Par Starptautisko konvenciju par kuģu kaitīgo pretapaugšanas sistēmu kontroli
1.pants. 2001.gada 5.oktobra Starptautiskā konvencija par kuģu kaitīgo pretapaugšanas sistēmu kontroli (turpmāk – Konvencija) ar šo likumu tiek pieņemta un apstiprināta.
2.pants. Likums stājas spēkā tā izsludināšanas dienā. Līdz ar likumu izsludināma Konvencija angļu valodā un tās tulkojums latviešu valodā.
3.pants. Konvencija stājas spēkā tās 18.pantā noteiktajā laikā un kārtībā, un Ārlietu ministrija par to paziņo laikrakstā "Latvijas Vēstnesis".
4.pants. Satiksmes ministrija koordinē Konvencijā paredzēto saistību izpildi.
5.pants. Vides ministrija nodrošina Konvencijas 5.pantā paredzēto saistību izpildi.
Satiksmes ministrs
The Parties to this Convention,
Noting that scientific studies and investigations by Governments and competent international organizations have shown that certain anti-fouling systems used on ships pose a substantial risk of toxicity and other chronic impacts to ecologically and economically important marine organisms and also that human health may be harmful as a result of the consumption of affected seafood,
Noting in particular the serious concern regarding anti-fouling systems that use organotin compounds as biocides and being convinced that the introduction of such organotins into the environment must be phased-out,
Recalling that Chapter 17 of Agenda 21 adopted by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, 1992, calls upon States to take measures to reduce pollution caused by organotin compounds used in anti-fouling systems,
Recalling also that resolution A.895(21), adopted by the Assembly of the International Maritime Organization on 25 November 1999, urges the Organization's Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) to work towards the expeditious development of a global legally binding instrument to address the harmful effects of anti-fouling systems as a matter of urgency,
Mindful of the precautionary approach set out in Principle 15 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and referred to in resolution MEPC.67(37) adopted by MEPC on 15 September 1995,
Recognizing the importance of protecting the marine environment and human health from adverse effects of anti-fouling systems,
Recognizing also that the use of anti-fouling systems to prevent the build-up of organisms on the surface of ships is of critical importance to efficient commerce, shipping and impeding the spread of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens,
Recognizing further the need to continue to develop anti-fouling systems which are effective and environmentally safe and to promote the substitution of harmful systems by less harmful systems or preferably harmless systems,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1. General obligations
(1) Each Party to this Convention undertakes to give full and complete effect to its provisions in order to reduce or eliminate adverse effects on the marine environment and human health caused by anti-fouling systems.
(2) The Annexes form an integral part of this Convention. Unless expressly provided otherwise, a reference to this Convention constitutes at the same time a reference to its Annexes.
(3) No provision of this Convention shall be interpreted as preventing a State from taking individually or jointly more stringent measures with respect to the reduction or elimination of adverse effects of anti-fouling systems on the environment, consistent with international law.
(4) Parties shall endeavour to co-operate for the purpose of effective implementation, compliance and enforcement of this Convention.
(5) The Parties undertake to encourage the continued development of anti-fouling systems that are effective and environmentally safe.
Article 2. Definitions
For the purposes of this Convention, unless expressly provided otherwise:
(1) "Administration" means the Government of the State under whose authority the ship is operating. With respect to a ship entitled to fly a flag of a State, the Administration is the Government of that State. With respect to fixed or floating platforms engaged in exploration and exploitation of the sea-bed and subsoil thereof adjacent to the coast over which the coastal State exercises sovereign rights for the purposes of exploration, and exploitation of their natural resources, the Administration is the Government of the coastal State concerned.
(2) "Anti-fouling system" means a coating, paint, surface treatment, surface, or device that is used on a ship to control or prevent attachment of unwanted organisms.
(3) "Committee" means the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the Organization.
(4) "Gross tonnage" means the gross tonnage calculated in accordance with the tonnage measurement regulations contained in Annex 1 to the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969, or any successor Convention.
(5) "International voyage" means a voyage by a ship entitled to fly the flag of one State to or from a port, shipyard, or offshore terminal under the jurisdiction of another State.
(6) "Length" means the length as defined in the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as modified by the Protocol of 1988 relating thereto, or any successor Convention.
