Nolîgums latvieğu valodâ

Nolîgums latvieğu valodâ

Nolîgums angïu valodâ



Par Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Íînas Tautas Republikas valdîbas

nolîgumu par civilo gaisa satiksmi


1.pants. 1999.gada 4.martâ Rîgâ parakstîtais Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Íînas Tautas Republikas valdîbas nolîgums par civilo gaisa satiksmi (turpmâk - Nolîgums) un tâ pielikums (turpmâk - Pielikums) ar ğo likumu tiek pieòemts un apstiprinâts.

2.pants. Likums stâjas spçkâ tâ izsludinâğanas dienâ. Lîdz ar likumu ir izsludinâms Nolîgums un Pielikums latvieğu un angïu valodâ.

3.pants. Latvijas Republikas Ârlietu ministrija saskaòâ ar Nolîguma 20.pantu reìistrç to Starptautiskajâ civilâs aviâcijas organizâcijâ.

4.pants. Nolîgums un Pielikums stâjas spçkâ Nolîguma 22.pantâ noteiktajâ laikâ un kârtîbâ un par to Ârlietu ministrija paziòo laikrakstâ "Latvijas Vçstnesis".



Latvijas Republikas valdn;bas


Íînas Tautas Republikas valdîbas


par civilo gaisa satiksmi


Latvijas Republikas valdn;ba un »;n;nas Tautas Republikas valdn;ba (turpmm;k i; "Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses"),

vm;loties veicinm;t draudzn;gas attiecn;bas starp abm;m to tautm;m un attn;stn;t abu valstu savstarpm;jm;s attiecn;bas civilm;s avim;cijas jomm;,

bi;damas Konvencijas par starptautisko civilo avim;ciju, kas atklm;ta parakstn;Çanai ¼;ikm;gm; 1944.gada 7.decembrn;, daln;bnieces,

ir vienojuÇm;s par gaisa satiksmes izveidoÇanu un veikÇanu starp to attiecn;gajm;m teritorijm;m un aiz to robeÃ;m;m:



Ğajm; Noln;gumm;, ja kontekstm; nav paredzm;ts citm;di:

1) termins "avim;cijas institi;cijas" Latvijas Republikas gadn;jumm; nozn;mm; Satiksmes ministriju vai jebkm;du citu personu vai institi;ciju, kas ir pilnvarota veikt jebkuru funkciju, kuru uz Çm; Noln;guma parakstn;Çanas brn;di veic minm;tm; ministrija; un »;n;nas Tautas Republikas gadn;jumm; i; »;n;nas Civilm;s avim;cijas ¼;enerm;lo administrm;ciju vai jebkm;du citu personu vai institi;ciju, kas ir pilnvarota veikt jebkuru funkciju, kuru uz Çm; Noln;guma parakstn;Çanas brn;di veic minm;tm; administrm;cija;

2) termins "Noln;gums" nozn;mm; Ço Noln;gumu un tm; Pielikumu, km; arn; jebkuru Çm; Noln;guma un (vai) tm; Pielikuma grozn;jumu, kas izdarn;ts saskaÌm; ar Çm; Noln;guma 18.pantu;

3) termins "aviokompm;nija" nozn;mm; jebkuru gaisa transporta uzÌm;mumu, kas piedm;vm; veikt vai veic starptautisko gaisa satiksmi;

4) termins "nozn;mm;tm; aviokompm;nija" nozn;mm; aviokompm;niju, kas ir nozn;mm;ta un pilnvarota saskaÌm; ar Çm; Noln;guma 3.pantu;

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5) termins "gaisa kun;is" nozn;mm; civilo gaisa kun;i;

6) termins "gaisa satiksme" nozn;mm; jebkuru regulm;ru gaisa satiksmi, kuru veic gaisa kun;is, lai publiski pm;rvadm;tu pasaÃ;ierus, bagm;Ã;u, kravu vai pastu;

7) termins "starptautiskm; gaisa satiksme" nozn;mm; gaisa satiksmi, kura Çn;m;rso vairm;k nekm; vienas valsts gaisa telpu;

8) termins "apstm;Çanm;s nekomercim;los noli;kos" nozn;mm; nosm;Çanos noli;km;, kas nav saistn;ts ar pasaÃ;ieru iekm;pÇanu vai izkm;pÇanu, vai bagm;Ã;as, kravas vai pasta iekrauÇanu vai izkrauÇanu;

9) termins "kapacitm;te" nozn;mm;:

a) attiecn;bm; uz gaisa kun;i - marÇrutm; vai tm; posmm; izmantojamm; gaisa kun;a kravnesn;bu,

b) attiecn;bm; uz gaisa satiksmi - Çajm; satiksmm; izmantojamm; gaisa kun;a kapacitm;ti, kas reizinm;ta ar Çm; gaisa kun;a veiktm;s satiksmes bieÃ;umu attiecn;gajm; laika periodm; km;dm; marÇrutm; vai tm; posmm;;

10) termins "tarifs" nozn;mm; pasaÃ;ieru, bagm;Ã;as un kravas pm;rvadm;Çanas cenas un nosacn;jumus, saskaÌm; ar kuriem Çn;s cenas tiek piemm;rotas, ieskaitot cenas par an;entu un citiem paln;gpakalpojumiem un to piemm;roÇanas nosacn;jumus, bet izÌemot cenas par pasta pm;rvadm;jumiem un to piemm;roÇanas nosacn;jumus;

11) termins "MarÇrutu saraksts" nozn;mm; MarÇrutu sarakstu, kas pievienots Çm; Noln;guma Pielikumm; vai tm; grozn;jumus saskaÌm; ar Çm; Noln;guma 18.panta noteikumiem. MarÇrutu saraksts veido Çm; Noln;guma neatÌemamu sastm;vdan;u;

12) termins "noteiktais marÇruts" nozn;mm; marÇrutu, kas noteikts MarÇrutu sarakstm;.



Tiesn;bu pieÇn;irÇana

1. Ln;gumslm;dzm;ja Puse pieÇn;ir otrai Ln;gumslm;dzm;jai Pusei Çajm; Noln;gumm; noteiktm;s tiesn;bas, lai dotu iespm;ju Çn;s otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tajai aviokompm;nijai izveidot un veikt starptautisko gaisa satiksmi Pielikumm; noteiktajm; marÇrutm; (turpmm;k - "Noln;gumm; paredzm;tm; satiksme").



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2. SaskaÌm; ar Çm; Noln;guma noteikumiem katras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tajai aviokompm;nijai, kura veic Noln;gumm; paredzm;to satiksmi noteiktajm; marÇrutm;, tiek pieÇkirtas Çm;das tiesn;bas:

a) bez nosm;Çanm;s lidot pm;ri otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritorijai gaisa marÇrutm; (marÇrutos), kuru noteikuÇas Çn;s otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses avim;cijas institi;cijas;

b) nekomercim;los noli;kos apstm;ties otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritorijm; noteiktm; marÇruta punktm; (punktos), kuru apstiprinm;juÇas Çn;s otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses avim;cijas institi;cijas;

c) apstm;ties otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritorijm; noteiktm; marÇruta punktm; (punktos), lai uzÌemtu un izsm;dinm;tu starptautiskm;s satiksmes pasaÃ;ierus, iekrautu un izkrautu bagm;Ã;u, kravu un pastu, kuri tiek pm;rvadm;ti uz aviokompm;niju nozn;mm;juÇm;s Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritoriju vai no tm;s.

