) are designed to be greater or less than those stipulated in Annex II, such values shall be indicated on the Safety Approval Plate.
4. The presence of the Safety Approval Plate does not remove the necessity of displaying such label or other information as may be required by other regulations which may be in force.
Regulation 2. Maintenance and examination
1. The owner of the container shall be responsible for maintaining it in safe condition.
2. (a) The owner of an approved container shall examine the container or have it examined in accordance with the procedure either prescribed or approved by the Contracting Party concerned, at intervals appropriate to operating conditions.
(b) The date (month and year) before which a new container shall undergo its first examination shall be marked on the Safety Approval Plate.
(c) The date (month and year) before which the container shall be re-examined shall be dearly marked on the container on or as dose as practicable to the Safety Approval Plate and in a manner acceptable to that Contracting Party which prescribed or approved the particular maintenance procedure involved.
(d) The interval from the date of manufacture to the date of the first examination shall not exceed five years.
3. (a) As an alternative to paragraph 2, the Contracting Party concerned may approve a continuous examination programme if satisfied, on evidence submitted by the owner, that such a programme provides a standard of safety not inferior to the one set out in paragraph 2 above.
(b) To indicate that the container is operated under an approved continuous examination programme, a mark showing the letters "ACEP" and the identification of the Contracting Party which has granted approval of the programme shall be displayed on the container on or as close as practicable to the Safety Approval Plate.
(c) All examinations performed under such a programme shall determine whether a container has any defects which could place any person in danger. They shall be performed in connexion with a major repair, refurbishment, or on-hire/off-hire interchange and in no case less than once every 30 months.
4. For the purpose of this Regulation "the Contracting Party concerned" is the Contracting Party of the territory in which the owner is domiciled or has his head office. However, in the event that the owner is domiciled or has his head office in a country the government of which has not yet made arrangements for prescribing or approving an examination scheme and until such time as the arrangements have been made the owner may use the procedure prescribed or approved by the Administration of a Contracting Party which is prepared to act as "the Contracting Party concerned". The owner shall comply with the conditions for the use of such procedures set by the Administration in question.
Regulation 3. Approval of new containers
To qualify for approval for safety purposes under the present Convention all new containers shall comply with the requirements set out in Annex II.
Regulation 4. Design type approval
In the case of containers for which an application for approval has been submitted, the Administration will examine designs and witness testing of a proto-type container to ensure that the containers will conform with the requirements set out in Annex II. When satisfied, the Administration shall notify the applicant in writing that the container meets the requirements of the present Convention and this notification shall entitle the manufacturer to affix the Safety Approval Plate to every container of the design type series.
Regulation 5. Provisions for approval by design type
1. Where the containers are to be manufactured by design type series, application made to an Administration for approval by design type shall be accompanied by drawings, a design specification of the type of container to be approved and such other data as may be required by the Administration.
2. The applicant shall state the identification symbols which will be assigned by the manufacturer to the type of container to which the application for approval relates.
3. The application shall also be accompanied by an assurance from the manufacturer that he will:
(a) produce to the Administration such containers of the design type concerned as the Administration may wish to examine;
(b) advise the Administration of any change in the design or specification and await its approval before affixing the Safety Approval Plate to the container;
(c) affix the Safety Approval Plate to each container in the design typc series and to no others;
(d) keep a record of containers manufactured to the approved design type. This record shall at least contain the manufacturer's identification numbers, dates of delivery and names and addresses of customers to whom the containers are delivered.
4. Approval may be granted by the Administration to containers manufactured as modifications of an approved design type if the Administration is satisfied that the modifications do not affect the validity of tests conducted in the course of design type approval.
5. The Administration shall not confer on a manufacturer authority to affix Safety Approval Plates on the basis of design type approved unless satisfied that the manufacturer has instituted internal production-control features to ensure that the containers produced will conform to the approved prototype.
Regulation 6. Examination during production
In order to ensure that containers of the same design type series are manufactured to the approved design, the Administration shall examine or test as many units as it considers necessary, at any stage during production of the design type series concerned.
Regulation 7. Notification of Administration
The manufacturer shall notify the Administration prior to commencement of production of each new series of containers to be manufactured in accordance with an approved design type.
Regulation 8. Approval of individual container
Approval of individual containers may be granted where the Administration, after examination and witnessing of tests, is satisfied that the container meets the requirements of the present Convention; the Administration, when so satisfied, shall notify the applicant in writing of approval and this notification shall entitle him to affix the Safety Approval Plate to such container.