(7) "Organization" means the International Maritime Organization.
(8) "Secretary-General" means the Secretary-General of the Organization.
(9) "Ship" means a vessel of any type whatsoever operating in the marine environment and includes hydrofoil boats, air-cushions, vehicles, submersibles, floating craft, fixed or floating platforms, floating storage units (FSUs) and floating production storage and off-loading units (FPSOs).
(10) "Technical Group" is a body comprised of representatives of the Parties, Members of the Organization, the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies, intergovernmental organizations having agreements with the Organization, and non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Organization, which should preferably include representatives of institutions and laboratories that engage in anti-fouling system analysis. These representatives shall have expertise in environmental fate and effects, toxicological effects, marine biology, human health, economic analysis, risk management, international shipping, anti-fouling systems coating technology, or other fields of expertise necessary to objectively review the technical merits of a comprehensive proposal.
Article 3. Application
(1) Unless otherwise specified in this Convention, this Convention shall apply to:
(a) ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party;
(b) ships not entitled to fly the flag of a Party, but which operate under the authority of a Party; and
(c) ships that enter a port, shipyard, or offshore terminal of a Party, but do not fall within subparagraph (a) or (b).
(2) This Convention shall not apply to any warships, naval auxiliary, or other ships owned or operated by a Party and used, for the time being, only on government non-commercial service. However, each Party shall ensure, by the adoption of appropriate measures not impairing operations or operational capabilities of such ships owned or operated by it, that such ships act in a manner consistent, so far as is reasonable and practicable, with this Convention.
(3) With respect to the ships of non-Parties to this Convention, Parties shall apply the requirements of this Convention as may be necessary to ensure that no more favourable treatment is given to such ships.
Article 4. Controls on anti-fouling systems
(1) In accordance with the requirements specified in Annex 1, each Party shall prohibit and/or restrict:
(a) the application, re-application, installation, or use of harmful anti-fouling systems on ships referred to in article 3(l)(a) or (b); and
(b) the application, re-application, installation or use of such systems, whilst in a Party's port,
shipyard, or offshore terminal, on ships referred to in article 3(l)(c).
and shall take effective measures to ensure that such ships comply with those requirements.
(2) Ships bearing an anti-fouling system which is controlled through an amendment to Annex 1 following entry into force of this Convention may retain that system until the next scheduled renewal of that system, but in no event for a period exceeding 60 months following application, unless the Committee decides that exceptional circumstances exist to warrant earlier implementation of the control.
Article 5. Controls of Annex 1 waste materials
Taking into account international rules, standards and requirements, a Party shall take appropriate measures in its territory to require that wastes from the application or removal of an anti-fouling system controlled in Annex 1 are collected, handled, treated and disposed of in a safe and environmentally sound manner to protect human health and the environment.
Article 6. Process for proposing amendments to controls on anti-fouling systems
(1) Any Party may propose an amendment to Annex 1 in accordance with this article.
(2) An initial proposal shall contain the information required in Annex 2, and shall be submitted to the Organization. When the Organization receives a proposal, it shall bring the proposal to the attention of the Parties, Members of the Organization, the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies, intergovernmental organizations having agreements with the Organization and nongovernmental organizations in consultative status with the Organization and shall make it available to them.
(3) The Committee shall decide whether the anti-fouling system in question warrants a more in-depth review based on the initial proposal. If the Committee decides that further review is warranted, it shall require the proposing Party to submit to the Committee a comprehensive proposal containing the information required in Annex 3, except where the initial proposal also includes all the information required in Annex 3. Where the Committee is of the view that there is a threat of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason to prevent a decision to proceed with the evaluation of the proposal. The Committee shall establish a technical group in accordance with article 7.
(4) The technical group shall review the comprehensive proposal along with any additional data submitted by any interested entity and shall evaluate and report to the Committee whether the proposal has demonstrated a potential for unreasonable risk of adverse effects on non-target organisms or human health such that the amendment of Annex 1 is warranted. In this regard:
(a) The technical group's review shall include:
(i) an evaluation of the association between the anti-fouling system in question and the related adverse effects observed either in the environment or on human health,
including, but not limited to, the consumption of affected seafood, or through
controlled studies based on the data described in Annex 3 and any other relevant
data which come to light;
(ii) an evaluation of the potential risk reduction attributable to the proposed control
measures and any other control measures that may be considered by the technical
(iii) consideration of available information on the technical feasibility of control
measures and the cost-effectiveness of the proposal;
(iv) consideration of available information on other effects from the introduction of
such control measures relating to:
- the environment (including but not limited to, the cost of inaction and the impact on air quality);
- shipyard health and safety concerns (i.e. effects on shipyard workers);
the cost to international shipping and other relevant sectors; and
(v) consideration of the availability of suitable alternatives, including a consideration of the potential risks of alternatives.