3. Par vienas Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tm;s aviokompm;nijas tiesn;bm;m otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritorijas punktm; (punktos) uzÌemt gaisa kun;n; un izsm;dinm;t no tm; starptautiskm;s satiksmes pasaÃ;ierus, iekraut un izkraut bagm;Ã;u, kravu un pastu, kas tiek pm;rvadm;ti uz treÇajm;m valstn;m vai no tm;m, jm;vienojas abu Ln;gumslm;dzm;ju PuÇu avim;cijas institi;cijm;m.



Aviokompm;nijas nozn;mm;Çana un pilnvaroÇana

1. Lai veiktu Noln;gumm; paredzm;to satiksmi noteiktajm; marÇrutm; (marÇrutos), katrai Ln;gumslm;dzm;jai Pusei ir tiesn;bas nozn;mm;t vienu aviokompm;niju, rakstiski paziÌojot par to otrai Ln;gumslm;dzm;jai Pusei, km; arn; anulm;t vai grozn;t Ço nozn;mm;jumu.

2. Rem;lm;s n;paÇuma tiesn;bas uz katras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;to aviokompm;niju jm;saglabm; un tm;s efektn;vm; kontrole jm;veic Çai Ln;gumslm;dzm;jai Pusei vai tm;s pilsoÌiem.

3. Katras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses avim;cijas institi;cijas var pieprasn;t otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tajai aviokompm;nijai pierm;dn;jumus, ka tm; spm;j izpildn;t nosacn;jumus un pienm;kumus, kurus Çn;s institi;cijas saskaÌm; ar likumiem un normatn;vajiem aktiem parasti un saprm;tn;gi piemm;ro starptautiskajm; gaisa satiksmm;.



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4. Pm;c Çm;da nozn;mm;juma saÌemÇanas otrai Ln;gumslm;dzm;jai Pusei saskaÌm; ar Çm; panta 2. un 3.punktu bez kavm;Çanm;s jm;izsniedz Çm;di nozn;mm;tajai aviokompm;nijai attiecn;ga pm;rvadm;jumu atn;auja.

5. Vienas Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tm; aviokompm;nija pm;c pm;rvadm;jumu atn;aujas saÌemÇanas no tajm; noteiktm;s dienas var uzsm;kt veikt Noln;gumm; paredzm;to satiksmi saskaÌm; ar attiecn;gajiem Çm; Noln;guma noteikumiem.


Pm;rvadm;jumu atn;aujas atsaukÇana, apturm;Çana

vai nosacn;jumu izpildes pieprasn;Çana

1. Katrai Ln;gumslm;dzm;jai Pusei ir tiesn;bas atsaukt vai apturm;t otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tajai aviokompm;nijai izsniegto pm;rvadm;jumu atn;auju vai pieprasn;t izpildn;t nosacn;jumus, kurus tm; uzskata par nepiecieÇamiem, ja minm;tm; aviokompm;nija izmanto Çm; Noln;guma 2.pantm; paredzm;tm;s tiesn;bas, jebkurm; gadn;jumm;, kad:

a) tai nav pierm;dn;jumu, ka rem;lm;s n;paÇuma tiesn;bas uz minm;to nozn;mm;to aviokompm;niju un efektn;vm; kontrole pm;r to ir otrai Ln;gumslm;dzm;jai Pusei, kas nozn;mm;jusi aviokompm;niju, vai tm;s pilsoÌiem;

b) minm;tm; nozn;mm;tm; aviokompm;nija nespm;j izpildn;t Çm; Noln;guma 5.pantm; minm;tos otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses likumus un citus normatn;vos aktus; vai

c) minm;tm; nozn;mm;tm; aviokompm;nija citm;di nespm;j darboties saskaÌm; ar Çm; Noln;guma noteikumiem.

2. Ja nav nepiecieÇams nekavm;joties veikt Çm; panta 1.punktm; minm;to tiesn;bu atsaukÇanu, apturm;Çanu vai pieprasn;t izpildn;t nosacn;jumus, lai nepien;autu, ka nozn;mm;tm; aviokompm;nija turpina pm;rkm;pt likumus un citus normatn;vos aktus, Çn;s tiesn;bas jm;izmanto tikai pm;c konsultm;cijm;m ar otru Ln;gumslm;dzm;ju Pusi.


Likumu un normatn;vo aktu piemm;roÇana

1. Vienas Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses likumi un citi normatn;vie akti, kuri regulm; starptautiskm;s satiksmes gaisa kun;a ieraÇanos Çn;s valsts teritorijm;, tm;s atstm;Çanu vai satiksmi un navigm;ciju tajm;, jm;piemm;ro otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tm;s aviokompm;nijas gaisa kun;im, tam ierodoties Çajm; teritorijm;, to atstm;jot vai veicot satiksmi un navigm;ciju tajm;.


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2. Vienas Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses likumi un citi normatn;vie akti, kuri regulm; pasaÃ;ieru, apkalpes, bagm;Ã;as, kravas vai pasta ieraÇanos Çn;s valsts teritorijm;, uzturm;Çanos tajm; vai tm;s atstm;Çanu, piemm;ram, likumi un normatn;vie akti, kuri regulm; ieraÇanos, atbrn;voÇanu no muitas nodevm;m, imigrm;ciju, km; arn; pasu, muitas un karantn;nas jautm;jumus, jm;piemm;ro otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tm;s aviokompm;nijas gaisa kun;a pasaÃ;ieriem, apkalpei, bagm;Ã;ai, kravai vai pastam, tiem ierodoties Çajm; teritorijm;, uzturoties tajm; vai to atstm;jot.

3. Vienas Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tajai aviokompm;nijai laikm;, kad tm; veic Noln;gumm; paredzm;to satiksmi otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritorijm;, jm;ievm;ro citi Çn;s Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses attiecn;gie likumi un citi normatn;vie akti, kuri attiecas uz gaisa kun;i, un noteikumi, kuri attiecas uz civilo avim;ciju.

4. TieÇm; tranzn;ta pasaÃ;ieri, bagm;Ã;a, krava un pasts, kas neatstm;j Çim noli;kam paredzm;to lidostas teritoriju, tiek pakn;auti tikai vienkm;rÇotai kontrolei.


Kapacitm;tes noteikumi

1. Ln;gumslm;dzm;ju PuÇu nozn;mm;tajm;m aviokompm;nijm;m ir taisnn;gas un vienln;dzn;gas iespm;jas veikt Noln;gumm; paredzm;to satiksmi noteiktajm; marÇrutm; (marÇrutos).

2. Veicot Noln;gumm; paredzm;to satiksmi, katras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tajai aviokompm;nijai jm;Ìem vm;rm; otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tm;s aviokompm;nijas intereses, lai nenodarn;tu kaitm;jumu satiksmei, kuru Çn;s otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tm; aviokompm;nija veic tajm; paÇm; marÇrutm; vai tm; dan;m;.