Regulation 9. Approval of existing containers
1. If, within 5 years from the date of entry into force of the present Convention, the owner of an existing container presents the following information to an Administration:
(a) date and place of manufacture;
(b) manufacturer's identification number of the container if available; (c) maximum operating gross weight capability;
(d) (i) evidence that a container of this type has been safely operated in maritime and/or inland transport For a period of at least two years, or
(ii) evidence to the satisfaction of the Administration that the container was manufactured to a design type which had been tested and found to comply with the technical conditions set out in Annex II, with the exception of those technical conditions relating to the end-wall and side-wall strength tests, or
(iii) evidence that the container was constructed to standards which, in the opinion of the Administration, were equivalent to the technical conditions set out in Annex II, with the exception of those technical conditions relating to the end-wall and sidewall strength tests;
then the Administration, after investigation, shall notify the owner in writing whether approval is granted; and if so, this notification shall entitle the owner to affixing the Safety Approval Plate after an examination of the container concerned has been carried out in accordance with Regulation 2. The examination of the container concerned and the affixing of the Safety Approval Plate w shall be accomplished not later than 1 January 1985.
2. Existing containers which do not qualify for approval under paragraph 1 of this Regulation may be presented for approval under the provisions of Chapter II or Chapter III of this Annex. For such containers the requirements of Annex II relating to end-wall and/or side-wall strength tests shall not apply. The Administration may, if it is satisfied that the containers in question have been in service, waive such of the requirements in respect of presentation of drawings and testing, other than the lifting and floor-strength tests, as it may deem appropriate.
Regulation 10. Approval of new containers not approved at time of manufacture
If, on or before 6 September 1982, the owner of a new container which was not approved at the time of manufacture presents the following information to an Administration:
(a) the date and place of manufacture;
(b) manufacturer's identification number of the container if available;
(c) maximum operating gross weight capability;
(d) evidence to the satisfaction of the Administration that the container was manufactured to a design type which had been tested and found to comply with the technical conditions set out in Annex II;
(e) allowable stacking weight for 1.8 g (kilogrammes and lbs); and (f) such other data as required for the Safety Approval Plate;
the Administration, after investigation, may approve the container, notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter II. Where approval is granted, such approval shall be notified to the owner in writing, and this notification shall entitle the owner to affix the Safety Approval Plate after an examination of the container concerned has been carried out in accordance with Regulation 2. The examination of the container concerned and the affixing of the Safety Approval Plate shall be accomplished not later than 1 January 1985.
Regulation 11. Approval of Modified Containers
The owner of an approved container that has been modified in a manner resulting in structural changes shall notify the Administration or an approved organization duly authorized by it of those changes. The Administration or authorized organization may require retesting of the modified container as appropriate prior to recertification.
The Safety Approval Plate, conforming to the model reproduced below, shall take the form of a permanent, non-corrosive, fire-proof rectangular plate measuring not less than 200 mm by 100 mm. The words "CSC Safety Approval" of an minimum letter height of 8 mm and all other words and numbers of a minimum height of 5 mm shall be stamped into, embossed on or indicated on the surface of the Plate in any other permanent and legible way.
FOR 1.8g ......... kg
9. .......................
>200 mm.
1. Country of Approval and Approval Reference as given in the example on line 1. (The country of Approval should be indicated by means of the distinguishing sign used to indicate country of registration of motor vehicles in international road traffic).
2. Date (month and year) of manufacture.
3. Manufacturer's identification number of the container or, in the case of existing containers for which that number is unknown, the number allotted by the Administration.
4. Maximum Operating Gross Weight (kilogrammes and lbs.).
5. Allowable Stacking Weight for 1.8 g (kilogrammes and lbs.).
6. Transverse Racking Test Load Value (kilogrammes and lbs.).
7. End Wall Strength to be indicated on plate only if end walls are designed to withstand a load of less or greater than 0.4 times the maximum permissible payload, i.e. 0.4 P.
8. Side Wall Strength to be indicated on plate only if the side walls are designed to withstand a load of less or greater than 0.6 times the maximum permissible payload i.e. 0.6 P.
9. First maintenance examination date (month and year) for new containers and subsequent maintenance examination dates (month and year) if plate used for this purpose.
