Par Eiropas Pagaidu līgumu par sociālo drošību, izņemot shēmas,
kas attiecas uz vecuma, invaliditātes un apgādnieka
zaudējuma gadījumiem, un tā protokolu
1.pants. 1953.gada 11.decembra Eiropas Pagaidu līgums par sociālo drošību, izņemot shēmas, kas attiecas uz vecuma, invaliditātes un apgādnieka zaudējuma gadījumiem (turpmāk Līgums), un tā protokols ar šo likumu tiek pieņemts un apstiprināts.
2.pants. Likums stājas spēkā tā izsludināšanas dienā. Līdz ar likumu ir izsludināms Līgums un tā protokols angļu valodā un to tulkojums latviešu valodā.
3.pants. Saskaņā ar Līguma 1.panta ceturto daļu noteikt, ka jēdziens "pilsonis" šā Līguma izpratnē ietver Latvijas Republikas pilsoņus, kā arī nepilsoņus, kas ir likuma "Par to bijušās PSRS pilsoņu statusu, kuriem nav Latvijas vai citas valsts pilsonības" subjekti.
4.pants. Saskaņā ar Līguma 1.panta ceturto daļu noteikt, ka jēdziens "teritorija" šā Līguma izpratnē ietver Latvijas Republikas suverēno teritoriju, kurā ietilpst sauszeme, iekšējie un teritoriālie ūdeņi, kā arī jūra, tās dzīles, uz kurām saskaņā ar starptautiskajām tiesībām Latvijas Republikai ir suverēnas tiesības vai kuras saskaņā ar starptautiskajām tiesībām atrodas Latvijas Republikas jurisdikcijā.
5.pants. Attiecībā uz Līguma 7.panta pirmo daļu par sociālās drošības shēmām, uz kurām attiecināms šis Līgums, noteikt, ka šis Līgums attiecas uz sociālās drošības shēmām, kas:
1) ir atkarīgas no apdrošināšanas iemaksām, uz likumiem un noteikumiem par:
a) bezdarbnieka pabalstu;
b) slimības un maternitātes pabalstu;
c) apdrošināšanas atlīdzību sakarā ar nelaimes gadījumiem darbā vai arodslimībām;
2) nav atkarīgas no apdrošināšanas iemaksām, uz likumiem un noteikumiem par:
a) ģimenes valsts pabalstu;
b) veselības aprūpes pakalpojumiem.
6.pants. Attiecībā uz Līguma 9.panta pirmo daļu noteikt šādu atrunu:
"Latvijas Republikas valdība patur tiesības nepiemērot šā Līguma noteikumus bērna piedzimšanas un kopšanas pabalstu sistēmai un pabalstiem alternatīvās aprūpes formu attīstībai pabalstiem aizbildņiem un audžu ģimenēm."
7.pants. Līguma 7., 8. un 9.panta izpildi pēc tā stāšanās spēkā nodrošina bezpeļņas organizācija valsts akciju sabiedrība "Valsts sociālās apdrošināšanas aģentūra".
8.pants. Līgums stājas spēkā tā 13.pantā noteiktajā laikā un kārtībā, protokols stājas spēkā tā 3.pantā noteiktajā laikā un kārtībā, un Ārlietu ministrija par to paziņo laikrakstā "Latvijas Vēstnesis".
Valdības, Eiropas Padomes locekles, kas parakstījušas šo Līgumu,
Ņemot vērā, ka Eiropas Padomes mērķis ir panākt lielāku vienotību starp tās loceklēm, ar mērķi (papildus citiem) sekmēt to sociālo progresu;
Ņemot vērā principu, ka jebkuras šī Līguma Līgumslēdzējas Puses pilsoņiem ir jāsaņem vienlīdzīga attieksme saskaņā ar jebkuras citas Līgumslēdzējas Puses likumiem un noteikumiem, attiecībā uz vecuma pensijām, invaliditātes vai apgādnieka zaudējuma pabalstiem,- principu, ko Starptautiskā Darba Organizācija ir apstiprinājusi konvencijās;
Ņemot vērā arī principu, ka jebkuras citas Līgumslēdzējas Puses pilsoņiem ir jāsaņem
jebkuru citu divu vai vairāku Līgumslēdzēju Pušu noslēgtajos līgumos noteiktās priekšrocības, attiecībā uz vecumu, invaliditāti un apgādnieka zaudējuma gadījumu;
Vēloties īstenot šos principus, ar Pagaidu Līgumu palīdzību, kamēr tiek noslēgta vispārēja konvencija, kas balstās uz divpusēju līgumu tīklu,
Ir vienojušās par sekojošo:
Saskaņā ar jebkuru būtisku divpusēju un daudzpusēju līgumu noteikumiem, pabalsti, kas šī Līguma neesamības dēļ nav piešķirti, vai ir pārtraukti, ir jāpiešķir vai jāatjauno no šī Līguma spēkā stāšanās dienas visām Līgumslēdzējām Pusēm, kas saistītas ar konkrēto pieprasījumu, ja pieprasījums ir iesniegts 1 gada laikā pēc datuma vai tāda ilgāka perioda laikā, kādu noteikusi Līgumslēdzēja Puse saskaņā ar kuras likumiem un noteikumiem pabalsts tiek prasīts. Ja pieprasījums šādā periodā netiek iesniegts, pabalsts ir jāpiešķir vai jāatjauno no pieprasījuma dienas vai tāda agrāka datuma, kādu noteikusi šī pēdējā Līgumslēdzēja Puse.
Šī Līguma noteikumi neierobežo nacionālo likumu vai noteikumu, starptautisko konvenciju, vai divpusēju vai daudzpusēju līgumu normas, kas ir labvēlīgākas pabalsta prasītājam.
Šis Līgums neietekmē tās nacionālo likumu vai noteikumu normas, kas attiecas uz apdrošināto personu un citu ieinteresētu personu kategoriju dalību sociālās drošības (sistēmas) vadīšanā.
Šī Līguma pielikumi ir tā neatņemama sastāvdaļa.
Ja kāda no Līgumslēdzējām Pusēm denonsē šo Līgumu,
Eiropas Padomes Ģenerālsekretārs paziņo:
Šis Līgums paliek spēkā 2 gadus no tā spēkā stāšanās datuma saskaņā ar 13.panta 2.apakšpunktu. No tā laika tas paliek spēkā gadu no gada tām Līgumslēdzējām Pusēm, kas nav denonsējušas to ar paziņojumu, kas adresēts Eiropas Padomes Ģenerālsekretāram vismaz 6 mēnešus pirms vai nu no sākotnējā divu gadu perioda, vai no katra turpmākā gada beigām. Šāds paziņojums stājas spēkā tā perioda beigās, uz kuru tas attiecas.
To apliecinot, apakšā parakstījušies, attiecīgi pilnvaroti, ir parakstījuši šo Līgumu
Noslēgts Parīzē, 1953.gada 11.dedcembrī, angļu un franču valodās, abi teksti vienādi autentiski, vienā eksemplārā, kas paliek Eiropas Padomes arhīvos, un no kuriem Ģenerālsekretārs nosūta apstiprinātas kopijas katrai Pusei, kura Līgumu parakstījusi, un Starptautiskā Darba Biroja Ģenerāldirektoram.
Valdības, Eiropas Padomes locekles, parakstījušas šo Protokolu,
Ņemot vērā Eiropas Pagaidu Līguma par sociālās drošības shēmām, izņemot tās, kas attiecas uz vecumu, invaliditāti un apgādnieka zaudējuma, kas parakstīts Parīzē 1953.gada 11.decembrī (turpmāk tekstā: Pamatlīgums) noteikumus;
Ņemot vērā Konvencijas par bēgļu statusu noteikumus, kas parakstīta Ženēvā 1951.gada 28.jūlijā (turpmāk tekstā: Konvencija);
Vēloties paplašināt Pamatlīguma noteikumus, lai tos attiecinātu uz bēgļiem tā, kā noteikts Konvencijā,
Ir vienojušās par sekojošo:
Šī Protokola izpratnē terminam bēglis ir tāda nozīme, kādu nosaka Konvencijas 1.pants, ja katra Līgumslēdzēja Puse parakstīšanas vai ratifikācijas vai pievienošanās laikā sniedz paziņojumu, norādot, kuru no nozīmēm, kas norādītas Konvencijas 1.panta B apakšpunktā, tā piemēro savu saistību pildīšanai saskaņā ar šo Protokolu, ja vien Puse jau nav sniegusi šādu paziņojumu Konvencijas parakstīšanas vai ratificēšanas laikā.
Pamatlīguma noteikumi attiecas uz bēgļiem saskaņā ar tādiem pašiem noteikumiem kā tie, kas attiecas uz Līgumslēdzēju Pušu pilsoņiem, paredzot, ka šī Līguma 3.pants attiecas uz bēgļiem tikai gadījumos, kur līgumu Līgumslēdzējas Puses, uz kurām šis pants attiecas, ir ratificējušas šo Protokolu vai pievienojušās tam.
To apliecinot, apakšā parakstījušies, attiecīgi pilnvaroti, parakstīja šo Līgumu.
Noslēgts Parīzē, 1953.gada 11.dedcembrī, angļu un franču valodās, abi teksti vienādi autentiski, vienā eksemplārā, kas paliek Eiropas Padomes arhīvos, un no kuriem Ģenerālsekretārs nosūta apstiprinātas kopijas katrai Pusei, kas Līgumu parakstījusi, un Starptautiskā Darba Biroja Ģenerāldirektoram.
Sociālās drošības shēmas,
uz kurām attiecināms šis Līgums
Likumi un noteikumi, kas attiecas uz:
Visas augšminētās shēmas ir no iemaksām atkarīgas.