3. Noln;gumm; paredzm;tajai satiksmei, kuru veic Ln;gumslm;dzm;ju PuÇu nozn;mm;tm;s aviokompm;nijas, saglabm;jot saprm;tn;gu noslodzes koeficientu, jm;nodroÇina kapacitm;te, kas apmierinm;tu pieprasn;jumu pm;c pasaÃ;ieru, bagm;Ã;as, kravas un pasta pm;rvadm;jumiem starp Ln;gumslm;dzm;ju PuÇu valstu teritorijm;m.

4. Lai vienas Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tm; aviokompm;nija noteiktm; marÇruta punktm; (punktos), kas neatrodas otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritorijm;, uzÌemtu un izsm;dinm;tu pasaÃ;ierus, iekrautu un izkrautu bagm;Ã;u, kravu un pastu, jm;ievm;ro vispm;rm;jie principi, ka kapacitm;tei jm;bi;t atkarn;gai no:

a) pieprasn;juma pm;c pm;rvadm;jumiem uz aviokompm;niju nozn;mm;juÇm;s Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritoriju un no tm;s;


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b) pieprasn;juma pm;c pm;rvadm;jumiem uz valsti vai ren;ionu, kas nav Ln;gumslm;dzm;ja Puse, bet pm;r kuru teritoriju tiek veikta Noln;gumm; paredzm;tm; satiksme, Ìemot vm;rm; gaisa satiksmi, kuru veic Çn;s valsts vai ren;iona aviokompm;nija (aviokompm;nijas);

c) pieprasn;juma pm;c tranzn;ta satiksmes.



1. Par kapacitm;ti, lidojumu bieÃ;umu un lidojumu sarakstu vienojas Ln;gumslm;dzm;ju PuÇu avim;cijas institi;cijas.

2. Par jautm;jumiem, kuri attiecas uz Noln;gumm; paredzm;tm;s satiksmes pakalpojumu pm;rdoÇanu, vienojas Ln;gumslm;dzm;ju PuÇu nozn;mm;tm;s aviokompm;nijas un Ço vienoÇanos apstiprina abu Ln;gumslm;dzm;ju PuÇu avim;cijas institi;cijas.

3. Katras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tm; aviokompm;nija var atbilstoÇi satiksmes prasn;bm;m iesniegt li;gumu atn;aut veikt papildu lidojumu noteiktajm; marÇrutm;. Iesniegums par Ço papildu lidojumu jm;iesniedz otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses avim;cijas institi;cijm;m ne vm;lm;k km; piecas darba dienas pirms paredzm;tm; lidojuma, un lidojumu var veikt tikai pm;c apstiprinm;juma saÌemÇanas.




1. Tarifi, kuri tiek piemm;roti Noln;gumm; paredzm;tajai satiksmei noteiktajm; marÇrutm;, jm;nosaka saprm;tn;gm; apjomm;, pienm;cn;gu uzmann;bu veltot visiem attiecn;gajiem faktoriem, tajm; skaitm;, pm;rvadm;jumu izmaksm;m, saprm;tn;gai pen;Ìai, satiksmes raksturojumam (piemm;ram, m;trumam un m;rtn;bu ln;menim) un tarifiem, kuri tiek piemm;roti citas aviokompm;nijas (aviokompm;niju) satiksmei jebkurm; noteiktm; marÇruta posmm;.

2. Par Çm; panta 1.punktm; minm;tajiem tarifiem vienojas abu Ln;gumslm;dzm;ju PuÇu nozn;mm;tm;s aviokompm;nijas, ja nepiecieÇams un iespm;jams, konsultm;joties ar citu aviokompm;niju (aviokompm;nijm;m), kas veic satiksmi tajm; paÇm; marÇrutm; vai tm; posmm;. Tarifi, par kuriem Çm;dm; veidm; panm;kta vienoÇanm;s, jm;iesniedz to attiecn;gajm;m avim;cijas institi;cijm;m ne vm;lm;k km; 60 dienas pirms paredzm;tm;s to ievieÇanas, un Çie tarifi stm;jas spm;km; pm;c tam, kad tos apstiprinm;juÇas abu Ln;gumslm;dzm;ju PuÇu avim;cijas institi;cijas.

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3. Ja Ln;gumslm;dzm;ju PuÇu nozn;mm;tm;s aviokompm;nijas nespm;j vienoties par tarifiem, Ln;gumslm;dzm;ju PuÇu avim;cijas institi;cijm;m jm;nosaka tarifi konsultm;ciju cen;m;.

4. Ja Ln;gumslm;dzm;ju PuÇu avim;cijas institi;cijas nespm;j vienoties par km;da tm;m saskaÌm; ar Çm; panta 2.punktu iesniegta tarifa apstiprinm;Çanu vai par km;da tarifa noteikÇanu saskaÌm; ar Çm; panta 3.punktu, Çajm; jautm;jumm; jm;grieÃ;as pie Ln;gumslm;dzm;jm;m Pusm;m, lai to izÇn;irtu saskaÌm; ar Çm; Noln;guma 17.panta noteikumiem.

5. Ln;dz jauna tarifa noteikÇanai saskaÌm; ar Çm; panta noteikumiem paliek spm;km; jau esoÇie tarifi.



Tehniskie pakalpojumi un maksm;jumu likmes

1. Katrai Ln;gumslm;dzm;jai Pusei savas valsts teritorijm; jm;nodroÇina pastm;vn;gm; lidosta (lidostas), rezerves lidosta (lidostas), aeronavigm;cijas iekm;rtas un citi ar tm;m saistn;ti pakalpojumi, tajm; skaitm;, sakaru, navigm;cijas, meteorolon;iskm;s un citas paln;giekm;rtas un pakalpojumi, lai otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tm; aviokompm;nija varm;tu veikt Noln;gumm; paredzm;to satiksmi.

2. Katras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tajai aviokompm;nijai par otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses lidostas un aeronavigm;cijas iekm;rtu izmantoÇanu jm;maksm; pm;c Çn;s Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses attiecn;go institi;ciju noteiktm;m taisnn;gm;m un saprm;tn;gm;m likmm;m. Ğn;s likmes nedrn;kst bi;t augstm;kas par tm;m, kuras par tm;du paÇu lidostu un aeronavigm;cijas iekm;rtu izmantoÇanu otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritorijm; tiek piemm;rotas jebkurai citu valstu aviokompm;nijai.



Statistikas datu sniegÇana

Katras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses avim;cijas institi;cijas pm;c otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses avim;cijas institi;ciju pieprasn;juma piegm;dm; tm;m statistikas datus, kurus saprm;tn;gm; apjomm; var pieprasn;t, lai pm;rskatn;tu kapacitm;ti, kuru, veicot Noln;gumm; paredzm;to satiksmi noteiktajm; marÇrutm;, nodroÇina Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tm; aviokompm;nija. Ğajos datos tiek iekn;ata visa informm;cija, kas nepiecieÇama, lai noteiktu satiksmes apjomu, kuru, veicot Noln;gumm; paredzm;to satiksmi, nodroÇina nozn;mm;tm; aviokompm;nija.





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Pm;rstm;vniecn;ba un personm;ls

1. Lai veiktu Noln;gumm; paredzm;to satiksmi noteiktajm; marÇrutm;, katras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tajai aviokompm;nijai uz savstarpm;jiem pamatiem ir tiesn;bas atvm;rt pm;rstm;vniecn;bu noteiktm; marÇruta punktm; (punktos), kas atrodas otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritorijm;.