In setting the requirements of this Annex, it is implicit that in all phases of the operation of containers the forces as a result of motion, location, stacking and weight of the loaded container and external forces will not exceed the design strength of the container. In particular the following assumptions have been made:
(a) the container will so be restrained that it is not subjected to forces in excess of those for which it has been designed;
(b) the container will have its cargo stowed in accordance with the recommended practices of the trade so that the cargo does not impose upon the container forces in excess of those for which it has been designed.
1. A container made from any suitable material which satisfactorily performs the following tests without sustaining any permanent deformation or abnormality which would render it incapable of being used for its designed purpose shall be considered safe.
2. The dimensions, positioning and associated tolerances of corner fittings shall be checked having regard to the lifting and securing systems in which they will function.
Where appropriate to the design of the container, the following test loads and test procedures shall be applied to all kinds of containers under test:
1. Lifting
The container, having the prescribed INTERNAL LOADING, shall be lifted in such a way that no significant acceleration forces are applied. After lifting, the container shall be suspended or supported for five minutes and them lowered to the ground.
Internal loading: In the case of a tank-container, when the test weight of the internal load plus the tank weight is less than 2R, a supplementary load distributed over the length of the tank is to be applied to the container. |
(i) Lifting from top corner fittings: |
A uniformly distributed load such that the combined weight of container test load is equal to 2R. Externally applied forces: Such as to lift the combined weight of 2R in the manner prescribed (under the heading TEST PROCEDURES). |
Containers greater than 3,000 mm (10 ft.) (nominal) in length shall have lifting forces applied vertically at all four top corner fittings. Containers of 3,000 mm (10 ft.) (nominal) in length or less shall have lifting forces applied at all four top corner fittings, in such a way that the angle between each lifting device and the vertical shall be 30 degrees. (ii) Lifting from bottom corner fittings: Containers shall have lifting forces applied in such a manner that the lifting devices bear on the bottom comer fittings only. The lifting forces shall be applied at angles to the horizontal of: 30 degrees for containers of length 12,000 mm (40 ft.) (nominal) or greater, 37 degrees for containers of length 9,000 mm (30 ft.) (nominal) and up to but not including 12,000 mm (40 ft.) (nominal), 45 degrees for containers of length 6,000 mm (20 ft.) (nominal) and up to but not including 9,000 mm (30 ft.) (nominal), 60 degrees for cont ainers of less than 6,000 mm (20 ft.) (nominal). |
(B) Lifting by any other additional
Internal loading: In the case of a tank-container, when the test weight of the internal load plus the tank weight is less than 1.25R, a supplementary load distributed over the length of the tank is to be applied to the container. |
A uniformly distributed load such that the combined weight of container and test load is equal to 1.25R. Externally applied forces: Such as to lift the combined weight of 1.25R in the manner prescribed (under the heading TEST PROCEDURES). Internal loading: A uniformly distributed load such that the combined weight of container and test load is equal to 1.25R.
Externally applied forces: Such as to lift the combined weight of 1.25R, in the manner prescribed (under the heading TEST PROCEDURES). |
The container shall be placed on bars which are in the same horizontal plane, one bar centred within each fork lift pocket which is used for lifting the loaded container. The bars shall be of the same width as the forks intended to be used in the handling, and shall project into the fork pocket 75 per cent of the length of the fork pocket. (ii) Lifting from grappler arm positions: The container shall be placed on pads in the same horizontal plane, one under each grappler arm position. These pads shall be of the same sizes as the lifting area of the grappler arms intended to be used. |
(iii) Other Methods
Where containers are designed to be lifted in the loaded condition by any method not mentioned in (A) or (B) (i) and (ii) they shall also be tested with the INTERNAL LOADING AND EXTERNALLY APPLIED FORCES representative of the acceleration conditions appropriate to that method.
2. Stacking
1. For conditions of international transport where the maximum vertical acceleration forces vary significantly from 1.8g and when the container is reliably and effectively limited to such conditions of transport, the stacking load may be varied by the appropriate ratio of acceleration forces.
2. On successful completion of this test the container may be rated for the allowable superimposed static stacking weight which should be indicated on the Safety Approval Plate against the heading "Allowable stacking weight for 1.8g (kilogrammes and lbs)".