(b) The technical group's report shall be in writing and shall take into account each of the evaluations and considerations referred to in subparagraph (a), except that the technical group may decide not to proceed with the evaluations and considerations described in subparagraph (a)(ii) through (a)(v) if it determines after the evaluation in subparagraph (a)(i) that the proposal does not warrant further consideration.
(c) The technical group's report shall include, inter alia, a recommendation on whether international controls pursuant to this Convention are warranted on the anti-fouling system in question, on the suitability of the specific control measures suggested in the comprehensive proposal, or on other control measures which it believes to be more suitable.
(5) The technical group's report shall be circulated to the Parties, Members of the Organization, the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies, intergovernmental organizations having agreements with the Organization and non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Organization, prior to its consideration by the Committee. The Committee shall decide whether to approve any proposal to amend Annex 1, and any modifications thereto, if appropriate, taking into account the technical group's report. If the report finds a threat of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not, itself, be used as a reason to prevent a decision from being taken to list an anti-fouling system in Annex 1. The proposed amendments to Annex 1, if approved by the Committee, shall be circulated in accordance with article 16(2) (a). A decision not to approve the proposal shall not preclude future submission of a new proposal with respect to a particular anti-fouling system if new information comes to light.
(6) Only Parties may participate in decisions taken by the Committee described in paragraphs (3) and (5).
Article 7. Technical groups
(1) The Committee shall establish a technical group pursuant to article 6 when a comprehensive proposal is received. In circumstances where several proposals are received concurrently or sequentially, the Committee may establish one or more technical groups as needed.
(2) Any Party may participate in the deliberations of a technical group, and should draw on the relevant expertise available to that Party.
(3) The Committee shall decide on the terms of reference, organization and operation of the technical groups. Such terms shall provide for protection of any confidential information that may be submitted. Technical groups may hold such meetings as required, but shall endeavour to conduct their work through written or electronic correspondence or other media as appropriate.
(4) Only the representatives of Parties may participate in formulating any recommendation to the Committee pursuant to article 6. A technical group shall endeavour to achieve unanimity among the representatives of the Parties. If unanimity is not possible, the technical group shall communicate any minority views of such representatives.
Article 8. Scientific and technical research and monitoring
(1) The Parties shall take appropriate measures to promote and facilitate scientific and technical research on the effects of anti-fouling systems as well as monitoring of such effects. In particular, such research should include observation, measurement, sampling, evaluation and analysis of the effects of anti-fouling systems.
(2) Each Party shall, to further the objectives of this Convention, promote the availability of relevant information to other Parties who request it on:
(a) scientific and technical activities undertaken in accordance with this Convention;
(b) marine scientific and technological programmes and their objectives; and
(c) the effects observed from any monitoring and assessment programmes relating to anti-fouling systems.
Article 9. Communication and exchange of information
(1) Each Party undertakes to communicate to the Organization:
(a) a list of the nominated surveyors or recognized organizations which are authorized to act on behalf of that Party in the administration of matters relating to the control of anti-fouling systems in accordance with this Convention for circulation to the Parties for the information of their officers. The Administration shall therefore notify the Organization of the specific responsibilities and conditions of the authority delegated to nominated surveyors or recognized organizations; and
(b) on an annual basis, information regarding any anti-fouling systems approved, restricted, or prohibited under its domestic law.
(2) The Organization shall make available, through any appropriate means, information communicated to it under paragraph (1).
(3) For those anti-fouling systems approved, registered or licensed by a Party, such party shall either provide, or require the manufacturers of such anti-fouling systems to provide, to those Parties which request it, relevant information on which its decision was based, including information provided for in Annex 3, or other information suitable for making an appropriate evaluation of the anti-fouling system. No information shall be provided that is protected by law.