Likums par sociālo drošību un Noteikumi, kas izveido shēmu, kas paredz bezdarba pabalstu, slimības un maternitātes pabalstus (kas maksājami skaidrā naudā), pabalstu nāves gadījumā un pabalstus, kas attiecas uz nelaimes gadījumiem darbā ražošanas gaitā un noteiktām slimībām.
Shēmas ir no iemaksām atkarīgas.
Likumi un noteikumi, kas attiecas uz:
Visas šīs shēmas ir no iemaksām neatkarīgas, izņemot b. un c., kuras ir no iemaksām atkarīgas.
Likumi un noteikumi, kas attiecas uz:
a. Sociālās drošības organizēšanu.
d. Ģimenes pabalstiem.
e. Noteikumiem par nelaimes gadījumu darbā novēršanu un kompensāciju.
f. Speciālām sociālās drošības shēmām.
g. Bezdarba pabalstu piešķiršanu.
h. 1976.gada 31.decembra likumu Nr. 76-1287, kas publicēts Francijas Republikas Official Gazette 1977.gada 1.janvārī un attiecas uz to Francijas strādājošo sociālo aizsardzību, kuri komandēti vai emigrējuši uz ārzemēm.
i. 1980.gada 27.jūnija likumu Nr.80-471, kas publicēts Francijas Republikas Official Gazette 1980.gada 28.jūnijā un paplašina Francijas pilsoņu sociālo aizsardzību ārzemēs.
j. 1984.gada 13.jūlija likumu Nr.84-604, kas publicēts Francijas Republikas Official Gazette 1984.gada 14.jūlijā un paredz dažādus pasākumus, kas attiecas uz ārzemēs atrodošos Francijas pilsoņu sociālās aizsardzības uzlabošanu.
Visas augstāk minētās shēmas, izņemot g., ir no iemaksām atkarīgas.
Likumi un noteikumi, kas attiecas uz:
a. Slimības apdrošināšanu (slimības, maternitātes pabalstiem un pabalstiem nāves gadījumā).
b. Apdrošināšanu pret nelaimes gadījumiem darbā (ieskaitot kompensāciju par nelaimes gadījumu darbā ieslodzītajiem).
c. Bezdarba apdrošināšanu un palīdzību.
d. Ģimenes pabalstiem.
Visas augstāk minētās shēmas, izņemot tās, kas ietver ģimenes pabalstus un palīdzību bezdarba gadījumā, ir no iemaksām atkarīgas.
Likumi un noteikumi, kas attiecas uz:
a. Sociālo apdrošināšanu, ieskaitot bezdarba apdrošināšanu.
b. Speciālām pensiju shēmām noteiktām strādājošo kategorijām.
Šīs shēmas ir no iemaksām atkarīgas.
c. Lauksaimniecībā nodarbināto tiešo iemaksu likvidēšana Lauksaimniecības darbinieku apdrošināšanas iestādei (Likumdošanas akts Nr. 4575/1966).
d. Ģimenes pabalstu sistēmu, kas attiecināma uz nodarbinātām personām (Likumdošanas akts Nr. 3868/1959 un Noteikumi).
e. Lauksaimniecībā nodarbināto sociālā apdrošināšana (Likums 4169/1961 un Noteikumi).
Likumi un noteikumi, kas attiecas uz:
a. i. Slimības apdrošināšanu.
ii. Slimības pabalstiem, iztikas pabalstiem.
iii. Maternitātes pabalstiem un pabalstiem nāves gadījumā.
b. Nelaimes gadījumu apdrošināšanu.
c. Bezdarba apdrošināšanu.
d. Ģimenes pabalstiem.
Visas augstāk minētās shēmas, izņemot d. punktā minētās, ir no iemaksām atkarīgas.
Likumi un noteikumi, kas attiecas uz:
a. Invaliditātes, maternitātes pabalstiem.
b. Bezdarba pabalstu un palīdzību.
c. Neregulāra bezdarba apdrošināšanu.
d. Pabalstu nāves gadījumā.
e. Nelaimes gadījumiem darbā un arodslimībām.
f. Ģimenes pabalstiem.
g. Infekcijas slimību diagnostiku, profilaksi un ārstēšanu.
h. Pabalstu sniegšanu personām, kas cieš no infekcijas slimībām.
i. Medicīniskām shēmām mātes un bērna labklājības nodrošināšanai.
j. Medicīnisko aprūpi skolās.
k. Pabalstiem maternitātes gadījumā, kas maksājami skaidrā naudā.
Shēmas, kas minētas f., g., h., i., j. un k. punktos ir no iemaksām neatkarīgas tāpat kā b. punktā minētā palīdzība bezdarba gadījumā. Citas ir no iemaksām atkarīgas (Shēma, kas minēta d. punktā uzliek pienākumu darba devējiem un neparedz Valsts iemaksas).
Likumi un noteikumi, kas attiecas uz:
b. Obligāto apdrošināšanu pret nelaimes gadījumiem darbā.
c. Pabalstiem bezdarbniekiem.
d. Speciālām obligātās apdrošināšanas shēmām noteiktām strādājošo kategorijām.
e. Ģimenes pabalstiem.
Shēmas, kas minētas punktā c. un slimības apdrošināšanas shēmas attiecībā uz zemniekiem, kam zeme pieder īpašumā, zemes nomniekiem, amatniekiem un zvejniekiem (neatkarīgiem strādājošiem) ieslēgti speciālās shēmās, kas augstāk minētas punktā d. un daļēji tās ir no iemaksām atkarīgas, daļēji no iemaksām neatkarīgas. Visas pārējās shēmas ir no iemaksām atkarīgas.
Likumi un noteikumi, kas attiecas uz:
a. Slimības apdrošināšanu (slimības, maternitātes un nāves gadījumā).
b. Nelaimes gadījumu darbā un arodslimību apdrošināšanu.
c. Bezdarba pabalstiem.
d. Ģimenes pabalstiem.
Augstāk minētās shēmas, izņemot bērna piedzimšanas pabalstus, ir no iemaksām atkarīgas.
Likumi un noteikumi, kas attiecas uz:
a. Veselības apdrošināšanu (pabalstiem, kas maksājami skaidrā naudā un pabalstiem materiālā izteiksmē, maternitātes pabalstiem).
b. Ģimenes pabalstiem.
c. Bezdarba apdrošināšanu un palīdzību bezdarba gadījumā.
Augstāk minētās shēmas ir no iemaksām atkarīgas, izņemot palīdzību bezdarba gadījumā.
Likumi un noteikumi, kas attiecas uz:
a. Slimības un maternitātes pabalstiem, pabalstiem nāves gadījumā saskaņā ar 1966.gada 17.jūnija Nacionālās apdrošināšanas aktu.
b. 1958.gada 12.decembra Aktu par apdrošināšanu pret nelaimes gadījumiem darbā (piemērojams attiecībā uz nelaimes gadījumiem, kas notikuši pirms 1971.gada 1.janvāra).
c. Nelaimes gadījumiem darbā saskaņā ar 1966.gada 17.jūnija Nacionālās apdrošināšanas aktu (piemērojams attiecībā uz nelaimes gadījumiem, kas notikuši pēc 1971.gada 1.janvāra).
d. Speciālo pielikumu pabalstiem saskaņā ar nacionālās apdrošināšanas pasākumiem, ko nosaka 1969.gada 19.jūnija Akts.
e. Papildu kompensāciju pabalstiem, ko nosaka nacionālās apdrošināšanas pasākumi saskaņā ar 1969.gada 19.jūnija Aktu.
f. Bezdarba apdrošināšanu saskaņā ar 1966.gada 17.jūnija Nacionālās apdrošināšanas aktu.
g. Ģimenes pabalstiem saskaņā ar 1946.gada 24.oktobra Aktu.
Shēmas, kas minētas punktos a., b., c. un f., ir no iemaksām atkarīgas, bet shēmas, kas minētas punktos d., e. un g., ir no iemaksām neatkarīgas.
Likumi un noteikumi, kas attiecas uz:
a. Veselības apdrošināšanu (ieskaitot speciālo shēmu attiecībā uz tuberkulozi).
b. Maternitātes apdrošināšanu.
c. Pabalstiem nāves gadījumā.
d. Kompensāciju sakarā ar zaudējumiem, kas radušies nelaimes gadījuma darbā un arodslimību rezultātā.
e. Bezdarba apdrošināšanu.
f. Ģimenes pabalstiem.
g. Speciālām sociālās apdrošināšanas shēmām attiecībā uz specifiskām strādājošo kategorijām, ciktāl attiecas uz noteiktiem kontingentiem vai pabalstiem, ko nosaka augstāk minētie likumi un noteikumi (ieskaitot lauksaimniecībā nodarbinātām un pašnodarbinātām personām).
Visas šīs shēmas ir no iemaksām atkarīgas.
Likumi un noteikumi, kas attiecas uz:
a. Slimības, maternitātes pabalstiem, pabalstiem nāves gadījumā.
b. Ģimenes pabalstiem.
c. Parastiem bezdarba pabalstiem.
d. Pabalstiem nelaimes gadījumiem darbā un arodslimību gadījumā.
Visas augstāk minētās shēmas ir no iemaksām atkarīgas.
Likumi un noteikumi, kas attiecas uz:
a. Slimības apdrošināšanu.
b. Apdrošināšanu pret nelaimes gadījumiem darbā un arodslimībām.
c. Apdrošināšanu bezdarba gadījumā un palīdzību bezdarba gadījumā.
d. Vispārējiem ģimenes pabalstiem.
e. Maternitātes pabalstiem.
f. Dažādiem medicīniskiem pakalpojumiem.