Internal loading: A uniformly distributed load such that the combined weight of container and test load is equal to 1.8R. Tank containers may be tested in the tare condition. |
The container, having the prescribed INTERNAL LOADING, shall be placed on four level pads which are in turn supported on a rigid horizontal surface, one under each bottom corner fitting or equivalent corner structure. The pads shall be centralized under the fittings and shall be of approximately the same plan dimensions as the fittings. |
Externally applied forces: Such as to subject each of the four top corner fittings to a vertical downward force equal to one-quarter x 1.8 x the allowable superimposed static stacking weight. |
Each EXTERNALLY APPLIED FORCE shall be applied to each of the corner fittings through a corresponding test corner fitting or through a pad of the same plan dimensions. The test corner fitting or pad shall be offset with respect to the top corner fitting of the
container by 25 mm (1 in.) laterally and 38 mm (1 and a half in.) longitudinally. |
3. Concentrated loads
Internal loading: None. Externally applied forces: A concentrated load of 300 kg (660 lb) uniformly distributed over an area of 600 mm x 300 mm (24 in. x 12 in.).
Internal loading: Two concentrated loads each of 2,730 kg (6,000 lb) and each applied to the container floor through a contact area of 142 cm2 (22 sq. in.).
Externally applied forces: None. |
The EXTERNALLY APPLIED FORCES shall be applied vertically downwards to the outer surface of the weakest area of the roof of the container. (b) ON FLOOR The test should be made with the container resting on four level supports under its four bottom corners in such a manner that the base structure of the container is free to deflect. A testing device loaded to a weight of 5,460 kilogrammes (12,000 lbs) that is 2,730 kg (6,000 lbs) on each of two surfaces having, when loaded, a total contact area of 284 cm2 (44 sq. in.) that is 142 cm2 - (22 sq. in.) on each surface, the surface width being 180 mm (7 in.) spaced 760 mm (30 in.) apart, centre to centre, should be manoeuvred over the entire floor area of the container. |
4. Transverse racking
Internal loading: None. |
The container in tare condition shall be placed on four level supports one under each bottom corner and shall be restrained against lateral and vertical movement by means of anchor devices so arranged that the lateral restraint is provided only at the bottom corners diagonally opposite to those at which the forces are applied. |
Externally applied forces: Such as to rack the end structures of the container sideways. The forces shall be equal to those for which the container was designed.
The EXTERNALLY APPLIED FORCES shall be applied either separately or simultaneously to each of the top corner fittings on one side of the container in lines parallel both to the base and to the planes of the ends of the container. The forces shall be applied first towards and then away from the top corner fittings. In the case of containers in which each end is symmetrical about its own vertical centreline, one side only need be tested, but both sides of containers with asymmetric ends shall be tested. |
5. Longitudinal restraint (static test)
When designing and constructing containers, it must be borne in mind that containers, when carried by inland modes of transport may sustain accelerations of 2 g applied horizontally in a longitudinal direction.
Internal loading: A uniformly distributed load, such that the combined weight of a container and test load is equal to the maximum operating gross weight or rating, R. In the case of a tank container, when the weight of the internal load plus the tare is less than the maximum gross weight or rating, R, a supplementary load is to be applied to the container. Externally applied forces: Such as to subject each side of the container to longitudinal compressive and tensile forces of magnitude R, that is, a combined force of 2R on the base of the container as a whole. |
The container having the prescribed INTERNAL LOADING shall be restrained longitudinally by securing the two bottom corner fittings or equivalent comer structures at one end to suitable anchor points.
The EXTERNALLY APPLIED FORCES shall be applied first towards and then away from the anchor points. Each side of the container shall be tested. |
6. End-walls
The end-walls should be capable of withstanding a load of not less than 0.4 times the maximum permissible payload. If, however, the end-walls are designed to withstand a load of less or greater than 0.4 times the maximum permissible payload such a strength factor shall be indicated on the Safety Approval Plate in accordance with Annex 1, Regulation 1.
Internal loading: Such as to subject the inside of an end-wall to a uniformly distributed load of 0.4P or such other load for which the container may be designed. Externally applied forces: None. |
The prescribed INTERNAL LOADING shall be applied as follows: Both ends of a container shall be tested except where the ends are identical only one end need be tested. The end-walls of containers which do not have open sides or side doors may be tested separately or simultaneously. The end-walls of containers which do have open sides or side doors should be tested separately. When the ends are tested separately the reactions to the forces applied to the end wall shall be confined to the base structure of the container. |
7. Side-walls
The side-walls should be capable of withstanding a load of not less than 0.6 times the maximum permissible payload. If, however, the side-walls are designed to withstand a load of less or greater than 0.6 times the maximum permissible payload, such a strength factor shall be indicated on the Safety Approval Plate in accordance with Annex I, Regulation 1.