Article 10. Survey and certification
A Party shall ensure that ships entitled to fly its flag or operating under its authority are surveyed and certified in accordance with the regulations in Annex 4.
Article 11. Inspections of ships and detection of violations
(1) A ship to which this Convention applies may, in any port, shipyard, or offshore terminal of a Party, be inspected by officers authorized by that Party for the purpose of determining whether the ship is in compliance with this Convention. Unless there are clear grounds for believing that a ship is in violation of this Convention, any such inspection shall be limited to:
(a) verifying that, where required, there is onboard a valid International Anti-fouling System Certificate or a Declaration on Anti-fouling System; and/or
(b) a brief sampling of the ship's anti-fouling system that does not affect the integrity, structure, or operation of the anti-fouling system taking into account guidelines developed by the Organization.* However, the time required to process the results of such sampling shall not be used as a basis for preventing the movement and departure of the ship.
(2) If there are clear grounds to believe that the ship is in violation of this Convention, a thorough inspection may be carried out taking into account guidelines developed by the Organization.*
(3) If the ship is detected to be in violation of this Convention, the Party carrying out the inspection may take steps to warn, detain, dismiss, or exclude the ship from its ports. A Party taking such action against a ship for the reason that the ship does not comply with this Convention shall immediately inform the Administration of the ship concerned.
(4) Parties shall co-operate in the detection of violations and the enforcement of this Convention. A Party may also inspect a ship when it enters the ports, shipyards, or offshore terminals under its jurisdiction, if a request for an investigation is received from any Party, together with sufficient evidence that a ship is operating or has operated in violation of this Convention. The report of such investigation shall be sent to the Party requesting it and to the competent authority of the Administration of the ship concerned so that the appropriate action may be taken under this Convention.
Article 12. Violations
(1) Any violation of this Convention shall be prohibited and sanctions shall be established therefor under the law of the Administration of the ship concerned wherever the violation occurs. If the Administration is informed of such a violation, it shall investigate the matter and may request the reporting Party to furnish additional evidence of the alleged violation. If the Administration is satisfied that sufficient evidence is available to enable proceedings to be brought in respect of the alleged violation, it shall cause such proceedings to be taken as soon as possible, in accordance with its laws. The Administration shall promptly inform the Party that reported the alleged violation, as well as the Organization, of any action taken. If the Administration has not taken any action within one year after receiving the information, it shall so inform the Party which reported the alleged violation.
(2) Any violation of this Convention within the jurisdiction of any Party shall be prohibited and sanctions shall be established therefor under the law of that Party. Whenever such a violation occurs, that Party shall either:
(a) cause proceedings to be taken in accordance with its law; or
(b) furnish to the Administration of the ship concerned such information and evidence as may be in its possession that a violation has occurred.
(3) The sanctions established under the laws of a Party pursuant to this article shall be adequate in severity to discourage violations of this Convention wherever they occur.
Article 13. Undue delay or detention of ships
(1) All possible efforts shall be made to avoid a ship being unduly detained or delayed under article 11 or 12.
(2) When a ship is unduly detained or delayed under article 11 or 12, it shall be entitled to compensation for any loss or damage suffered.
Article 14. Dispute settlement
Parties shall settle any dispute between them concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention by negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements, or other peaceful means of their own choice.
Article 15. Relationship to International Law of the Sea
Nothing in this Convention shall prejudice the rights and obligations of any State under customary international law as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
Article 16. Amendments
(1) This Convention may be amended by either of the procedures specified in the following paragraphs.
(2) Amendments after consideration within the Organization:
(a) Any Party may propose an amendment to this Convention. A proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Secretary-General, who shall then circulate it to the Parties and Members of the Organization at least six months prior to its consideration. In the case of a proposal to amend Annex 1, it shall be processed in accordance with article 6, prior to its consideration under this article.
(b) An amendment proposed and circulated as above shall be referred to the Committee for consideration. Parties, whether or not Members of the Organization, shall be entitled to participate in the proceedings of the Committee for consideration and adoption of the amendment.
(c) Amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the Parties present and voting in the Committee, on condition that at least one-third of the Parties shall be present at the time of voting.