2. Katras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tm;s aviokompm;nijas otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritorijm; izvietotm;s pm;rstm;vniecn;bas personm;la locekn;iem jm;bi;t vienas vai otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts pilsoÌiem; par Çm; personm;la skaitu vienojas abu Ln;gumslm;dzm;ju PuÇu avim;cijas institi;cijas. Ğim personm;lam jm;ievm;ro otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts likumi un citi normatn;vie akti.

3. Katrai Ln;gumslm;dzm;jai Pusei jm;sniedz paln;dzn;ba un jm;nodroÇina iespm;jas otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tm;s aviokompm;nijas pm;rstm;vniecn;bai un tm;s personm;lam sekmn;gas Noln;gumm; paredzm;tm;s satiksmes veikÇanai.

4. Katras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tm;s aviokompm;nijas gaisa kun;u apkalpju locekn;iem, kuri n;steno Noln;gumm; paredzm;to satiksmi, jm;bi;t minm;tm;s Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts pilsoÌiem. Ja vienas Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tm; aviokompm;nija vm;las Noln;gumm; paredzm;tm;s satiksmes veikÇanai nodarbinm;t apkalpes locekn;us, kuri ir km;das citas valsts pilsoÌi, pirms tam jm;saÌem otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses piekriÇana.



Muitas nodokn;i un aplikÇana ar nodokn;iem

1. Vienas Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tm;s aviokompm;nijas gaisa kun;im, kas veic Noln;gumm; paredzm;to satiksmi, ierodoties otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritorijm;, minm;tais gaisa kun;is un tm; parastais aprn;kojums, rezerves dan;as (tajm; skaitm; dzinm;ji), degviela, en;n;a (tajm; skaitm; hidrauliskie Çn;idrumi, smm;rvielas) un gaisa kun;a krm;jumi (tajm; skaitm; m;dieni, dzm;rieni un tabakas izstrm;dm;jumi), kas atrodas Çajm; gaisa kun;n;, tiek savstarpm;ji atbrn;voti no vism;m muitas nodevm;m, nodokn;iem, pm;rbaudes maksm;jumiem un citiem ln;dzn;giem maksm;jumiem, ja Çis aprn;kojums un lietas paliek gaisa kun;n; ln;dz to aizveÇanai.






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2. No vism;m muitas nodevm;m, nodokn;iem, pm;rbaudes maksm;jumiem un citiem ln;dzn;giem maksm;jumiem, izÌemot maksu par attiecn;giem pakalpojumiem, tiek savstarpm;ji atbrn;voti:

a) parastais aprn;kojums, rezerves dan;as (tajm; skaitm; dzinm;ji), degviela, en;n;a (tajm; skaitm; hidrauliskie Çn;idrumi, smm;rvielas) un gaisa kun;a krm;jumi (tajm; skaitm; m;dieni, dzm;rieni un tabakas izstrm;dm;jumi), kuri ievesti otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritorijm; un kurus paredzm;ts izmantot Noln;gumm; paredzm;tajm; satiksmm;, ko veic nozn;mm;tm;s aviokompm;nijas gaisa kun;is, pat ja Çis aprn;kojums un lietas tiek izmantotas lidojuma dan;m; pm;ri otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritorijai;

b) rezerves dan;as (tajm; skaitm; dzinm;ji), kas ievestas otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritorijm;, lai veiktu gaisa kun;a, kuru nozn;mm;tm; aviokompm;nija izmanto Noln;gumm; paredzm;tm;s satiksmes veikÇanai, tehnisko apkopi vai remontu.

3. Ğm; panta 1. un 2.punktm; minm;tais aprn;kojums un lietas ar otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses muitas institi;ciju piekriÇanu var tikt izkrautas Çn;s Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritorijm;. Ğis aprn;kojums un lietas jm;uzglabm; otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses muitas institi;ciju uzraudzn;bm; vai kontrolm; ln;dz to aizveÇanai vai citm;dai izvietoÇanai saskaÌm; ar Çn;s otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses muitas noteikumiem.

4. IzÌm;mumi, kas paredzm;ti Çm; panta 1. un 2.punkta noteikumos, izmantojami arn; gadn;jumos, kad vienas Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tm; aviokompm;nija ir noslm;gusi ln;gumu ar citu aviokompm;niju (aviokompm;nijm;m), kas tm;pat izmanto Ços izÌm;mumus otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritorijm;, par Çm; panta 1. un 2.punktm; minm;tm; aprn;kojuma un lietu n;rm;Çanu vai nodoÇanu otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritorijm;.

5. Iespiestu bin;eÇu krm;jumi, gaisa pm;rvadm;jumu pavadzn;mes un reklm;mas materim;li, kurus vienas Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tm; aviokompm;nija ieved otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritorijm;, tiek savstarpm;ji atbrn;voti no vism;m muitas nodevm;m, nodokn;iem, pm;rbaudes maksm;jumiem un citiem ln;dzn;giem maksm;jumiem.

6. TieÇm; tranzn;ta bagm;Ã;a, krava un pasts tiek savstarpm;ji atbrn;vots no vism;m muitas nodevm;m, nodokn;iem, pm;rbaudes maksm;jumiem un citiem ln;dzn;giem maksm;jumiem, izÌemot atbilstoÇu maksu par sniegtajiem pakalpojumiem.




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Ienm;kumu konvertm;Çana un pm;rsi;tn;Çana

1. Katras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tajai aviokompm;nijai uz savstarpm;jiem pamatiem ir tiesn;bas pm;rsi;tn;t ienm;kumus, kurus tm; ieguvusi otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritorijm;, uz savas valsts teritoriju.

2. Minm;to ienm;kumu konvertm;Çana un pm;rsi;tn;Çana tiek veikta konvertm;jamm; vali;tm; atbilstoÇi dominm;joÇajam vali;tas maiÌas kursam pm;rsi;tn;Çanas dienm;.

3. Katrai Ln;gumslm;dzm;jai Pusei jm;atvieglo tm;s teritorijm; gi;to ienm;kumu konvertm;Çana un pm;rsi;tn;Çana, kuru veic otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tm; aviokompm;nija, un nekavm;joties jm;paln;dz minm;tajai aviokompm;nijai nokm;rtot attiecn;gm;s formalitm;tes.


Avim;cijas droÇn;ba

1. Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses no jauna apliecina, ka to saistn;bas vienai pret otru aizsargm;t civilm;s avim;cijas droÇn;bu pret nelikumn;gas iejaukÇanm;s aktiem veido Çm; Noln;guma neatÌemamu sastm;vdan;u. Ln;gumslm;dzm;jm;m Pusm;m jm;rn;kojas saskaÌm; ar Konvenciju par noziegumiem un daÃ;m;m citm;m darbn;bm;m, kas izdarn;tas gaisa kun;os, kura parakstn;ta Tokijm; 1963.gada 14.septembrn;, Konvenciju par cn;Ìu pret nelikumn;gu gaisa kun;u sagrm;bÇanu, kura parakstn;ta Hm;gm; 1970.gada 16.decembrn;, un Konvenciju par cn;Ìu pret nelikumn;gm;m darbn;bm;m, kas apdraud civilm;s avim;cijas droÇn;bu, kura parakstn;ta Monrem;lm; 1971.gada 23.septembrn;.