Shēmas, kas minētas punktā b. un apdrošināšanas bezdarba gadījumā shēma, kas minēta punktā c., ir no iemaksām atkarīgas. Shēmas, kas minētas punktā a., palīdzības bezdarba gadījumā shēmā, kas minēta punktā c., un shēmas, kas minētas punktos d., e. un f. punktos ir no iemaksām neatkarīgas.
i. Slimības apdrošināšanu
ii. Maternitātes apdrošināšanu
b. Likumdošana, kas attiecas uz speciālām shēmām, kas piemērojamas Sociālās apdrošināšanas fondiem, kas iekļaujas sociālās apdrošināšanas sistēmas darbības sfērā kam, kā minimālā prasība, ir uzticēta augstākminēto tiesību aktu piemērošana.
Augstāk minētās shēmas ir no iemaksām atkarīgas.
Apvienotā Karaliste
Likumi un noteikumi, kas attiecas uz Lielbritāniju, Ziemeļīriju un Menas salu:
a. Apdrošināšanas shēmu izveidošanu, kas attiecas uz bezdarba, slimības un nāves gadījumiem un sieviešu dzemdībām;
Punktā a. un b. minētās shēmas ir no iemaksām atkarīgas. Punktā c., d. un e. minētās shēmas ir no iemaksām neatkarīgas.
Divpusēji un daudzpusēji līgumi,
uz kuriem attiecināms Pagaidu līgums
(ii)Vispārējās konvencijas par sociālo drošību Papildu protokols pie Trešā papildu līguma un Noslēguma protokola, parakstīts Bonnā, 1960.gada 10.novembrī (stājās spēkā 1963.gada 9.novembrī, ar atpakaļejošu spēku no 1959.gada 1.janvāra).
l. Vispārējā konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Beļģijas Karalisti un Turcijas Republiku, parakstīta Briselē, 1966.gada 4.jūlijā (stājās spēkā 1968.gada 1.maijā), pārstrādāta saskaņā ar 1981.gada 2.februāra Konvenciju.
m. Vispārējā konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Beļģijas Karalisti un Portugāles Republiku, parakstīta 1970.gada 14.septembrī (stājās spēkā 1973.gada 1.maijā).
n. Konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Beļģiju un Luksemburgu, parakstīta 1949.gada 3.decembrī, pārstrādāta ar 1959.gada 16.novembra Konvenciju.
a. Līgums par sociālo drošību starp Lielbritānijas un Ziemeļīrijas Apvienotās Karalistes Valdību un Kipras Republikas Valdību, noslēgts 1969.gada 6.oktobrī.
b. Līgums par sociālo drošību starp Kipras Republikas Valdību un Grieķijas Republikas Valdību, noslēgts 1979.gada 1.jūlijā.
b. Konvencija starp Dāniju un Franciju par sociālo drošību ar Protokolu, parakstīta 1951.gada 30.jūnijā.
a. Vispārējā konvencija starp Franciju un Beļģiju par sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1948.gada 17.janvārī.
b. Vispārējā konvencija starp Franciju un Itāliju, lai koordinētu Francijas sociālās drošības likumdošanas un Itālijas sociālās apdrošināšanas un ģimenes pabalstu likumdošanas piemērošanu attiecībā uz abu valstu pilsoņiem, parakstīta 1948.gada 31.martā.
c. Vispārējā konvencija starp Franciju un Apvienoto Karalisti par sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1956.gada 10.jūlijā.
d. Vispārējā konvencija starp Franciju un Luksemburgas Lielhercogisti par sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1949.gada 12.novembrī.
e. Vispārējā konvencija starp Franciju un Nīderlandi par sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1950.gada 7.janvārī.
f. Vispārējā konvencija starp Franciju un Vācijas Federatīvo Republiku par sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1950.gada 10.jūlijā.
g. Daudzpusēja konvencija starp Franciju un Briseles Līguma pusēm par sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1949.gada 7.novembrī.
h. Vispārējā konvencija starp Franciju un Dāniju par sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1951.gada 30.jūnijā
i. Konvencija starp Franciju, Itāliju un Sāras apgabalu, lai paplašinātu un koordinētu Francijas sociālās drošības likumdošanas un Itālijas un Sāras sociālās apdrošināšanas un ģimenes pabalstu likumdošanas piemērošanu attiecībā uz triju valstu pilsoņiem, parakstīta 1952.gada 27.novembrī.
j. Konvencija starp Franciju, Beļģiju un Itāliju, lai paplašinātu un koordinētu Beļģijas un Francijas sociālās drošības likumdošanas un Itālijas sociālās apdrošināšanas un ģimenes pabalstu likumdošanas piemērošanu attiecībā uz triju valstu pilsoņiem, parakstīta 1951.gada 19.janvārī.
k. Vispārējā konvencija starp Franciju un Norvēģiju par sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1954.gada 30.septembrī, stājās spēkā 1956.gada 1.jūlijā.
l. Vispārējā konvencija starp Franciju un Grieķiju par sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1958.gada 19.aprīlī, stājās spēkā 1959.gada 1.maijā.
k. Konvencija starp Vācijas Federatīvo Republiku un Turcijas Republiku par sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1964.gada 30.aprīlī, stājās spēkā 1965.gada 1.novembrī.
l. Līgums starp Vācijas Federatīvo Republiku un Portugāles Republiku par sociālo drošību, noslēgts 1964.gada 6.novembrī.
m. Līgums starp Vācijas Federatīvo Republiku un Zviedrijas Karalisti par sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1976.gada 27.februārī.
Konvencija starp Islandi, Dāniju, Norvēģiju, Somiju un Zviedriju, parakstīta 1955.gada 15.septembrī, izņemot 7. un 8. pantu.
a. Līgums par sociālo drošību starp Īriju un Apvienoto Karalisti, 1960.gada 29.martā.
b. Līgums attiecībā uz apdrošināšanu un strādājošo kompensāciju starp Sociālās labklājības ministru un Ziemeļīrijas Darba un Nacionālās apdrošināšanas ministriju, noslēgts 1964.gada 22.jūlijā.
c. Līgums par sociālo drošību starp Īriju un Apvienoto Karalisti, noslēgts 1966.gada 28.februārī.
d. Līgums par sociālo drošību starp Īriju un Apvienoto Karalisti, noslēgts 1968.gada 3.oktobrī.
e. Līgums par sociālo drošību starp Īriju un Apvienoto Karalisti, noslēgts 1971.gada 14.septembrī.
a. Vispārējā konvencija starp Itāliju un Franciju, lai koordinētu Francijas sociālās drošības likumdošanas un Itālijas sociālās apdrošināšanas un ģimenes pabalstu likumdošanas piemērošanu attiecībā uz abu valstu pilsoņiem, parakstīta 1948.gada 31.martā.
b. Vispārējā konvencija starp Itāliju un Beļģiju par sociālo apdrošināšanu, parakstīta 1948.gada 30.aprīlī.
c. Konvencija starp Beļģiju, Franciju un Itāliju, lai paplašinātu un koordinētu Beļģijas un Francijas sociālās drošības likumdošanas un Itālijas sociālās apdrošināšanas un ģimenes pabalstu likumdošanas piemērošanu attiecībā uz triju valstu pilsoņiem, parakstīta 1951.gada 19.janvārī.
d. Vispārējā konvencija starp Itālijas Republiku un Luksemburgas Lielhercogisti par sociālo drošību, 1951.gada 29.maijā.
e. Konvencija par sociālo apdrošināšanu starp Itālijas Republiku un Lielbritānijas un Ziemeļīrijas Apvienoto Karalisti, 1951.gada 28.novembrī.
f. Vispārējā konvencija starp Nīderlandes Karalisti un Itālijas Republiku par sociālo apdrošināšanu, parakstīta 1952.gada 18.oktobrī.
g. Konvencija starp Itālijas Republiku un Vācijas Federatīvo Republiku par sociālo apdrošināšanu, parakstīta 1953.gada 5.maijā.
h. Konvencija starp Itālijas Republiku un Zviedrijas Karalisti par sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1979.gada 25.septembrī.
i. Konvencija starp Itālijas Republiku un Lielbritānijas un Ziemeļīrijas Apvienoto Karalisti par sociālo apdrošināšanu Itālijā un Ziemeļīrijā, parakstīta 1957.gada 29.janvārī.
a. Vispārējā konvencija starp Luksemburgas Lielhercogisti un Franciju par sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1949.gada 12.novembrī.
b. Vispārējā konvencija starp Luksemburgas Lielhercogisti un Beļģiju par sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1949.gada 3.decembrī.
c. Vispārējā konvencija starp Luksemburgas Lielhercogisti un Nīderlandi par sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1950.gada 8.jūlijā.
d. Daudzpusēja Konvencija par sociālo drošību, parakstīta starp Briseles Līguma pusēm 1949.gada 7.novembrī.
e. Konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Apvienoto Karalisti un Luksemburgas Lielhercogisti, parakstīta 1953.gada 13.oktobrī.
f. Vispārējā konvencija starp Luksemburgas Lielhercogisti un Itāliju par sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1951.gada 29.maijā.
g. Konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Luksemburgas Lielhercogisti un Portugāli, parakstīta 1965.gada 12.februārī, izņemot 3.panta 2.punktu un 1965.gada 12.februāra Protokolu 1972.gada 5.jūnija un 1977.gada 20.maija papildus līgumu redakcijā.
d. Konvencija starp Beļģiju un Nīderlandi par abu valstu likumdošanas piemērošanu attiecībā uz sociālo apdrošināšanu, parakstīta 1947.gada 29.augustā, izdarīti labojumi saskaņā ar 1957.gada 4.novembra Konvenciju, kas pārstrādāja 1947.gada 29.augusta Konvenciju.
e. Vispārējā konvencija starp Nīderlandi un Franciju par sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1950.gada 7.janvārī.