(d) Amendments adopted in accordance with subparagraph (c) shall be communicated by the Secretary-General to the Parties for acceptance.
(e) An amendment shall be deemed to have been accepted in the following circumstances:
(i) An amendment to an article of this Convention shall be deemed to have been accepted on the date on which two-thirds of the Parties have notified the Secretary- General of their acceptance of it.
(ii) An amendment to an Annex shall be deemed to have been accepted at the end of twelve months after the date of adoption or such other date as determined by the Committee. However, if by that date more than one-third of the Parties notify the Secretary-General that they object to the amendment, it shall be deemed not to have been accepted.
(f) An amendment shall enter into force under the following conditions:
(i) An amendment to an article of this Convention shall enter into force for those Parties that have declared that they have accepted it six months after the date on which it is deemed to have been accepted in accordance with subparagraph (e)(i).
(ii) An amendment to Annex 1 shall enter into force with respect to all Parties six months after the date on which it is deemed to have been accepted, except for any Party that has:
(1) notified its objection to the amendment in accordance with subparagraph (e)(ii) and that has not withdrawn such objection;
(2) notified the Secretary-General, prior to the entry into force of such amendment, that the amendment shall enter into force for it only after a subsequent notification of its acceptance; or
(3) made a declaration at the time it deposits its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, this Convention that amendments to Annex 1 shall enter into force for it only after the notification to the Secretary-General of its acceptance with respect to such amendment. (iii) An amendment to an Annex other than Annex 1 shall enter into force with respect to all Parties six months after the date on which it is de emed to have been accepted, except for those Parties that have notified their objection to the amendment in accordance with subparagraph (e)(ii) and that have not withdrawn such objection.
(g) (i) A Party that has notified an objection under subparagraph (f)(ii)(1) or (iii) may subsequently notify the Secretary-General that it accepts the amendment. Such amendment shall enter into force for such Party six months after the date of its notification of acceptance, or the date on which the amendment enters into fore, whichever is the later date.
(ii) If a Party that has made a notification or declaration referred to in sub-paragraph (f)(ii)(2) or (3), respectively, notifies the Secretary-General of its acceptance with respect to an amendment, such amendment shall enter into force for such Party six months after the date of its notification of acceptance, or the date on which the amendment enters into force, whichever is the later date.
(3) Amendment by a Conference:
(a) Upon the request of a Party concurred in by at least one-third of the Parties, the Organization shall convene a Conference of Parties to consider amendments to this Convention.
(b) An amendment adopted by such a Conference by a two-thirds majority of the Parties present and voting shall be communicated by the Secretary-General to all Parties for acceptance.
(c) Unless the Conference decides otherwise, the amendment shall be deemed to have been accepted and shall enter into force in accordance with the procedures specified in paragraphs (2)(e) and (f) respectively of this article.
(4) Any Party that has declined to accept an amendment to an Annex shall be treated as a non-Party only for the purpose of application of that amendment.
(5) An addition of a new Annex shall be proposed and adopted and shall enter into force in accordance with the procedure applicable to an amendment to an article of this Convention.
(6) Any notification or declaration under this article shall be made in writing to the Secretary-General.
(7) The Secretary-General shall inform the Parties and Members of the Organization of:
(a) any amendment that enters into force and the date of its entry into force generally and for each Party; and
(b) any notification or declaration made under this article.
Article 17. Signature, ratification, acceptance, approval and accession
(1) This Convention shall be open for signature by any State at the Headquarters of the Organization from 1 February 2002 to 31 December 2002 and shall thereafter remain open for accession by any State.
(2) States may become Parties to this Convention by:
(a) signature not subject to ratification, acceptance, or approval; or
(b) signature subject to ratification, acceptance, or approval, followed by ratification, acceptance, or approval; or
(c) accession.
(3) Ratification, acceptance, approval, or accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument to that effect with the Secretary-General.
(4) If a State comprises two or more territorial units in which different systems of law are applicable in relation to matters dealt with in this Convention, it may at the time of signature, ratification, acceptance, approval, or accession declare that this Convention shall extend to all its territorial units or only to one or more of them and may modify this declaration by submitting another declaration at any time.
(5) Any such declaration shall be notified to the Secretary-General and shall state expressly the territorial units to which this Convention applies.