2. Katrai Ln;gumslm;dzm;jai Pusei pm;c otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses pieprasn;juma jm;sniedz visa nepiecieÇamm; paln;dzn;ba, lai novm;rstu gaisa kun;a nelikumn;gu sagrm;bÇanu un citas nelikumn;gas darbn;bas, kas vm;rstas pret Çm; gaisa kun;a, tm; pasaÃ;ieru un apkalpes, lidostu un aeronavigm;cijas iekm;rtu droÇn;bu, km; arn; jebkurus citus draudus civilm;s avim;cijas droÇn;bai.

3. Ln;gumslm;dzm;jm;m Pusm;m to savstarpm;jm;s attiecn;bm;s jm;rn;kojas saskaÌm; ar avim;cijas droÇn;bas standartiem un ieteicamo praksi, kuru ieviesusi Starptautiskm; civilm;s avim;cijas organizm;cija un kura iekn;auta Konvencijas par starptautisko civilo avim;ciju pielikumos, ciktm;l Çie standarti un ieteicamm; prakse ir piemm;rojama Ln;gumslm;dzm;jm;m Pusm;m. Tm;m jm;pieprasa, lai to ren;istrm; ren;istrm;to gaisa kun;u ekspluatanti un gaisa kun;u ekspluatanti, kuru pamatdarbn;bas vieta vai pastm;vn;gm; atraÇanm;s vieta ir to teritorijm;, un to teritorijm; esoÇo lidostu ekspluatanti darbotos saskaÌm; ar Çiem avim;cijas droÇn;bas noteikumiem.

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4. Abas Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses piekrn;t, ka minm;to gaisa kun;u ekspluatantiem var pieprasn;t ievm;rot avim;cijas droÇn;bas noteikumus, kurus otra Ln;gumslm;dzm;ja Puse saskaÌm; ar Çm; panta 3.punktu pieprasa ievm;rot, ierodoties Çn;s otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritorijm;, to atstm;jot vai uzturoties tajm;. Abm;m Ln;gumslm;dzm;jm;m Pusm;m jm;nodroÇina, lai to teritorijm; efektn;vi tiktu veikti atbilstoÇi pasm;kumi, kuru mm;rn;is ir nodroÇinm;t gaisa kun;a droÇn;bu pirms iekm;pÇanas vai iekrauÇanas un tm;s laikm; un pm;rbaudn;t pasaÃ;ierus, apkalpi, bagm;Ã;u, kravu un gaisa kun;a krm;jumus pirms iekm;pÇanas vai iekrauÇanas. Katrai Ln;gumslm;dzm;jai Pusei ar sapratni jm;uztver katrs otras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses li;gums veikt saprm;tn;gus n;paÇus droÇn;bas pasm;kumus, lai novm;rstu konkrm;tus draudus.

5. Ja notiek gaisa kun;a nelikumn;gas sagrm;bÇanas incidents vai ir tm; draudi, vai tiek veikta cita nelikumn;ga darbn;ba, kas apdraud minm;tm; gaisa kun;a, tm; pasaÃ;ieru un apkalpes, lidostu vai aeronavigm;cijas iekm;rtu droÇn;bu, katrai Ln;gumslm;dzm;jai Pusei jm;paln;dz otrai Ln;gumslm;dzm;jai Pusei, atvieglojot sazinm;Çanos un veicot citus attiecn;gus pasm;kumus, lai m;tri un droÇi novm;rstu Ço incidentu vai tm; draudus.




Apliecn;bu un licenm;u atzn;Çana

Katra Ln;gumslm;dzm;ja Puse atzn;st par dern;gm;m lidojumu dern;guma apliecn;bas, kvalifikm;cijas apliecn;bas un licences, kuras otra Ln;gumslm;dzm;ja Puse izsniegusi vai atzinusi par dern;gm;m Noln;gumm; paredzm;tm;s satiksmes veikÇanai noteiktajos marÇrutos, ja Ço apliecn;bu un licenm;u standarti atbilst standartiem, kurus periodiski nosaka saskaÌm; ar Konvenciju par starptautisko civilo avim;ciju vai kuri nav zemm;ki par Çm;di noteiktajiem minimm;lajiem standartiem.



1. Ln;gumslm;dzm;jm;m Pusm;m cieÇas sadarbn;bas garm; un sniedzot savstarpm;ju atbalstu, jm;nodroÇina pareiza Çm; Noln;guma n;stenoÇana un apmierinoÇa tm; noteikumu piemm;roÇana. Ğajm; noli;km; Ln;gumslm;dzm;ju PuÇu avim;cijas institi;cijas periodiski savstarpm;ji konsultm;jas.

2. Katra Ln;gumslm;dzm;ja Puse jebkurm; laikm; var pieprasn;t konsultm;cijas par Ço Noln;gumu ar otru Ln;gumslm;dzm;ju Pusi. Ğn;m konsultm;cijm;m jm;sm;kas, cik m;tri iespm;jams, bet ne vm;lm;k km; 60 dienas pm;c tam, kad otra Ln;gumslm;dzm;ja Puse saÌm;musi pieprasn;jumu pm;c konsultm;cijm;m, ja nav bijusi vienoÇanm;s par ko citu.



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Strn;du izÇn;irÇana

1. Ja Ln;gumslm;dzm;jm;m Pusm;m rodas strn;ds par Çm; Noln;guma iztulkoÇanu vai n;stenoÇanu, abu Ln;gumslm;dzm;ju PuÇu avim;cijas institi;cijm;m vispirms cenÇas strn;du izÇn;irt sarunu cen;m;.

2. Ja Ln;gumslm;dzm;ju PuÇu avim;cijas institi;cijas nespm;j izÇn;irt minm;to strn;du, Ln;gumslm;dzm;jm;m Pusm;m Çis strn;ds jm;izÇn;ir diplomm;tiskm; cen;m;.


Grozn;jumi un papildinm;jumi

1. Ja viena Ln;gumslm;dzm;ja Puse vm;las grozn;t km;du Çm; Noln;guma vai tm; Pielikuma noteikumu, tm; jebkurm; laikm; var pieprasn;t konsultm;cijas ar otru Ln;gumslm;dzm;ju Pusi, un Çn;m konsultm;cijm;m, kuras var notikt pm;rrunu vai sarakstes veidm;, jm;sm;kas 90 dienu laikm; pm;c tam, kad otra Ln;gumslm;dzm;ja Puse saÌm;musi pieprasn;jumu, ja abas Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nav vienojuÇm;s par Çm; perioda pagarinm;Çanu.

2. Ğm; panta 1.punktm; minm;tm;s konsultm;cijas var organizm;t arn; abu Ln;gumslm;dzm;ju PuÇu avim;cijas institi;cijas.

3. Jebkuri Çm; Noln;guma vai Pielikuma grozn;jumi stm;jas spm;km; pm;c to apstiprinm;Çanas, kas tiek veikta pa diplomm;tiskiem kanm;liem, apmainoties ar notm;m.