Internal loading: Such as to subject the inside of a side-wall to a uniformly distributed load of 0.6P or such other load for which the container may be designed.
Externally applied forces: None. |
The prescribed INTERNAL LOADING shall be applied as follows: Both sides of a container shall be tested except where the sides are identical only one side need be tested. Side-walls shall be tested separately and the reactions to the internal loading shall be confined to the corner fittings or equivalent comer structures. Open topped containers shall be tested in the condition in which they are designed to
be operated, for example, with removable top members in position. |
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The Assembly,
Recalling article IX of the International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC), 1972, on the procedure for amending any part of the Convention,
Having considered the amendments to the International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC), 1972, adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee at its sixty-first session and communicated to all Contracting Parties in accordance with paragraph 2(a) of article IX of that Convention,
1. Adopts, in accordance with paragraph 2(b) of article IX of the International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC), 1972, the amendments to the Convention and its Annexes set out in the Annex to the present resolution;
2. Notes that, in accordance with paragraph 2(c) of article IX of the Convention, the said amendments shall enter into force twelve months after the date on which they are accepted by two thirds of the Contracting Parties;
3. Requests the Secretary-General, in conformity with paragraph 2(b) of article IX of the Convention, to communicate the said amendments to all Contracting Parties for their acceptance.
1. Paragraphs 14 to 16 of article II (Definitions) are amended to read:
"14. `Maximum Operating Gross Mass' or `Rating' or `R' means the maximum allowable sum of the mass of the container and its cargo. The letter `R' is expressed in units of mass. Where the Annexes are based on gravitational forces derived from this value, that force, which is an inertial force, is indicated as `Rg'.
15. `Tare' means the mass of the empty container including permanently affixed ancillary equipment.
16. `Maximum Permissible Payload' or `P' means the difference between maximum operating gross mass or rating and tare. The letter `P' is expressed in units of mass. Where the Annexes are based on the gravitational forces derived from this value, that force, which is an inertial force, is indicated as `Pg'."
New paragraphs 17 to 19 are added as follows:
"17. The word `load', when used to describe a physical quantity to which units may be ascribed, signifies mass.
18. The word `loading', for example, as in `internal loading', signifies force.
19. The letter `g' means the standard acceleration of gravity, `g' equals 9.8m/s'-." 2. Annex I, subparagraph 1(b) of regulation 1 is amended to read:
"(b) On each container all maximum gross mass markings shall be consistent with the maximum gross mass information on the Safety Approval Plate."
Subparagraph 2(a) is amended to read:
"(a) The plate shall contain the following information in at least the English or French language:
Country of approval and approval reference
Date (month and year) of manufacture
Manufacturer's identification number of the container or, in the case of existing containers for which that number is unknown, the number allotted by the Administration
Maximum operating gross mass (kg and lbs)
Allowable stacking load for 1.8 g (kg and Ibs)
Transverse racking test force (Newtons)"
A new paragraph 5 is added as follows:
"5 A container, the construction of which was completed prior to ......* , may retain the Safety Approval Plate as permitted by the Convention prior to that date as long as no structural modifications occur to that container."
3. Annex I, subparagraphs 1(c) and 1(e) of regulation 9 are amended to read:
"(c) maximum operating gross mass capability;"
"(e) allowable stacking load for 1.8 g (kg and lbs); and"
4. Annex I, subparagraphs (c) and (e) of regulation 10 are amended to read: "(c) maximum operating gross mass capability;"
"(e) allowable stacking load for 1.8 g (kg and lbs); and"
5. Annex I, the fourth, fifth and sixth lines of the model of the Safety Approval Plate reproduced in the appendix are amended to read:
"MAXIMUM OPERATING GROSS MASS ...... kg ........ lbs ALLOWABLE STACKING LOAD FOR 1.8 g ........ kg ........ lbs TRANSVERSE RACKING TEST FORCE ........ Newtons"
6. Annex I, items 4 to 8 of the appendix are amended to read:
"4. Maximum operating gross mass (kg and Ibs).
5. Allowable stacking load for 1.8 g (kg and lbs).
6. Transverse racking test force (Newtons).
7. End-wall strength to be indicated on plate only if end-walls are esigned to withstand a force of less or greater than 0.4 times the gravitational force by maximum permissible payload, i.e., 0.4 Pg.