Article 18. Entry into force
(1) This Convention shall enter into force twelve months after the date on which not less than twenty-five States, the combined merchant fleets of which constitute not less than twenty-five per cent of the gross tonnage of the world's merchant shipping, have either signed it without reservation as to ratification, acceptance or approval, or have deposited the requisite instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession in accordance with article 17.
(2) For States which have deposited an instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession in respect of this Convention after the requirements for entry into force thereof have been met, but prior to the date of entry into force, the ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall take effect on the date of entry into force of this Convention or three months after the date of deposit of instrument, whichever is the later date.
(3) Any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession deposited after the date on which this Convention enters into force shall take effect three months after the date of deposit.
(4) After the date on which an amendment to this Convention is deemed to have been accepted under article 16, any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession deposited shall apply to the Convention as amended.
Article 19. Denunciation
(1) This Convention may be denounced by any Party at any time after the expiry of two years from the date on which this Convention enters into force for that Party.
(2) Denunciation shall be effected by the deposit of written notification with the Secretary-General, to take effect one year after receipt or such longer period as may be specified in that notification.
Article 20. Depositary
(1) This Convention shall be deposited with the Secretary-General, who shall transmit certified copies of this Convention to all States which have signed this Convention or acceded thereto.
(2) In addition to the functions specified elsewhere in this Convention, the Secretary-General shall:
(a) inform all States which have signed this Convention or acceded thereto of:
(i) each new signature or deposit of an instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval,or accession, together with the date thereof;
(ii) the date of entry into force of this Convention; and
(iii) the deposit of any instrument of denunciation of this Convention, together with the date on which it was received and the date on which the denunciation takes effect; and
(b) as soon as this Convention enters into force, transmit the text thereof to the Secretariat of the United Nations for registration and publication in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.
Article 21. Languages
This Convention is established in a single original in the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages, each text being equally authentic.
In witness whereof the undersigned being duly authorized by their respective Governments for that purpose have signed this Convention.
Done at London, this fifth day of October, two thousand and one.
Anti-fouling system |
Control measures |
Application |
Effective date |
Organotin compounds which act as biocides in anti-fouling systems Organotin compounds which act as biocides in anti-fouling systems |
Ships shall not apply or re-apply such compounds Ships either:
All ships
All ships (except fixed and floating platforms, FSUs, and FPSOs that have been constructed prior to 1 January 2003 and that have not been in dry-dock on or after 1 January 2003) |
1 January 2003
1 January 2008 |
(1) An initial proposal shall include adequate documentation containing at least the following:
(a) identification of the anti-fouling system addressed in the proposal: name of the anti-fouling system; name of active ingredients and Chemical Abstract Services Registry
Number (CAS number), as applicable; or components of the system which are suspected of causing the adverse effects of concern;
(b) characterization of the information which suggests that the anti-fouling system or its transformation products may pose a risk to human health or may cause adverse effects in non-target organisms at concentrations likely to be found in the environment (e.g., the results of toxicity studies on representative species or bioaccumulation data);
(c) material supporting the potential of the toxic components in the anti-fouling system, or its transformation products, to occur in the environment at concentrations which could result in adverse effects to non-target organisms, human health, or water quality (e.g., data on persistence in the water column, sediments and biota; the release rate of toxic components from treated surfaces in studies or under actual use conditions; or monitoring data, if available);
(d) an analysis of the association between the anti-fouling system, the related adverse effects and the environmental concentrations observed or anticipated; and
(e) a preliminary recommendation on the type of restrictions that could be effective in
reducing the risks associated with the anti-fouling system.
(2) An initial proposal shall be submitted in accordance with rules and procedures of the Organization.
(1) A comprehensive proposal shall include adequate documentation containing the following:
(a) developments in the data cited in the initial proposal;
(b) findings from the categories of data set out in paragraphs (3) (a), (b) and (c), as applicable, depending on the subject of the proposal and the identification or description of the methodologies under which the data were developed;
(c) a summary of the results of studies conducted on the adverse effects of the anti-fouling system;
(d) if any monitoring has been conducted, a summary of the results of that monitoring, including information on ship traffic and a general description of the area monitored;
(e) a summary of the available data on environmental or ecological exposure and any estimates of environmental concentrations developed through the application of mathematical models, using all available environmental fate parameters, preferably those which were determined experimentally, along with an identification or description of the modelling methodology;
(f) an evaluation of the association between the anti-fouling system in question, the related adverse effects and the environmental concentrations, either observed or expected;
(g) a qualitative statement of the level of uncertainty in the evaluation referred to in
subparagraph (f);
(h) a recommendation of specific control measures to reduce the risks associated with the
anti-fouling system; and
(i) a summary of the results of any available studies on the potential effects of the
recommended control measures relating to air quality, shipyard conditions, international
shipping and other relevant sectors, as well as the availability of suitable alternatives.