Noln;guma darbn;bas izbeigÇana

Katra Ln;gumslm;dzm;ja Puse jebkurm; laikm; var pa diplomm;tiskiem kanm;liem paziÌot otrai Ln;gumslm;dzm;jai Pusei par savu lm;mumu izbeigt Çm; Noln;guma darbn;bu. Ğm; Noln;guma darbn;ba jm;uzskata par izbeigtu pm;c 12 mm;neÇiem no dienas, kad otra Ln;gumslm;dzm;ja Puse saÌm;musi paziÌojumu par Noln;guma darbn;bas izbeigÇanu, ja Çis paziÌojums pm;c Ln;gumslm;dzm;ju PuÇu savstarpm;jas vienoÇanm;s nav atsaukts pirms minm;tm; termiÌa beigm;m.




Ğis Noln;gums un jebkurÇ tm; grozn;jums jm;ren;istrm; Starptautiskajm; civilm;s avim;cijas organizm;cijm;.



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Ğm; Noln;guma katra panta virsraksts ir paredzm;ts tikai atsaukÇanm;s un m;rtn;bas noli;kiem un nekm;dm; ziÌm; nedefinm;, neierobeÃ;o vai neapraksta Çm; Noln;guma noteikumu sfm;ru vai noli;ku.



Stm;Çanm;s spm;km;

Ğis Noln;gums stm;jas spm;km; otrm; mm;neÇa pirmajm; dienm; pm;c tam, kad Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses pa diplomm;tiskiem kanm;liem paziÌojuÇas viena otrai, ka izpildn;tas visas nepiecieÇamm;s procedi;ras, lai Noln;gums stm;tos spm;km;.


TO APLIECINOT, savu valstu valdn;bu pienm;cn;gi pilnvaroti pm;rstm;vji paraksta Ço Noln;gumu.



PARAKST¾;TS Rn;gm; 1999.gada 4.martm; divos orin;inm;leksemplm;ros latvieÇu, n;n;nieÇu un angn;u valodm;, visi trn;s teksti ir autentiski. Ja rodas domstarpn;bas par Çm; Noln;guma iztulkoÇanu un piemm;roÇanu, priekÇroka dodama tekstam angn;u valodm;.




Latvijas Republikas »;n;nas Tautas Republikas

valdn;bas vm;rdm;: valdn;bas vm;rdm;:





















1. Noln;gumm; paredzm;tm;s satiksmes marÇruts, kurm; lidojumus abos virzienos veic Latvijas Republikas valdn;bas nozn;mm;tm; aviokompm;nija:

Punkti Latvijm; -

- viens starppunkts,

par kuru Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses vienosies vm;lm;k -

- BeidÃ;ina vai cits punkts »;n;nm;,

par kuru Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses vienosies vm;lm;k -

- viens punkts aiz »;n;nas robeÃ;m;m,

par kuru Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses vienosies vm;lm;k.


2. Noln;gumm; paredzm;tm;s satiksmes marÇruts, pa kuru lidojumus abos virzienos veic »;n;nas Tautas Republikas valdn;bas nozn;mm;tm; aviokompm;nija:

Punkti »;n;nm; -

- viens starppunkts,

par kuru Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses vienosies vm;lm;k -

- Rn;ga vai cits punkts Latvijm;,

par kuru Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses vienosies vm;lm;k -

- viens punkts aiz Latvijas robeÃ;m;m,

par kuru Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses vienosies vm;lm;k


3. Katras Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses nozn;mm;tm; aviokompm;nija pm;c tm;s ieskatiem vienm; vai visos lidojumos var izlaist jebkuru noteiktm; marÇruta punktu ar noteikumu, ka Noln;gumm; paredzm;tm; satiksme sm;kas un beidzas aviokompm;niju nozn;mm;juÇm;s Ln;gumslm;dzm;jas Puses valsts teritorijm;.









The Government of the Republic of Latvia


The Government of the People's Republic of China

relating to Civil Air Transport


The Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "the Contracting Parties");

Desiring to facilitate friendly contacts between their two peoples and develop mutual relations between the two countries in the field of civil aviation;

Being parties to the Convention on International Civil Aviation opened for signature at Chicago on December 7, 1944;

Have agreed on the establishment and operation of air services between and beyond their respective territories as follows:


Article 1


For the purpose of this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:

(1) the term "aeronautical authorities" means, in the case of the Republic of Latvia, the Ministry of Transport, or any person or agency authorized to perform any function presently exercised by the said Ministry; and in the case of the People's Republic of China, the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China, or any person or agency authorized to perform any function presently exercised by the said Administration;

(2) the term "Agreement" means this Agreement and its Annex as well as any amendment to this Agreement and/or its Annex made in accordance with Article 18 of this Agreement;

(3) the term "airline" means any air transport enterprise offering or operating international air services;

(4) the term "designated airline" means an airline which has been designated and authorized in accordance with Article 3 of this Agreement;

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(5) the term "aircraft" means civil aircraft;

(6) the term "air service" means any scheduled air service performed by aircraft for the public transport of passengers, baggage, cargo or mail;

(7) the term "international air service" means an air service which passes through the air space over the territory of more than one State;

(8) the term "stop for non-traffic purposes" means a landing for any purpose other than taking on or discharging passengers, baggage, cargo or mail;

(9) the term "capacity" means:

(a) in relation to an aircraft, the payload of that aircraft available on a route or section of a route;

(b) in relation to an air service, the capacity of the aircraft used on such service multiplied by the frequency operated by such aircraft over a given period on a route or section of a route;

(10) the term "tariff" means the prices to be paid for the carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo and the conditions under which those prices apply, including prices and conditions for agency and other auxiliary service, but excluding prices and conditions for the carriage of mail;

(11) the term "Route Schedule" means the Route Schedule annexed to this Agreement or as amended in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of this Agreement. The Route Schedule forms an integral part of this Agreement;

(12) the term "specified route" means the route specified in the Route Schedule.


Article 2

Grant of Rights

(1) Each Contracting Party grants to the other Contracting Party the rights specified in this Agreement to enable the designated airline of the other Contracting Party to establish and operate international air services on the route specified in the Annex (hereinafter called "the agreed services").

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(2) Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the designated airline of each Contracting Party shall enjoy, while operating an agreed service on a specified route, the following rights:

(a) to fly without landing across the territory of the other Contracting Party along the air route(s) prescribed by the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party;

(b) to make stops for non-traffic purposes at point(s) on the specified route in the territory of the other Contracting Party, subject to the approval of the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party;

(c) to make stops at the point(s) on the specified route in the territory of the other Contracting Party for the purpose of taking on board and discharging international traffic in passengers, baggage, cargo and mail, originating in or destined for the first Contracting Party.

(3) The right of the designated airline of one Contracting Party to take on board and discharge at point(s) in the territory of the other Contracting Party international traffic to or from a third country shall be agreed upon between the aeronautical authorities of the two Contracting Parties.

Article 3

Airline Designation and Authorization

(1) Each Contracting Party shall have the right to designate in writing to the other Contracting Party one airline to operate the agreed services on the specified route(s), and to withdraw or alter such designation.

(2) The substantial ownership and effective control of the airline designated by each Contracting Party shall remain vested in such Contracting Party or its nationals.

(3) The aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party may require the airline designated by the first Contracting Party to satisfy them that it is qualified to meet the conditions and the obligations prescribed under the laws and regulations normally and reasonably applied to the operation of international air services by such authorities.

(4) On receipt of such designation, the other Contracting Party shall, subject to the provisions of paragraphs (2) and (3) of this Article, grant to the airline so designated the appropriate operating authorization without unreasonable delay.