8. Side-wall strength to be indicated on plate only if the side-walls are designed to withstand a force of less or greater than 0.6 times the gravitational force by maximum permissible payload, i.e., 0.6 Pg."
7. The first sentence of the Introduction to Annex II (Structural safety requirements and tests) is amended to read:
"In setting the requirements of this annex, it is implicit that in all phases of the operation of containers the forces as a result of motion, location, stacking and gravitational effect of the loaded container and external forces will not exceed the design strength of the container."
8. Annex II, section 1(A)-Lifting from corner fittings-the text concerning test loadings and applied forces is amended to read:
Internal load:
A uniformly distributed load such that the sum of the mass of container and test load is equal to 2R. In the case of a tank-container, when the test load of the internal load plus the tare is less than 2R, a supplementary load distributed over the length of the tank is to be added to the container.
Externally applied forces:
Such as to lift the sum of a mass of 2R in the manner prescribed (under the heading TEST PROCEDURES)."
9. Annex II, section 1(B)-Lifting by any other additional methods-is amended to read:
Internal load: A uniformly distributed load such that the sum of the mass of container and test load is equal to 1.25R Externally applied forces: Such as to lift the sum of a mass of 1.25R in the manner prescribed (under the heading TEST PROCEDURES). Internal load: A uniformly distributed load such that the sum of the mass of container and test load is equal to 1.25R. In the case of a tank-container, when the test load of the internal load plus the tare is less than 1.25R, a supplementary load distributed over the length of the tank is to be added to the container. Externally applied forces: Such as to lift the sum of a mass of 1.25R in the manner prescribed
(under the heading TEST PROCEDURES). |
(i) Lifting from fork-lift pockets: The container shall be placed on bars which are in the same horizontal plane, one bar centred within each fork-lift which is used for lifting the loaded container. The bars shall be of the same width as the forks intended to be used in the handling, and shall project into the fork pocket 75% of the length of the fork pocket. (ii) Lifting from grappler arm positions: The container shall be placed on pads in the same horizontal plane, one under each grappler arm position. These pads shall be of the same sizes as the lifting area of the grappler arms intended to be used. |
(iii) Other methods:
Where containers are designed to be lifted in the loaded condition by any method not mentioned in (A) (B)(i) and (ii) they shall also be tested with the internal load and externally applied forces representative of the acceleration conditions appropriate to that method."
10. Annex II, paragraphs 1 and 2 of section 2 STACKING - are amended to read:
"1. For conditions of international transport where the maximum vertical acceleration varies significantly from 1.8 g and when the container is reliably and effectively limited to such conditions of transport, the stacking load may be varied by the appropriate ratio of acceleration.
2. On successful completion of this test the container may be rated for the allowable superimposed. static stacking load, which should be indicated on the Safety Approval Plate against the heading ALLOWABLE STACKING LOAD FOR 1.8 g (kg and lbs)."
11. Annex II, section 2-STACKING-the text concerning test loadings and applied forces is amended to read:
Internal load:
A uniformly distributed load such that the sum of the mass of container and test load is equal to 1.8R. Tank-containers may be tested in the tare condition.
Externally applied forces:
Such as to subject each of the four top corner fittings to a vertical downward force equal to 0.25 x 1.8 x the gravitational force of the allowable superimposed static stacking load." 12. Annex II, section 3 - CONCENTRATED LOADS - is amended to read:
(a) On roof Internal load: None. Externally applied forces: A concentrated gravitational force of 300 kg (660 lbs) uniformly distributed over an area of 600 mm x 300 mm (24 in x 12 in).
(b) On floor Internal load: Two concentrated loads each of 2,730 kg (6,000 lbs) and each added to the container floor within a contact area of 142 cm2 (22 sq in).
Externally applied forces: None." |
The externally applied forces shall be applied vertically downwards to the outer surface of the weakest area of the roof of the container.