f. Konvencija starp Nīderlandi un Luksemburgas Lielhercogisti par sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1950.gada 8.jūlijā.
g. Konvencija starp Nīderlandi un Vācijas Federatīvo Republiku par sociālo apdrošināšanu, parakstīta 1951.gada 29.martā.
h. Daudzpusēja Konvencija par sociālo drošību, parakstīta starp Briseles Līguma pusēm 1949. gada 7.novembrī.
i. Līgums par Reinas kuģotāju sociālo drošību, noslēgts 1950.gada 27.janvārī, aizstāts ar Konvenciju par Reinas kuģotāju sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1961.gada 13.februārī (stājās spēkā 1970.gada 1.februārī).
j. Vispārējā konvencija starp Nīderlandes Karalisti un Itālijas Republiku par sociālo apdrošināšanu, parakstīta 1952.gada 28.oktobrī.
k. Konvencija starp Nīderlandes Karalisti un Lielbritānijas un Ziemeļīrijas Apvienoto Karalisti par sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1954.gada 11.augustā.
l. Konvencija starp Nīderlandes Karalisti un Turcijas Republiku par sociālo drošību un parakstīšanas Protokols, 1966.gada 5.aprīlī (stājās spēkā 1968.gada 1.aprīlī), labota saskaņā ar 1980.gada 4.septembra Konvenciju, kas pārstrādāja 1966.gada 5.aprīļa Konvenciju.
m. Konvencija starp Nīderlandes Karalisti un Grieķijas Karalisti par sociālo drošību, 1966.gada 13.septembrī (stājās spēkā 1970.gada 1. jūlijā).
n. Konvencija starp Nīderlandes Karalisti un Portugāles Republiku par sociālo drošību, 1979.gada 19.jūlijā (stājās spēkā 1981.gada 1.janvārī).
o. Konvencija starp Nīderlandes Karalisti un Zviedrijas Karalisti par sociālo drošību, 1982.gada 2.jūlijā (stājās spēkā 1983.gada 1.martā).
b. Konvencija starp Norvēģiju un Franciju par sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1954.gada 30.septembrī, stājās spēkā 1956.gada 1.jūlijā.
c. Konvencija starp Norvēģiju un Lielbritānijas un Ziemeļīrijas Apvienoto Karalisti par sociālo drošību, 1957.gada 25.jūlijā, stājās spēkā 1958.gada 1.aprīlī.
Konvencija starp Spāniju un Vācijas Federatīvo Republiku, papildinājums 1973.gada 4.decembra Konvencijai, parakstīta 1975.gada 17.decembrī.
a. Konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Turciju un Apvienoto Karalisti, parakstīta 1959.gada 9.septembrī, stājās spēkā 1961.gada 1.jūnijā.
b. Konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Turciju un Vācijas Federatīvo Republiku, parakstīta 1964.gada 30.aprīlī, stājās spēkā 1965.gada 1.novembrī.
c. Konvencija starp Turciju un Nīderlandi par sociālo drošību, parakstīta 1966.gada 5.aprīlī un stājās spēkā 1968.gada 1.februārī.
d. Konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Turciju un Beļģiju, parakstīta 1966. gada 4. jūlijā un stājās spēkā 1968.gada 1.maijā.
e. Konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Turciju un Franciju, parakstīta 1972.gada 20.janvārī un stājās spēkā 1973.gada 1.augustā.
f. Konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Turciju un Dāniju, parakstīta 1976.gada 22.janvārī, stājās spēkā 1978.gada 1.februārī.
g. Konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Turciju un Zviedriju, parakstīta 1978. gada 30. jūnijā, stājās spēkā 1981.gada 1.maijā.
h. Konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Turciju un Norvēģiju, parakstīta 1978.gada 20.jūlijā, stājās spēkā 1981.gada 1.jūnijā.
Apvienotā Karaliste
a. Konvencija par sociālo drošību un Protokols attiecībā uz pabalstiem materiālā izteiksmē starp Apvienoto Karalisti un Beļģiju, parakstīta Briselē, 1957.gada 20.maijā.
b. Konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Apvienoto Karalisti un Kipru, parakstīta Nikozijā, 1969.gada 6.oktobrī.
c. Konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Apvienoto Karalisti un Dāniju, parakstīta Londonā, 1959.gada 27.augustā.
d. Konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Apvienoto Karalisti un Franciju, parakstīta Parīzē, 1956.gada 10.jūlijā.
e. Konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Apvienoto Karalisti un Vācijas Federatīvo Republiku, parakstīta Bonnā, 1960.gada 20.aprīlī.
f. Līgums par sociālo drošību starp Apvienoto Karalisti un Īrijas Republiku, parakstīts Dublinā, 1966.gada 28.februārī.
g. Līgums par sociālo drošību starp Apvienoto Karalisti un Īrijas Republiku, parakstīts Dublinā, 1968.gada 3.oktobrī.
h. Līgums par sociālo drošību starp Apvienoto Karalisti un Īrijas Republiku, parakstīts Londonā, 1971.gada 14.septembrī.
i. Konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Apvienoto Karalisti un Luksemburgas Lielhercogisti, parakstīta Londonā, 1953.gada 13.oktobrī.
j. Konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Apvienoto Karalisti un Nīderlandi, parakstīta Hāgā, 1954.gada 11.augustā.
k. Konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Apvienoto Karalisti un Norvēģiju, parakstīta Londonā, 1957.gada 25.jūlijā.
l. Konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Apvienoto Karalisti un Portugāli, parakstīta Londonā, 1978.gada 15.novembrī.
m. Konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Apvienoto Karalisti un Zviedriju, parakstīta Stokholmā, 1956.gada 9.jūnijā.
n. Konvencija par sociālo drošību starp Apvienoto Karalisti un Turcijas Republiku, parakstīta Ankarā, 1959.gada 9.septembrī.
Līgumslēdzēju Pušu formulētās atrunas
pie Līguma
1. Francijas Valdība ir formulējusi sekojošas atrunas:
b. Līguma noteikumi neattiecas uz 1976.gada 31.decembra Likumu Nr.76-1287, kas publicēts Francijas Republikas Official Gazette 1977.gada 1.janvārī, attiecībā uz situāciju, kas attiecas uz Francijas strādājošo, kas komandēti vai emigrējuši uz ārzemēm, sociālo drošību.
c. Līguma noteikumi neattiecas uz 1980.gada 27.jūnija Likumu Nr.80-471, kas publicēts Francijas Republikas laikrakstā Official Gazette 1980.gada 28.jūnijā, kas paplašina Francijas strādājošo sociālo aizsardzību ārzemēs.
Luksemburgas valdība patur tiesības nepiemērot šī Līguma noteikumus bērna piedzimšanas pabalstu sistēmai.
4. Norvēģijas Valdība ir formulējusi sekojošu atrunu:
5. Apvienotās Karalistes Valdība ir formulējusi sekojošu atrunu:
Ziemeļīrijā saskaņā ar ģimenes pabalstu shēmu, pret citu Līgumslēdzēju Pušu pilsoņiem attieksies tā, it kā tie būtu Lielbritānijas pilsoņi, bet pret tiem neattieksies tā, ja tie ir dzimuši Lielbritānijā.
European Treaty Series - No. 13
Paris, 11.XII.1953
The governments signatory hereto, being members of the Council of Europe,
Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve greater unity between its members for the purpose, among others, of facilitating their social progress;
Affirming the principles that the nationals of any one of the Contracting Parties to this Agreement should receive under the social security laws and regulations of any other Contracting Party equal treatment with the nationals of the latter, a principle sanctioned by Conventions of the International Labour Organisation;
Affirming also the principle that nationals of any one of the Contracting Parties should receive the benefits of agreements on social security concluded by any two or more of the other Contracting Parties;
Desirous of giving effect to these principles by means of an Interim Agreement, pending the conclusion of a general convention based on a network of bilateral agreements,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
1 This Agreement shall apply to all social security laws and regulations which are in force at the date of signature or may subsequently come into force in any part of the territory of the Contracting Parties and which relate to:
a sickness, maternity and death (death grants), including medical benefits insofar as they are not subject to a needs test;
b employment injury;
c unemployment;
d family allowances.
2 This Agreement shall apply to schemes of contributory and non-contributory benefits, including employers' obligations to compensate for employment injuries. It shall not apply to public assistance, special schemes for civil servants, or benefits paid in respect of war injuries or injuries due to foreign occupation.
3 For the purposes of this Agreement, the word benefit includes any increase in or supplement to the benefit.
4 The terms nationals and territory of a Contracting Party shall have the meaning assigned to them by such a Party in a declaration addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe for communication to all other Contracting Parties.
Article 2
1 Subject to the provisions of Article 9, a national of any one of the Contracting Parties shall be entitled to receive the benefits of the laws and regulations of any other Contracting Parties under the same conditions as if he were a national of the latter:
a in the case of benefit in respect of employment injury, provided that he resides in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties;
b in the case of any benefit other than benefit in respect of employment injury, provided that he is ordinarily resident in the territory of the latter Contracting Party;
c in the case of benefit claimed in respect of sickness, maternity or unemployment, provided that he had become ordinarily resident in the territory of the latter Contracting Party before the first medical certification of the sickness, the presumed date of conception or the beginning of the unemployment, as the case may be;
d in the case of a benefit provided under a non-contributory scheme, other than a benefit in respect of employment injury, provided that he has been resident for six months in the territory of the latter Contracting Party.
2 In any case where the laws and regulations of any one of the Contracting Parties impose a restriction on the rights of a national of that Party who was not born in its territory, a national of any other of the Contracting Parties born in the territory of the latter shall be treated as if he were a national of the former Contracting Party born in its territory.