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(5) The designated airline of one Contracting Party may commence, when it has acquired operating authorization, operation of the agreed services in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Agreement from the date prescribed in such authorization.


Article 4

Revocation, Suspension of Authorization

or Imposition of Conditions

(1) Each Contracting Party shall have the right to revoke or suspend the operating authorization granted to the designated airline of the other Contracting Party or to impose such conditions as it may deem necessary on the exercise by the said designated airline of the rights specified in Article 2 of this Agreement, in any of the following cases:

(a) where it is not satisfied that the substantial ownership and effective control of the said designated airline are vested in the other Contracting Party designating that airline or its nationals; or

(b) where the said designated airline fails to comply with the laws and regulations of the first Contracting Party referred to in Article 5 of this Agreement; or

(c) where the said designated airline otherwise fails to operate in accordance with the conditions prescribed under this Agreement.

(2) Unless immediate revocation, suspension of rights or imposition of conditions prescribed in paragraph (1) of this Article is essential to prevent further infringement of laws and regulations by the said designated airline, such rights shall be exercised only after consultation with the other Contracting Party.

Article 5

Application of Laws and Regulations

(1) The laws and regulations of one Contracting Party relating to the admission to, departure from or operation and navigation in its territory of aircraft engaged in the international operation shall be applicable to the aircraft of the designated airline of the other Contracting Party, while entering, departing from or operating and navigating in the territory of the first Contracting Party.



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(2) The laws and regulations of one Contracting Party relating to admission to, stay in or departure from its territory of passengers, crew, baggage, cargo or mail, such as laws and regulations relating to entry, clearance, immigration, passports, customs and quarantine, shall be applicable to the passengers, crew, baggage, cargo or mail carried by the aircraft of the designated airline of the other Contracting Party while entering, staying in and departing from the territory of the first Contracting Party.

(3) Other relevant laws and regulations relating to aircraft and provisions in respect of civil aviation of one Contracting Party shall be applicable to the designated airline of the other Contracting Party while operating the agreed services in the territory of the first Contracting Party.

(4) Passengers, baggage, cargo and mail in direct transit and not leaving the area of the airport reserved for such purpose shall be subject to no more than a simplified control.


Article 6

Capacity Provisions

(1) There shall be a fair and equal opportunity for the designated airlines of the Contracting Parties to operate the agreed services on the specified route(s).

(2) In operating the agreed services the designated airline of each Contracting Party shall take into account the interests of the designated airline of the other Contracting Party so as not to affect unduly the services provided by the latter on the whole or part of the same route.

(3) The agreed services supplied by the designated airlines of the Contracting Parties shall provide at a reasonable load factor capacity adequate to meet the traffic requirements for the carriage of passengers, baggage, cargo and mail between the territories of the Contracting Parties.

(4) Provision for taking on board and discharging passengers, baggage, cargo and mail by the designated airline of one Contracting Party at point(s) on the specified route other than point(s) in the territory of either Contracting Party shall be made in accordance with the general principles that capacity shall be related to:

(a) traffic requirements to and from the territory of the Contracting Party which has designated the airline;


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(b) traffic requirements of the country or region other than the Contracting Parties through which the agreed service passes, taking account of other air services established by airline(s) of the State or that region;

(c) the requirements of through airline operation.

Article 7

Commercial Arrangements

(1) Capacity, frequency and flight schedule shall be agreed upon between the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties.

(2) Matters relating to sales agency for the operation of the agreed services shall be agreed upon between the designated airlines of the Contracting Parties and approved by the aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties.

(3) The designated airline of either Contracting Party may, according to traffic requirements, apply for operation of additional flight on the specified route. The application for such flight shall be submitted to the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party, at least five working days before its proposed operation, and the flight can be operated only after approval has been obtained.

Article 8


(1) The tariffs applicable to the agreed services on the specified route shall be established at reasonable levels, due regard being paid to all relevant factors including cost of operation, reasonable profit, characteristics of service (such as speed and standard of accommodation) and tariffs applicable to the services of other airline(s) on any section of the specified route.

(2) The tariffs referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article shall be agreed upon between the designated airlines of both Contracting Parties, in consultation when necessary and possible with other airline(s) operating over the same route or section. The tariffs so agreed shall be submitted to their respective aeronautical authorities at least 60 days prior to the proposed date of introduction of these tariffs and become effective after their approval by the aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties.

(3) If the designated airlines of the Contracting Parties fail to agree on the tariffs, the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties shall determine the tariffs through consultation.

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(4) If the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties fail to agree on the approval of any tariff submitted to them under paragraph (2) of this Article or on the determination of any tariff under paragraph (3) of this Article, the matter shall be referred to the Contracting Parties for settlement in accordance with the provisions of Article 17 of this Agreement.

(5) Pending determination of a new tariff in accordance with the provisions of this Article, the tariffs already in force shall prevail.



Article 9

Technical Services and Rate of Charge

(1) Each Contracting Party shall provide regular airport(s), alternate airport(s) and air navigation facilities in its territory and relevant services including communications, navigational, meteorological and other auxiliary facilities and services for the operation of the agreed services by the designated airline of the other Contracting Party.

(2) The designated airline of each Contracting Party shall be charged for the use of airports and air navigation facilities of the other Contracting Party at fair and reasonable rates prescribed by the appropriate authorities of the other Contracting Party. Such rate shall not be higher than those applicable to any airline of other States for the services and the use of similar airports and air navigational facilities in the territory of the other Contracting Party.


Article 10

Provision of Statistical Data

The aeronautical authorities of either Contracting Party shall furnish to the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party, at their request, statistical data as may be reasonably required for the purpose of reviewing the capacity provided by the agreed services operated by the designated airline of the first Contracting Party on the specified route. Such data shall include all information required to determine the amount of traffic carried by the said designated airline on the agreed services.

Article 11

Representation and Personnel

(1) For the operation of the agreed services on the specified route, the designated airline of each Contracting Party shall have the right, on the reciprocal basis, to set up representation at the point(s) on the specified route within the territory of the other Contracting Party.


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(2) The staff members of the representation of the designated airline of each Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party shall be nationals of either Contracting Party; the number of such staff shall be determined between the aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties. Such staff shall be subject to the laws and regulations of the other Contracting Party.

(3) Each Contracting Party shall extend assistance and facilities to the representation and its staff members of the designated airline of the other Contracting Party necessary for the efficient operation of the agreed services.

(4) The crew members of the designated airline of either Contracting Party on the agreed services shall be nationals of the said Contracting Party. If a designated airline of either Contracting Party desires to employ crew members of any other nationality on the agreed services, prior approval shall be obtained from the other Contracting Party.


Article 12

Customs Duties and Taxation

(1) When an aircraft operated on the agreed services by the designated airline of one Contracting Party arrives in the territory of the other Contracting Party, the said aircraft and its regular equipment, spare parts (including engines), fuel, oil (including hydraulic fluids, lubricants) and aircraft stores (including food, beverages and tobacco) on board such aircraft shall be exempt on the basis of reciprocity from all customs duties, taxes, inspection fees and other similar fees and charges, provided such equipment and items remain on board the aircraft up to such time as they are re-exported.