(2) A comprehensive proposal shall also include information on each of the following physical and chemical properties of the component(s) of concern, if applicable:
- melting point;
- boiling point;
- density (relative density); ;
- vapour pressure;
- water solubility/pH/dissociation constant (pKa);
- oxidation/reduction potential;
- molecular mass;
- molecular structure; and
- other physical and chemical properties identified in the initial proposal.
(3) For the purposes of paragraph (l)(b) above, the categories of data are:
(a) Data on environmental fate and effect:
- modes of degradation/dissipation (e.g., hydrolysis/photodegradation/biodegrada-tion);
- persistence in the relevant media (e.g., water column/sediments/biota);
- sediments/water partitioning;
- leaching rates of biocides or active ingredients;
- mass balance;
- bioaccumulation, partition coefficient, octanol/water coefficient; and
- any novel reactions on release or known interactive effects.
(b) Data on any unintended effects in aquatic plants, invertebrates, fish, seabirds, marine mammals, endangered species, other biota, water quality, the seabed or habitat of non-target organisms, including sensitive and representative organisms:
- acute toxicity;
- chronic toxicity;
- developmental and reproductive toxicity;
- endocrine disruption;
- sediment toxicity;
- bioavailability/biomagnification/bioconcentration;
- food web/population effects;
- observations of adverse effects in the field/fish kills/strandings/tissue analysis; and
- residues in seafood.
These data shall relate to one or more types of non-target organisms such as aquatic plants, invertebrates, fish, birds, mammals and endangered species.
(c) Data on the potential for human health effects (including, but not limited to, consumption of affected seafood).
(4) A comprehensive proposal shall include a description of the methodologies used, as well as any relevant measures taken for quality assurance and any peer review conducted of the studies.
Regulation 1.
(1) Ships of 400 gross tonnage and above referred to in article 3(l)(a) engaged in international voyages, excluding fixed or floating platforms, FSUs, and FPSOs, shall be subject to surveys specified below:
(a) an initial survey before the ship is put into service or before the International Anti-fouling System Certificate (Certificate) required under regulation 2 or 3 is issued for the first time; and
(b) a survey when the anti-fouling systems are changed or replaced. Such surveys shall be endorsed on the Certificate issued under regulation 2 or 3.
(2) The survey shall be such as to ensure that the ship's anti-fouling system fully complies with this Convention.
(3) The Administration shall establish appropriate measures for ships that are not subject to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this regulation in order to ensure that this Convention is complied with.
(4) (a) As regards the enforcement of this Convention, surveys of ships shall be carried out by officers duly authorized by the Administration or as provided in regulation 3(1), taking into account guidelines for surveys developed by the Organization.* Alternatively, the Administration may entrust surveys required by this Convention either to surveyors nominated for that purpose or to organizations recognized by it.
(b) An Administration nominating surveyors or recognizing organizations** to conduct surveys shall as a minimum, empower any nominated surveyor or recognized organization to:
(i) require a ship that it surveys to comply with the provisions of Annex 1 ; and
(ii) carry out surveys if requested by the appropriate authorities of a port State that is a Party to this Convention.
(c) When the Administration, a nominated surveyor, or a recognized organization determines that the ship's anti-fouling system does not conform either to the particulars of a Certificate required under regulation 2 or 3, or to the requirements of this Convention, such Administration, surveyor or organization shall immediately ensure that corrective action is taken to bring the ship into compliance. A surveyor or organization shall also in due course notify the Administration of any such determination. If the required corrective action is not taken, the Administration shall be notified forthwith and it shall ensure that the Certificate is not issued or is withdrawn as appropriate.