3 In any case where in determining a right to benefit the laws and regulations of any one of the Contracting Parties make any distinction which depends on the nationality of a child, a child who is a national of any other of the Contracting Parties shall be treated as if he were a national of the former Contracting Party.
Article 3
1 Any agreement relating to the laws and regulations referred to in Article 1 which has been or may be concluded by any two or more of the Contracting Parties shall, subject to the provisions of Article 9, apply to a national of any other of the Contracting Parties as if he were a national of one of the former Parties insofar as it provides, in relation to those laws and regulations:
a for determining under which laws and regulations a person should be insured;
b for maintaining acquired rights and rights in course of acquisition and, in particular, for adding together insurance periods and equivalent periods for the purpose of establishing the right to receive benefit and calculating the amount of benefit due;
c for paying benefit to persons residing in the territory of any one of the Parties to such agreement;
d for supplementing and administering the provisions of such agreement referred to in this paragraph.
2 The provisions of paragraph 1 of this article shall not apply to any provision of the said agreement which concerns benefits provided under a non-contributory scheme unless the national concerned has resided for six months in the territory of the Contracting Party under whose laws and regulations he claims benefit.
Article 4
Subject to the provisions of any relevant bilateral and multilateral agreements, benefits which in the absence of this Agreement have not been awarded or have been suspended shall be awarded or reinstated from the date of the entry into force of this Agreement for all the Contracting Parties concerned with the claim in question, provided that the claim thereto is presented within one year after such date or within such longer period as may be determined by the Contracting Party under whose laws and regulations the benefit is claimed. If the claim is not presented within such period, the benefit shall be awarded or reinstated from the date of the claim or such earlier date as may be determined by the latter Contracting Party.
Article 5
The provisions of this Agreement shall not limit the provisions of any national laws or regulations, international conventions, or bilateral or multilateral agreements which are more favourable for the beneficiary.
Article 6
This Agreement shall not affect those provisions of national laws or regulations which relate to the participation of insured persons, and of other categories of persons, concerned in the management of social security.
Article 7
1 Annex I to this Agreement sets out in relation to each Contracting Party the social security schemes to which Article 1 applies which are in force in any part of its territory at the date of signature of this Agreement.
2 Each Contracting Party shall notify the Secretary General of the Council of Europe of every new law or regulation of a type not included in Annex I in relation to that Party. Such notifications shall be made by each Contracting Party within three months of the date of publication of the new law or regulation, or if such law or regulation is published before the date of ratification of this Agreement by the Contracting Party concerned, at that date of ratification.
Article 8
1 Annex II to this Agreement sets out in relation to each Contracting Party the agreements concluded by it to which Article 3 applies which are in force at the date of signature of this Agreement.
2 Each Contracting Party shall notify the Secretary General of the Council of Europe of every new agreement concluded by it to which Article 3 applies. Such notification shall be made by each Contracting Party within three months of the date of coming into force of the agreement, or if such new agreement has come into force before the date of ratification of this Agreement, at that date of ratification.
Article 9
1 Annex III to this Agreement sets out the reservations hereto made at the date of signature.
2 Any Contracting Party may, at the time of making a notification in accordance with Article 7 or Article 8, make a reservation in respect of the application of this Agreement to any law, regulation or agreement which is referred to in such notification. A statement of any such reservation shall accompany the notification concerned; it will take effect from the date of entry into force of the new law, regulation or agreement.
3 Any Contracting Party may withdraw either in whole or in part any reservation made by it by a notification to that effect addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe. Such notification shall take effect on the first day of the month following the month in which it is received and this Agreement shall apply accordingly.
Article 10
The annexes to this Agreement shall constitute an integral part of this Agreement.
Article 11
1 Arrangements where necessary between the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties shall determine the methods of implementation of this Agreement.
2 The competent authorities of the Contracting Parties concerned shall endeavour to resolve by negotiation any dispute relating to the interpretation or application of this Agreement.
3 If any dispute has not been resolved by negotiation within a period of three months, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration by an arbitral body whose composition and procedure shall be agreed upon by the Contracting Parties concerned, or, in default of such agreement, within a further period of three months, by an arbitrator chosen at the request of any of the Contracting Parties concerned by the President of the International Court of Justice. Should the latter be a national of one of the Parties to the dispute, this task shall be entrusted to the Vice-President of the Court or to the next judge in order of seniority not a national of one of the Parties to the dispute.
4 The decision of the arbitral body, or arbitrator, as the case may be, shall be made in accordance with the principles and spirit of this Agreement and shall be final and binding.
Article 12
In the event of the denunciation of this Agreement by any of the Contracting Parties,
a any right acquired by a person in accordance with its provisions shall be maintained and, in particular, if he has, in accordance with its provisions, acquired the right to receive any benefit under the laws and regulations of one of the Contracting Parties while he is resident in the territory of another, he shall continue to enjoy that right;
b subject to any conditions which may be laid down by supplementary agreements concluded by the Contracting Parties concerned for the settlement of any rights then in course of acquisition, the provisions of this Agreement shall continue to apply to insurance periods and equivalent periods completed before the date when the denunciation becomes effective.
Article 13
1 This Agreement shall be open to the signature of the members of the Council of Europe. It shall be ratified. Instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
2 This Agreement shall come into force on the first day of the month following the date of deposit of the second instrument of ratification.
3 As regards any signatory ratifying subsequently, the Agreement shall come into force on the first day of the month following the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification.
Article 14
1 The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe may invite any State not a member of the Council of Europe to accede to this Agreement.
2 Accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of accession with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, which shall take effect on the first day of the month following the date of deposit.
3 Any instrument of accession deposited in accordance with this article shall be accompanied by a notification of such information as would be contained in the Annexes I and II to this Agreement if the government of the State concerned were, on the date of accession, a signatory hereto.
4 For the purposes of this Agreement any information notified in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article shall be deemed to be part of the annex in which it would have been recorded if the government of the State concerned were a signatory hereto.
Article 15
The Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall notify:
a the members of the Council and the Director General of the International Labour Office:
i of the date of entry into force of this Agreement and the names of any members who ratify;
ii of the deposit of any instrument of accession in accordance with Article 14 and of such notifications as are received with it;
iii of any notification received in accordance with Article 16 and its effective date;
b the Contracting Parties and the Director General of the International Labour Office:
i of any notifications received in accordance with Articles 7 and 8;
ii of any reservation made in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 9;
iii of the withdrawal of any reservation in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 9.
Article 16
This Agreement shall remain in force for a period of two years from the date of its entry into force in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 13. Thereafter it shall remain in force from year to year for such Contracting Parties as have not denounced it by a notification to that effect addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe at least six months before the expiry either of the preliminary two-year period, or of any subsequent yearly period. Such notification shall take effect at the end of the period to which it relates.
In witness whereof, the undesigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this Agreement.
Done at Paris, this 11th day of December 1953, in the English and French languages, both texts being equally authoritative, in a single copy which shall remain in the archives of the Council of Europe and of which the Secretary General shall send certified copies to each of the signatories and to the Director General of the International Labour Office.
The governments signatory hereto, being members of the Council of Europe,
Having regard to the provisions of the European Interim Agreement on Social Security other than Schemes for Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors, signed at Paris on the 11th day of December 1953 (hereinafter referred to as the principal Agreement);
Having regard to the provisions of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees signed at Geneva on 28 July 1951 (hereinafter referred to as the Convention);
Being desirous of extending the provisions of the principal Agreement so as to apply to refugees as defined in the Convention,
Have agreed as follows :
Article 1
For the purposes of this Protocol the term refugee shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Article 1 of the Convention, provided that each Contracting Party shall make a declaration at the time of signature or ratification hereof or accession hereto, specifying which of the meanings set out in paragraph B of Article 1 of the Convention it applies for the purpose of its obligations under this Protocol, unless such Party has already made such a declaration at the time of its signature or ratification of the Convention.
Article 2
The provisions of the principal Agreement shall apply to refugees under the same conditions as they apply to the nationals of the Contracting Parties thereto, provided that Article 3 of that Agreement shall apply to refugees only in cases where the Contracting Parties to the agreements to which that article refers have ratified this Protocol or acceded thereto.
Article 3
1 This Protocol shall be open to the signature of the members of the Council of Europe who have signed the principal Agreement. It shall be ratified.
2 Any State which has acceded to the principal Agreement may accede to this Protocol.
3 This Protocol shall come into force on the first day of the month following the date of deposit of the second instrument of ratification.
4 As regards any signatory ratifying subsequently, or any acceding State, the Protocol shall come into force on the first day of the month following the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification or accession.
5 Instruments of ratification and accession shall be deposited with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, who shall notify the members of the Council, acceding States and the Director General of the International Labour Office of the names of those who have ratified or acceded.
In witness whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this Protocol.
Done at Paris, this 11th day of December 1953, in the English and French languages, both texts being equally authoritative, in a single copy which shall remain in the archives of the Council of Europe and of which the Secretary General shall send certified copies to each of the signatories and to the Director General of the International Labour Office.
Social Security Schemes
to which the Agreement applies
Laws and regulations relating to :
a. Sickness and invalidity insurance : schemes for employed persons and for self-employed persons.
b. Compensation for damage resulting from employment injuries.
c. Unemployment insurance.
d. Family benefits : schemes for employed persons and for self-employed persons.
All the above-mentioned schemes are of a contributory nature.
Social Insurance Law and the Regulations made thereunder which establish a scheme providing unemployment benefit, sickness and maternity benefits (cash benefits), death grant and benefits in respect of personal injury by industrial accidents and prescribed diseases.
The scheme is of a contributory nature.