The test should be made with the container resting on four level supports under its four bottom corners in such a manner that the base structure of the container is free to deflect. A testing device loaded to a mass of 5,460 kg (12,000 Ibs) that is 2,730 kg (6,000 lbs) on each of two surfaces having, when loaded, a total contact area of 284 cm2 (44 sq in) that is 142 cm2 (22 sq in) on each surface, the surface width being 180 mm (7 in) spaced 760 mm (30 in) apart, centre to centre, should be manoeuvred over the entire floor area of the container. |
13. Annex II, the heading and subheading of section 4 are amended to read respectively:
"TEST LOAD AND APPLIED FORCES" and "Internal load:"
14. Annex II, section 5 - LONGITUDINAL RESTRAINT (STATIC TEST) - the text concerning test loadings and applied forces is amended to read:
Internal load:
A uniformly distributed load, such that the sum of the mass of a container and test load is equal to the maximum operating gross mass or rating R. In the case of a tank-container, when the mass of the internal load plus the tare is less than the maximum gross mass or rating, R, a supplementary load is to be added to the container.
Externally applied forces:
Such as to subject each side of the container to longitudinal compressive and tensile forces of magnitude Rg, that is, a combined force of 2 Rg on the base of the container as a whole."
15. Annex II, the first paragraph of section 6-END-WALLS-is amended to read:
"The end-walls should be capable of withstanding a force of not less than 0.4 times the force equal to gravitational force by maximum permissible payload. If, however, the end-walls are designed to withstand a force of less or greater than 0.4 times the gravitational force by maximum permissible payload such a strength factor shall be indicated on the Safety Approval Plate in accordance with annex I, regulation 1."
16. Annex II, section 6-END-WALLS-the text concerning test loadings and applied forces is amended to read:
Internal load:
Such as to subject the inside of an end-wall to a uniformly distributed force of 0.4 Pg or such other force for which the container may be designed.
Externally applied forces:
17. Annex II, the first paragraph of section 7-SIDE-WALLS-is amended to read:
"The side-walls should be capable of withstanding a force of not less than 0.6 times the force equal to the gravitational force by maximum permissible payload. If, however, the side-walls are designed to withstand a force of less or greater than 0.6 times the gravitational force by maximum permissible payload, such a strength factor shall be indicated on the Safety Approval Plate in accordance with annex I, regulation 1."
18. Annex II, section 7-SIDE-WALLS-the text concerning test loadings and applied forces is amended to read:
Such as to subject the inside of a side-wall to a uniformly distributed force of 0.6 Pg or such other force for which the container may be designed.
Externally applied forces:
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Par 1972. gada Starptautisko konvenciju par drošiem konteineriem un tās 1993. gada grozījumiem
Jautājums |
Iesniedzēja sniegtā informācija |
a) pašlaik Latvijā nav tiesiska pamata, lai veiktu konteineru pēcrekonstrukcijas sertifikāciju, nav sertificēšanas speciālistu, nav iekārtu. Tā izmanto citu valstu tiesiskās institūcijas, lai saņemtu apstiprinājumu.
b) likums nepieciešams, lai Latvijā izveidotu tiesisku pamatu un materiālo bāzi pēcrekonstrukcijas sertifikācijai saskaņā ar starptautiskiem drošības standartiem un sekmētu starptautisko konteineru pārvadāšanu. |
Jāanalizē ietekme uz
uz valsts budžetu? Jāpaskaidro, vai ieviešot attiecīgo likumu:
c) nākamajos piecos gados valsts budžeta ienākumi attiecīgi varētu palielināties.
Jāpaskaidro, kādi normatīvie akti likumi un Ministru kabineta noteikumi - papildus jāizdod un vai ir sagatavoti projekti. Attiecībā uz Ministru kabineta noteikumiem (arī tiem, kuru izdošana ir paredzēta izstrādātajā likumprojektā) norāda to mērķi un satura galvenos punktus. |
Likums spēkā esošo tiesību normu sistēmu praktiski neietekmē un grozījumi citos normatīvajos aktos nav nepieciešami. |
a) EK likumdošanā šis jautājums tieši netiek regulēts, taču likumprojekts atbilst ES pieņemtajai praksei un visas ES valstis ir šīs Konvencijas dalībvalstis; b) nav konkrēta tiesību akta šajā jautājumā, bet to iesaka 1979. gada 15. maija Eiropas Padomes rekomendācija (79/487/EEC) par Starptautiskās konvencijas par drošiem konteineriem ratificēšanu; c) likuma pieņemšana neietekmē saistības ar Pasaules tirdzniecības organizāciju; d) likums nodrošinās Latvijas Republikas saistību izpildi attiecībā uz SJO kā arī LR integrāciju Eiropas Savienībā, jo ES valstīs pievienošanās šai Konvencijai ir atzīta un akceptēta. |
Ministrs A. Gorbunovs
I. Lipše