(2) The following equipment and items shall also be exempt on the basis of reciprocity from all customs duties, taxes, inspection fees and other similar fees and charges, with the exception of charges corresponding to the services provided:

(a) regular equipment, spare parts (including engines), fuel, oil (including hydraulic fluids, lubricants) and aircraft stores (including food, beverages and tobacco) carried into the territory of the other Contracting Party and intended for use on aircraft operated on the agreed services by the designated airline, even when such equipment and items are to be used on part of the journey performed over the territory of the other Contracting Party;



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(b) spare parts (including engines) introduced into the territory of the other Contracting Party for the maintenance or repair of aircraft operated on the agreed services by the designated airline.

(3) The equipment and items referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article may be unloaded in the territory of the other Contracting Party with the approval of the Customs authorities of the other Contracting Party. Such equipment and items shall be kept under the supervision or control of the Customs authorities of the other Contracting Party up to such time as they are re-exported, or otherwise disposed of in accordance with the customs regulations of the other Contracting Party.

(4) The exemption provided for in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article shall also be available where a designated airline of one Contracting Party has contracted with other airline(s), which similarly enjoy(s) such exemptions in the territory of the other Contracting Party, for the loan or transfer in the territory of the other Contracting Party of the equipment and

items specified in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article.

(5) Printed ticket stock, air waybills and publicity materials introduced by the designated airli ne of one Contracting Party into the territory of the other Contracting Party, shall be exempt on the basis of reciprocity from all customs duties, taxes, inspection fees and other similar fees and charges.

(6) Baggage, cargo and mail in direct transit shall be exempt from all customs duties, taxes, inspection fees and other similar fees and charges on the basis of reciprocity with the exception of the charges corresponding to the services provided.

Article 13

Conversion and Remittance of Revenue

(1) The designated airline of each Contracting Party shall have, on the reciprocal basis, the right to remit its revenue received in the territory of the other Contracting Party to the territory of the first Contracting Party.

(2) The conversion and remittance of such revenue shall be effected in convertible currencies at the effective rate of exchange prevailing on the date of remittance.

(3) Each Contracting Party shall facilitate the conversion and remittance of the revenue received in its territory by the designated airline of the other Contracting Party, and assist promptly the said airline in attending to the relevant formalities.

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Article 14

Aviation Security

(1) The Contracting Parties reaffirm that their obligation to each other to protect the security of civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference forms an integral part of this Agreement. The Contracting Parties shall in particular act in conformity with the provisions of the Convention on Offenses and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft, signed at Tokyo on 14 September 1963, the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft, signed at The Hague on 16 December 1970, and the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation, signed at Montreal on 23 September 1971.

(2) The Contracting Parties shall provide upon request all necessary assistance to each other to prevent acts of unlawful seizure of aircraft and other unlawful acts against the safety of such aircraft, their passengers and crew, airports and air navigation facilities, and any other threat to the security of civil aviation.

(3) The Contracting Parties shall, in their mutual relations, act in conformity with the Standards and Recommended Practices relating to aviation security established by the International Civil Aviation Organization and designated as Annexes to the Convention on International civil Aviation to the extent that such Standards and Recommended Practices are applicable to the Contracting Parties. They shall require that operators of aircraft of their registry and operators of aircraft who have their principal place of business or permanent residence in their territory and operators of airport in their territory act in conformity with such aviation security provisions.

(4) Both Contracting Parties agree that such operators of aircraft may be required to observe the aviation security provisions established by the other Contracting Party as referred to in paragraph (3) of this Article for entry into, departure from, or while within the territory of that other Contracting Party. Both Contracting Parties shall ensure that adequate measures are effectively applied within its territory to protect the safety of the aircraft prior to and during boarding or loading, and to inspect passengers, crew, baggage, cargo and aircraft stores prior to boarding or loading. Each Contracting Party shall also give sympathetic consideration to any request from the other Contracting Party for reasonable special security measures to meet a particular threat.







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(5) When an incident or threat of unlawful seizure of aircraft or other unlawful acts against the safety of such aircraft, their passengers and crew, airports or air navigation facilities occurs, the Contracting Parties shall assist each other by facilitating communications and other appropriate measures intended to terminate rapidly and safely such incident or threat.

Article 15

Recognition of Certificates and Licenses

Each Contracting Party shall recognize the valid certificate of airworthiness, certificate of competency and licenses issued or validated by the other Contracting Party for the operation of the agreed services on the specified route, provided that the standards of such certificates and licenses are equivalent to or above the minimum standards established from time to time in accordance with the Convention on International Civil Aviation.


Article 16


(1) The Contracting Parties shall, in the spirit of close cooperation and mutual support, ensure the correct implementation of and satisfactory compliance with the provisions of this Agreement. To this end, the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties shall consult each other from time to time.

(2) Either Contracting Party may at any time request consultation with the other Contracting Party concerning this Agreement. Such consultation shall begin as soon as possible, and at least within 60 days from the date of receipt of the request by the other Contracting Party unless otherwise agreed to.


Article 17

Settlement of Disputes

(1) If any dispute arises between the Contracting Parties relating to the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement, the aeronautical authorities of the two Contracting Parties shall in the first place settle the dispute by negotiation.

(2) If the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties fail to reach a settlement of the said dispute, the Contracting Parties shall settle such dispute through diplomatic channels.


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Article 18

Amendment and Modification

(1) If either of the Contracting Parties considers it desirable to amend any provision of this Agreement or its Annex, it may at any time request consultation with the other Contracting Party, and such consultation, which may be through discussion or by correspondence, shall begin within a period of 90 days from the date of receipt of the request by the other Contracting Party, unless both Parties agree to an extension of this period.

(2) The consultation referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article may also be held between the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties.

(3) Any amendment to this Agreement or its Annex shall come into force when it has been confirmed by an exchange of notes through diplomatic channels.

Article 19


Either Contracting Party may at any time give notice to the other Contracting Party through diplomatic channels of its decision to terminate this Agreement. This Agreement shall then terminate 12 months after the date of receipt of the notice by the other Contracting Party unless such notice is withdrawn by agreement between the Contracting Parties before the expire of this period.

Article 20


This Agreement or any amendment thereto shall be registered with the International Civil Aviation Organization.


Article 21


The title of each article of this Agreement is for the purpose of reference and convenience and in no way to define, limit or describe the scope or intent of the provisions of this Agreement.






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Article 22

Entry Into force

This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second month after the Contracting Parties have notified each other through diplomatic channels that the procedures necessary for the entry into force of this Agreement have been completed.

In witness whereof, the undersigned, duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.

Done in Riga on 4th March, 1999 in duplicate in the Latvian, Chinese and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.



For the Government of the For the Government of the

Republic of Latvia: People's Republic of China:




























(1) The route of the agreed services operated by the airline designated by the Government of the Republic of Latvia shall be as follows in both directions:

Points in Latvia -

- one intermediate point

to be agreed upon later -

- Beijing or another point in China

to be agreed upon later -

- one beyond point

to be agreed upon later.

(2) The route of the agreed services operated by the airline designated by the Government of the People's Republic of China shall be as follows in both directions:

Points in China -

- one intermediate point

to be agreed upon later -

- Riga or another point in Latvia

to be agreed upon later -

one beyond point

to be agreed upon later.

(3) The designated airline of either Contracting Party may omit, at its own discretion, any point on the specified route on any or all flights, provided that the agreed services begin and terminate in the territory of the Contracting Party designating the airline.