Laws and regulations relating to :
a. Daily cash benefits in the event of sickness, maternity and adoption.
b. Insurance against industrial injuries and occupational diseases.
c. Unemployment insurance.
d. Various medical services.
e. Family allowances.
All these schemes are of a non-contributory nature, except b. and c. which are of a contributory nature.
Laws and regulations relating to :
a. The organisation of social security.
b. General provisions governing the social insurance system applicable to insured persons in non-agricultural employment.
c. Social insurance provisions applicable to employed persons, and persons treated as employed persons, in agricultural employment.
d. Family benefits.
e. Provisions for the prevention of, and compensation for, employment injuries.
f. Special social security schemes.
g. The granting of unemployment allowances.
h. Law No. 76-1287 of 31 December 1976, published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic on 1 January 1977, relating to the situation with regard to the social security of French workers seconded or expatriated abroad.
i. Law No. 80-471 of 27 June 1980, published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic of 28 June 1980, extending the social protection of French nationals abroad.
j. Law No. 84-604 of 13 July 1984, published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic of 14 July 1984, adopting various measures relating to the improvement of the social protection of French nationals abroad.
All the above schemes except those listed under g. are of a contributory nature.
Laws and regulations relating to :
a. Sickness insurance (sickness, maternity, death grants).
b. Insurance against employment injuries (including work accident compensation for prisoners).
c. Unemployment insurance and assistance.
d. Family allowances.
All the above schemes except those covering family allowances and unemployment assistance are of a contributory nature.
Laws and regulations relating to :
a. Social insurance, including unemployment insurance.
b. Special pension schemes for certain categories of workers.
These schemes are of a contributory nature.
c. The abolition of the direct contribution of farmers to the Agricultural workers insurance Institution (Legislative Decree No. 4575/1966).
d. The system of family allowances applicable to employed persons (Legislative Decree No. 3868/1959 and Regulations).
e. Social Insurance for agricultural workers (Law 4169/1961, Legislative Decrees and Regulations).
Laws and regulations relating to :
a. i. Sickness insurance.
ii. Sickness benefits, daily allowances.
iii. Maternity and death grants.
b. Accident insurance.
c. Unemployment insurance.
d. Family allowances.
All the above schemes except that listed under d. are of a contributory nature.
Laws and regulations relating to :
a. Disability, maternity benefits.
b. Unemployment benefit and assistance.
c. Intermittent unemployment insurance.
d. Death grant.
e. Occupational injuries and diseases.
f. Family allowances.
g. The diagnosis, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.
h. The grant of allowances to persons suffering from infectious diseases.
i. Maternity and child welfare medical schemes.
j. The school medical service.
k. Maternity cash grants.
The schemes listed under f., g., h., i., j. and k. are non-contributory as also is unemployment assistance of b. above. The others are contributory (The scheme mentioned under d. imposes an obligation on employers with no State contribution).
Laws and regulations relating to :
a. Sickness benefits, including tuberculosis and maternity.
b. Compulsory insurance against employment injuries.
c. Benefits for the unemployed.
d. Special compulsory insurance schemes for certain categories of employees.
e. Family benefits.
The scheme mentioned under c. above and the sickness insurance schemes for landowning farmers, "métayers", tenant farmers, artisans and fishermen (independent workers) included among the special schemes mentioned under d. above are partly of a contributory nature and partly non-contributory. All other schemes are contributory.
Laws and regulations relating to :
a. Sickness insurance (sickness, maternity and death).
b. Employment injury and occupational diseases insurance.
c. Unemployment benefits.
d. Family benefits.
The above schemes, with the exception of birth grants, are of a contributory character.
Laws and regulations relating to :
a. Health insurance (benefits in cash and in kind, maternity).
b. Family allowances.
c. Unemployment insurance and assistance.
The above-mentioned schemes are of a contributory nature, with the exception of unemployment assistance.
Laws and regulations relating to :
a. Sickness, maternity and death grants under the National Insurance Act of 17 June 1966.
b. The Act on insurance against occupational injuries of 12 December 1958 (applicable in the case of injuries having occurred before 1 January 1971).
c. Occupational injuries under the National Insurance Act of 17 June 1966 (applicable in the case of injuries occurring after 1 January 1971).
d. Special Supplement to benefits from the National Insurance Schemes under the Act of 19 June 1969.
e. Compensation Supplement to benefits from the National Insurance Scheme under the Act of 19 December 1969.
f. Unemployment insurance under the National Insurance Act of 17 June 1966.
g. Family allowances under the Act of 24 October 1946.
The schemes listed under a., b., c. and f. are contributory and the schemes listed under d., e. and g. are non-contributory.
Laws and regulations on :
a. Health insurance (including the special tuberculosis scheme).
b. Maternity insurance.
c. Death grants.
d. Compensation for losses arising from industrial accidents and occupational diseases.
e. Unemployment insurance.
f. Family allowances.
g. Special social insurance schemes for specific categories of workers, insofar as they concern contingencies or benefits covered by the laws and regulations mentioned above (including agricultural and self-employed workers).
All these schemes are contributory.
Laws and regulations relating to :
a. Sickness, maternity, death benefits.
b. Family allowances.
c. Ordinary unemployment benefits.
d. Occupational injuries and diseases benefits.
All the above schemes are of a contributory nature.
Laws and regulations relating to :
a. Sickness insurance.
b. Insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases.
c. Unemployment insurance and unemployment assistance.
d. Common family allowances.
e. Maternity grants.
f. Various medical services.
The schemes listed under b. and the unemployment insurance scheme listed under c. are of a contributory nature. The scheme listed under a., the unemployment assistance scheme listed under c. and the schemes listed under d., e. and f. are non-contributory.
a. The Social Insurance legislation in force applying to employed persons, excluding small businessmen and artisans and other self-employed persons and excluding agricultural workers other than those employed in forestry works and those employed on wages in public or private agricultural works and those employed in such works which are related to agricultural crafts or carried out at agricultural work places without being considered as agricultural works and those employed in parks, gardens or plant nurseries or in similar works at such work places which are not considered as agricultural work places :
i. Sickness insurance
ii. Maternity insurance
iii. Industrial accidents insurance
iv. Occupational diseases insurance
b. The legislation pertaining to the special regime applying to the Social Insurance Funds which have been taken into the scope of the social insurance system and which, as a minimum requirement, are charged with the application of the above legislation.
The above schemes are contributory.
United Kingdom
Laws and regulations concerning Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man :
a. Establishing insurance schemes in respect of unemployment, sickness and death and of the confinement of women.
b. Establishing insurance schemes in respect of personal injury caused by industrial accident and of prescribed diseases and injuries due to employment.
c. Establishing the schemes of family allowances.
d. Establishing the national health services.
e. Establishing the supplementary benefits' scheme.
f. Relating to the obsolete schemes of workmen's compensation for industrial accidents and diseases insofar as they continue to have effect.
The schemes listed under a. and b. are of a contributory nature. Those listed under c., d. and e. are of a non-contributory nature.
Bilateral and Multilateral Agreements
to which the Agreement applies
a. Convention between Belgium and the Netherlands regarding insurance against occupational accidents, dated 9 February 1921.
b. Convention between Belgium and the Netherlands regarding the application of the legislation of the two countries as regards social insurance, dated 29 August 1947.
c. General Convention between Belgium and France on social security, dated 17 January 1948.
d. General Convention between Belgium and Italy on social security, dated 30 April 1948.
e. General Convention between Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on social security, dated 3 December 1949.
f. Multilateral Convention on social security concluded by the Brussels Treaty Powers on 7 November 1949.
g. Agreement on the social security of Rhine boatmen, dated 27 July 1950, revised on 13 February 1961.
h. Convention between Belgium, France and Italy on social security, dated 19 January 1951.
i. Convention on social security between His Majesty the King of the Belgians and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, signed at Brussels on 20 May 1957.
j. General Convention between Belgium and Greece on social security signed at Athens on 1 April 1958 (entry into force : 1 January 1961), and revised by the Convention dated 27 September 1967.
k. (i) General Convention on social security between the Kingdom of Belgium and the Federal Republic of Germany, Supplementary Agreements and Final Protocol, signed at Bonn on 7 December 1957 (entry into force : 9 November 1963, with retroactive effect from 1 January 1959).
(ii) Supplementary Protocol to the General Convention on social security, to the third Supplementary Agreement and to the Final Protocol, signed at Bonn, on 10 November 1960 (entry into force : 9 November 1963, with retroactive effect from 1 January 1959).
l. General Convention on social security between the Kingdom of Belgium and the Republic of Turkey, signed at Brussels on 4 July 1966 (entry into force : 1 May 1968), revised by the Convention of 2 February 1981.
m. General Convention on social security between the Kingdom of Belgium and the Republic of Portugal, dated 14 September 1970 (entry into force : 1 May 1973).
n. Convention between Belgium and Luxembourg dated 3 December 1949, revised by the Convention dated 16 November 1959.
a. Agreement on Social Insurance between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, dated 6 October 1969.
b. Agreement on Social Security between the Government of the Republic of Cyprus and the Government of the Hellenic Republic, dated 1 J uly 1979.
a. Convention between Denmark and the Netherlands regarding accident insurance, dated 23 October 1926.
b. Convention between Denmark and France on social security, dated 30 June 1951, with Protocol.
c. Convention between Denmark and the Federal Republic of Germany on social security, dated 14 August 1953, with Final Protocol and Supplementary Agreement.
d. Convention between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden on social security, dated 15 September 1955, with Additional Protocol. Revised on 5 March 1981 (in force as of 1 January 1982).
e. Convention on social security between Denmark and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, dated 27 August 1959.
f. Agreement between Denmark and the Federal Republic of Germany dated 1 August 1959, relating to unemployment insurance.
g. Convention between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden concerning the crediting of qualification periods in connection with the right to benefits for those insured against unemployment, dated 28 June 1976, in force as of 1 July 1976.
h. Convention on social security between Denmark and Turkey, dated 22 January 1976, in force as of 1 February 1978.
a. General Convention between France and Belgium on social security, dated 17 January 1948.
b. General Convention between France and Italy to co-ordinate the application of French social security legislation and of Italian social insurance and family benefits legislation to the nationals of the two countries, dated 31 March 1948.
c. General Convention between France and the United Kingdom on social security, signed on 10 July 1956.
d. General Convention between France and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on social security, dated 12 November 1949.
e. General Convention between France and the Netherlands on social security, dated 7 January 1950.
f. General Convention between France and the Federal Republic of Germany on social security, dated 10 July 1950.
g. Multilateral Convention on social security concluded by the Brussels Treaty Powers on 7 November 1949.
h. General Convention between France and Denmark on social security, dated 30 June 1951.
i. Convention between France, Italy and the Saar to extend and co-ordinate the application to nationals of the three countries of French social security legislation and Italian and Saar legislation on social insurance and family benefits, dated 27 November 1952.
j. Convention between France, Belgium and Italy to extend and co-ordinate the application to nationals of the three countries of Belgian and French social security legislation and of Italian legislation on social insurance and family benefits, dated 19 January 1951.
k. General Convention between France and Norway on social security, signed on 30 September 1954 and in force as from 1 July 1956.
l. General Convention between France and Greece on social security, signed on 19 April 1958 and in force since 1 May 1959.
a. General Convention between the Federal Republic of Germany and France on social security, dated 10 July 1950, which entered into force on 1 January 1952.
b. Convention between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on social insurance, dated 29 March 1951, which entered into force on 1 November 1952.
c. Convention between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Italy on social insurance, dated 5 May 1953, which entered into force on 1 April 1954.
d. Convention between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Denmark on social insurance, dated 14 August 1953, which entered into force on 1 November 1954.
e. Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and Great Briain, dated 20 April 1960, relating to social security, which entered into force on 1 August 1961.
f. Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and Great Britain, dated 20 April 1960, relating to unemployment insurance, which entered into force on 1 September 1961.
g. Germano-Belgian General Agreement dated 7 December 1957 on social security (including the Supplementary Agreements and the Final Protocol of the same date, as well as the Protocol of 10 November 1960), which entered into force on 9 November 1963 with effect from 1 January 1959.
h. Revised Agreement of 13 February 1961 on social security for Rhine boatmen, which entered into force for the Federal Republic of Germany on 1 February 1970.
i. Convention between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Greece on social security, dated 25 April 1961, which entered into force on 1 November 1966, as amended and completed by the Convention dated 21 March 1967.
j. Convention between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Greece on unemployment insurance, dated 31 May 1961, which entered into force on 1 August 1963.
k. Convention between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Turkey on social security, dated 30 April 1964, which entered into force on 1 November 1965.
l. Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Portugal on social security, dated 6 November 1964.
m. Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Sweden on social security, dated 27 February 1976.
n. Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Sweden on benefits to unemployed, dated 28 June 1976.
a. General Convention between Greece and Belgium on social security, signed on 1 April 1958.
b. General Convention between Greece and France on social security, signed on 19 April 1958.
c. Convention between Greece and the Federal Republic of Germany on social security, dated on 25 April 1961.
d. Convention between Greece and the Federal Republic of Germany on unemployed insurance, signed on 31 May 1961.
e. Agreement on social security between Greece and the Netherlands, signed on 13 September 1966, concerning unemployment benefits.
f. Agreement on social security between Greece and Cyprus, signed on 2 March 1978, concerning unemployment benefits.
g. Agreement on social security between Greece and Sweden, signed on 5 May 1978, concerning unemployment benefits.
Convention between Iceland, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, on social security, dated 15 September 1955, with the exception of Article 7 and 8.
a. Agreement on social security of 29 March 1960 between Ireland and the United Kingdom.
b. Agreement relating to insurance and workmen's compensation between the Minister for Social Welfare and the Northern Ireland Ministry of Labour and National Insurance of 22 July 1964.
c. Agreement on social security of 28 February 1966 between Ireland and the United Kingdom.
d. Agreement on social security of 3 October 1968 between Ireland and the United Kingdom.
e. Agreement on social security of 14 September 1971 between Ireland and the United Kingdom.
a. General Convention between Italy and France to co-ordinate the application of French social security legislation and of Italian social insurance and family benefits legislation to the nationals of the two countries, dated 31 March 1948.
b. General Convention between Italy and Belgium on social insurance, dated 30 April 1948.
c. Convention between Belgium, France and Italy to extend and co-ordinate the application of Belgian and French social security legislation and Italian social insurance and family benefits legislation to the nationals of the three countries, dated 19 January 1951.
d. General Convention between the Republic of Italy and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on social security, dated 29 May 1951.
e. Convention on social insurance between the Republic of Italy and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, dated 28 November 1951.
f. General Convention between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Italy on social insurance, dated 18 October 1952.
g. Convention between the Republic of Italy and the Federal Republic of Germany on social insurance, dated 5 May 1953.
h. Convention between the Republic of Italy and the Kingdom of Sweden on social security, dated 25 September 1979.
i. Convention between the Republic of Italy and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on social insurance in Italy and in Northern Ireland, dated 29 January 1957.
j. Convention between Italy, France and the Saar to extend and co-ordinate the application to the nationals of all three countries of French social security legislation and Italian and Saar legislation on social security and family benefits, dated 27 November 1952.
k. Convention between the Republic of Italy and the Kingdom of Norway on social security, dated 12 June 1959.
a. General Convention between the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and France on social security, dated 12 November 1949.
b. General Convention between the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and Belgium on social security, dated 3 December 1949.
c. General Convention between the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Netherlands on social security, dated 8 July 1950.
d. Multilateral Convention on social security concluded by the Brussels Treaty Powers on 7 November 1949.
e. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, dated 13 October 1953.
f. General Convention between the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Italian Republic on social security, dated 29 May 1951.
g. Convention on social security between the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and Portugal of 12 February 1965, with the exception of Article 3, paragraph 2, and special Protocol of 12 February 1965, in the wording of the supplementary agreements of 5 June 1972 and 20 May 1977.
a. Convention between the Netherlands and Belgium concerning insurance against occupational accidents, dated 9 February 1921.
b. Convention between the Netherlands and Norway concerning reciprocity of treatment with regard to the insurance of industrial workers and seamen, dated 9 January 1925.
c. Convention between the Netherlands and Denmark concerning accident insurance, dated 23 October 1926.
d. Convention between the Netherlands and Belgium concerning the application of the legislation of the two countries as regards social insurance, dated 29 August 1947, as amended by the Convention of 4 November 1957 revising the Convention of 29 August 1947.
e. General Convention between the Netherlands and France on social security, dated 7 January 1950.
f. Convention between the Netherlands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on social security, dated 8 July 1950.
g. Convention between the Netherlands and the Federal Republic of Germany on social insurance, dated 29 March 1951.
h. Multilateral Convention on social security concluded by the Brussels Treaty Powers on 7 November 1949.
i. Agreement on social security for Rhine boatmen, dated 27 January 1950, replaced by the Convention on social security for Rhine boatmen, dated 13 February 1961 (entered into force on 1 February 1970).
j. General Convention between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Italy on social insurance, dated 28 October 1952.
k. Convention between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United Kingdom on social security, dated 11 August 1954.
l. Convention between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Turkey on social security and Protocol of signature, dated 5 April 1966 (entry into force on 1 February 1968), as amended by the Convention of 4 September 1980 revising the Convention of 5 April 1966.
m. Convention between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Greece on social security, dated 13 September 1966 (entered into force on 1 July 1970).
n. Convention on social security between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Portugal, dated 19 July 1979 (entered into force on 1 January 1981).
o. Convention on social security between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Sweden, dated 2 July 1982 (entered into force on 1 March 1983).
a. Convention between Norway and the Netherlands concerning reciprocity of treatment with regard to the insurance of industrial workers and seamen of 9 January 1925.
b. Convention between Norway and France on social security of 30 September 1954, in force as of 1 July 1956.
c. Convention between Norway and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of 25 July 1957, in force as of 1 April 1958.
d. Convention between Norway and Italy on social security of 12 June 1959, in force as of 1 February 1962.
e. Convention between Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden concerning the crediting of qualification periods etc., in connection with the rights to benefits for those insured against unemployment of 28 June 1976, in force as of 1 July 1976.
f. Convention between Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden on social security of 5 March 1981, in force as of 1 January 1982. Administrative Agreement of 25 October 1982.
g. Convention between Norway and the Republic of Turkey of 20 July 1978, in force as of 1 June 1981. Administrative Agreement of 30 July 1981.
h. Convention between Norway and the Republic of Portugal on social security of 5 June 1980, in force as of 1 September 1981. Administrative Agreement of 15 December 1980.
i. Convention between Norway and the Republic of Greece on social security of 12 June 1980, in force as of 1 June 1983. Administrative Agreement of 12 December 1980.
j. Nordic Agreement between Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden on benefits in case of unemployment, of 12 November 1985.
a. General Convention between Portugal and Belgium on social security and Protocol of 14 September 1970.
b. General Convention between Portugal and France on social security of 29 July 1971 in the wording of the supplementary agreements of 7 February 1977 and 1 October 1979, and the General Protocol of 29 July 1971.
c. Convention between Portugal and the Federal Republic of Germany on social security of 6 November 1964, in the amended version of 30 September 1974.
d. Convention between Portugal and Luxembourg on social security of 12 February 1965, excluding Article 3, paragraph 2, and Special Protocol of 12 February 1965 in the wording of the supplementary agreements of 5 June 1972 and 20 May 1977.
e. Convention between Portugal and the Netherlands on social security and Final Protocol of 19 July 1979.
f. Convention between Portugal and Sweden on social security of 25 October 1978.
g. Convention between Portugal and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on social security and Protocol concerning medical treatment of 15 November 1978.
h. Convention between Portugal and Norway on social security and Protocol thereto of 5 June 1980.
a. Convention between Spain and the Federal Republic of Germany on social security, and Final Protocol, dated 4 December 1973.
Convention between Spain and the Federal Republic of Germany, complementary to the Convention of 4 December 1973, dated 17 December 1975.
b. General Convention between Spain and Belgium on social security, dated 28 November 1956, and Convention revising the former, dated 10 October 1967.
c. General Convention between Spain and France on social security and Protocol, dated 31 October 1974.
d. Convention between Spain and Italy on social security, dated 30 October 1979.
e. Convention between Spain and Luxembourg on social security, and Special Protocol, dated 8 May 1969.
Complementary Agreements, dated 27 June 1975 and 29 March 1978.
f. Convention between Spain and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on social security and Final Protocol, dated 5 February 1974.
g. General Convention between Spain and Portugal on social security, dated 11 June 1969, and Complementary Agreement, dated 7 May 1973.
h. Convention between Spain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on social security, dated 13 September 1974.
i. Convention between Spain and Sweden on social security, dated 4 February 1983.
a. Convention between Sweden and Denmark concerning unemployment insurance, dated 31 May 1946.
b. Convention between Sweden and Norway concerning the reciprocal recognition of unemployment insurance contributions, dated 18 December 1948.
c. Convention between Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway on social security, dated 15 September 1955, and Protocol.
d. Convention between Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Norway concerning the transfer of members of an insurance scheme in one of the signatory countries to an insurance scheme in another of these countries and sickness benefits for temporary residents in one of the above-mentioned countries, dated 19 December 1956.
e. Convention between Sweden and Italy on social security, dated 25 May 1955.
f. Convention between Sweden and the United Kingdom on social security, dated 9 June 1956.
a. Convention on social security between Turkey and the United Kingdom signed on 9 September 1959 and entered into force on 1 June 1961.
b. Convention on social security between Turkey and the Federal Republic of Germany, signed on 30 April 1964 and entered into force on 1 November 1965.
c. Convention on social security between Turkey and the Netherlands, signed on 5 April 1966 and entered into force on 1 February 1968.
d. Convention on social security between Turkey and Belgium, signed on 4 July 1966 and entered into force on 1 May 1968.
e. Convention on social security between Turkey and France, signed on 20 January 1972 and entered into force on 1 August 1973.
f. Convention on social security between Turkey and Denmark, signed on 22 January 1976 and entered into force on 1 February 1978.
g. Convention on social security between Turkey and Sweden, signed on 30 June 1978 and entered into force on 1 May 1981.
h. Convention on social security between Turkey and Norway, signed on 20 July 1978 and entered into force on 1 June 1981.
United Kingdom
a. Convention on social security and Protocol concerning benefits in kind between the United Kingdom and Belgium, which was signed in Brussels on 20 May 1957.
b. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and Cyprus, which was signed in Nicosia on 6 October 1969.
c. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and Denmark, which was signed in London on 27 August 1959.
d. Convention on social security (with Protocols) between the United Kingdom and France, which was signed in Paris on 10 July 1956.
e. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany, which was signed in Bonn on 20 April 1960.
f. Agreement on social security between the United Kingdom and the Irish Republic, which was signed in Dublin on 28 February 1966.
g. Agreement on social security between the United Kingdom and the Irish Republic, which was signed in Dublin on 3 October 1968.
h. Agreement on social security between the United Kingdom and the Irish Republic, which was signed in London on 14 September 1971.
i. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, which was signed in London on 13 October 1953.
j. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, which was signed at The Hague on 11 August 1954.
k. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and Norway, which was signed in London on 25 July 1957.
l. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and Portugal, which was signed in London on 15 November 1978.
m. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and Sweden, which was signed in Stockholm on 9 June 1956.
n. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Turkey, which was signed in Ankara on 9 September 1959.
Reservations to the Agreement formulated
by the Contracting Parties
1. The Government of France has formulated the following reservations :
a. The inclusion of family benefits within the field of application of the Agreement shall in no way prejudice the right of the French legislation on maternity benefits to reserve these benefits to parents whose children are of French nationality at birth or acquire that nationality within a period of three months, so long as it makes no distinction based on the nationality of the parents.
b. The provisions of the Agreement shall not apply to the Law No. 76-1287 of 31 December 1976, published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic on 1 January 1977, relating to the situation with regard to the social security of French workers seconded or expatriated abroad.
c. The provisions of the Agreement shall not apply to the Law No. 80-471 of 27 June 1980, published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic on 28 June 1980, extending the social protection of French nationals abroad.
d. The provisions of the Agreement shall not apply to the Law No. 84-604 of 13 July 1984, published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic on 14 July 1984, adopting various measures relating to the improvement of the social protection of French nationals abroad.
2. The Government of Italy has formulated the following reser vations :
a. The provisions of the Agreement in the field of medical care are applicable to nationals of member States under the conditions laid down by Act No. 33 of 29 February 1980 and successive consolidating provisions.
b. The provisions of the Conventions mentioned in Annex II are applicable as regards medical care, exclusively to workers who are nationals of Contracting States and members of their families.
3. The Government of Luxembourg has formualted the following reservation :
The Luxembourg Government reserves the right not to apply the provisions of this Agreement to the system of birth allowances.
4. The Government of Norway has formulated the following reservations :
a. The provisions of the Agreement and Protocol shall not apply to the Convention on social security between Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden of 5 March 1981, in force as of 1 January 1982.
b. The provisions of the Agreement and Protocol shall not apply to the Convention on social security between Norway and the Republic of Portugal of 5 June 1980, in force as of 1 September 1981.
c. Concerning seamen on Norwegian ships in foreign trade, the "European Interim Agreement on Social Security other than Schemes for Old-Age, Invalidity and Survivors", and the additional Protocol, dated 11 December 1953, shall apply to the "Agreement between Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden, relating to rules for crediting qualifying periods etc., in connection with the right to daily cash benefit for unemployed insured persons" and the Final Protocol dated 28 June 1976, only in cases where the persons in question are nationals of Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland or Sweden, or are permanently residing in one of these countries.
d. The "European Interim Agreement on Social Security other than Schemes for Old-Age, Invalidity and Survivors" shall not apply to the "Agreement between Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden, relating to rules for crediting qualifying periods etc., in connection with the right to daily cash benefit for unemployed insured persons", Article 3, third subsection.
e. Concerning seamen on Norwegian ships in foreign trade, the "European Interim Agreement on Social Security other than Schemes for Old-Age, Invalidity and Survivors", and the additional Protocol, dated 11 December 1953, shall apply to the "Nordic Agreement on Benefits in case of unemployment" between Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden, dated 12 November 1985, only in cases where the persons in question are nationals of Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland or Sweden, or are permanently residing in one of these countries.
f. Concerning persons working abroad - including on ships under foreign flag, the "European Interim Agreement on Social Security other than Schemes for Old-Age, Invalidity and Survivors", and the additional Protocol, dated 11 December 1953, shall apply to the "Nordic Agreement on Benefits in case of unemployment" between Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden, dated 12 November 1985, only in cases when it is decided by national legislation.
5. The Government of the United Kingdom has formulated the following reservation :
Under the scheme of family allowances in Northern Ireland, nationals of other Contracting Parties will be treated as if they were United Kingdom nationals but they will not be treated as if they were born in the United Kingdom.
Par Eiropas Pagaidu līgumu par sociālo drošību, izņemot shēmas, kas attiecas uz vecuma, invaliditātes un apgādnieka zaudējuma gadījumiem un tā protokolu
Jautājums |
Iesniedzēja iesniegtā informācija |
1. Kādēļ likums ir vajadzīgs? (Atbildot uz jautājumu, paskaidro:
2. Kāda var būt likuma iespējamā ietekme uz tautsaimniecības attīstību? (Atbildot uz jautājumu, analizē ietekmi uz :
Likumprojekts šo jomu neskar. |
3. Kāda var būt likuma iespējamā ietekme uz valsts budžetu? (Atbildot uz jautājumu, paskaidro, vai, ieviešot attiecīgo likumu:
Likumprojekts šo jomu neskar. Līguma ratificēšana neprasa papildus līdzekļus no valsts pamatbudžeta un valsts sociālās apdrošināšanas speciālajiem budžetiem sakarā ar to, ka Latvijas Republikas sociālās drošības sistēma garantē pabalstu piešķiršanu visām personām, kurām ir uz to tiesības saskaņā ar Latvijas Republikas likumdošanu. |
4. Kāda var būt likuma iespējamā ietekme uz spēkā esošo tiesību normu sistēmu un, vai nepieciešami grozījumi citos normatīvajos aktos? (Atbildot uz jautājumu, paskaidro, kādi normatīvie akti - likumi un Ministru kabineta noteikumi papildus jāizdod un vai ir sagatavoti to projekti. Attiecībā uz Ministru kabineta noteikumiem (arī tiem, kuru izdošana ir paredzēta izstrādātajā likumprojektā) norāda to izdošanas mērķi un satura galvenos punktus.) |
Papildus normatīvie akti nav jāizdod, grozījumi spēkā esošajos aktos nav nepieciešami |
5. Vai likumprojekts atbilst Latvijas starptautiskajām saistībām? (Atbildot uz jautājumu, pamato:
6. Kā tiks nodrošināta likuma izpilde? (Atbildot uz jautājumu, paskaidro:
Labklājības ministrs A.Požarnovs