(d) In the situation described in subparagraph (c), if the ship is in the port of another Party, the appropriate authorities of the port State shall be notified forthwith. When the Administration, a nominated surveyor, or a recognized organization has notified the appropriate authorities of the port State, the Government of the port State concerned shall give such Administration, surveyor, or organization any necessary assistance to carry out their obligations under this regulation, including any action described in article 11 or 12.
Regulation 2.
Issue of endorsement of an International Anti-fouling System Certificate
(1) The Administration shall require that a ship to which regulation 1 applies is issued with a Certificate after successful completion of a survey in accordance with regulation 1. A Certificate issued under the authority of a Party shall be accepted by the other Parties and regarded for all purposes covered by this Convention as having the same validity as a Certificate issued by them.
(2) Certificates shall be issued or endorsed either by the Administrator or by any person or organization duly authorized by it. In every case, the Administration assumes full responsibility for the Certificate.
(3) For ships bearing an anti-fouling system controlled under Annex 1 that was applied before the date of entry into force of a control for such a system, the Administration shall issue a Certificate in accordance with paragraphs (2) and (3) of this regulation not later than two years after entry into force of that control. This paragraph shall not affect any requirement for ships to comply with Annex 1.
(4) The Certificate shall be drawn up in the form corresponding to the model given in Appendix 1 to this Annex and shall be written at least in English, French, or Spanish. If an official language of the issuing State is also used this shall prevail in the case of the dispute or discrepancy.
Regulation 3.
Issue or endorsement of an International Anti-fouling System Certificate by another Party
(1) At the request of the Administration, another Party may cause a ship to be surveyed and, if satisfied that this Convention has been complied with, it shall issue or authorize the issue of a Certificate to the ship and, where appropriate, endorse or authorize the endorsement of that Certificate for the ship, in accordance with this Convention.
(2) A copy of the Certificate and a copy of the survey report shall be transmitted as soon as possible to the requesting Administration.
(3) A Certificate so issued shall contain a statement that it has been issued at the request of the Administration referred to in paragraph (1) and it shall have the same force and receive the same recognition as a Certificate issued by the Administration.
(4) No Certificate shall be issued to a ship which is entitled to fly the flag of a State which is not a Party.
Regulation 4.
Validity of an International Anti-fouling System Certificate
(1) A Certificate issued under regulation 2 or 3 shall cease to be valid in either of the following cases:
(a) if the anti-fouling system is changed or replaced and the Certificate is not endorsed in accordance with this Convention; and
(b) upon transfer of the ship to the flag of another State. A new Certificate shall only be issued when the Party issuing the new Certificate is fully satisfied that the ship is in compliance with this Convention. In the case of a transfer between Parties, if requested within three months after the transfer has taken place, the Party whose flag the ship was formerly entitled to fly shall, as soon as possible, transmit to the Administration a copy of the Certificates carried by the ship before the transfer and, if available, a copy of the relevant survey reports.
(2) The issue by a Party of a new Certificate to a ship transferred from another Party may be based on a new survey or on a valid Certificate issued by the previous Party whose flag the ship was entitled to fly.
Regulation 5.
Declaration on anti-fouling system
(1) The Administration shall require a ship of 24 metres or more in length, but less than 400 gross tonnage engaged in international voyages and to which article 3(l)(a) applies (excluding fixed or floating platforms, FSUs, and FPSOs) to carry a Declaration signed by the owner or owner's authorized agent. Such Declaration shall be accompanied by appropriate documentation (such as a paint receipt or a contractor invoice) or contain appropriate endorsement.
(2) The Declaration shall be drawn up in the form corresponding to the model given in Appendix 2 to this Annex and shall be written at least in English, French, or Spanish. If an official language of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly is also used, this shall prevail in the case of a dispute or discrepancy.
(This certificate shall be supplemented by a Record of Anti-fouling Systems)
(Official seal) (State)
Issued under the
International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems in Ships
under the authority of the Government of
(name of the State)
(person or organization authorized)
When a Certificate has been previously issued, this Certificate replaces the certificate dated ....…….
Particulars of ship
Name of ship ..............................................................................................................................
Distinctive number or letters........................................................................................................
Port of registry.............................................................................................................................
Gross tonnage..............................................................................................................................
IMO number..............................................................................................................................
An anti-fouling system controlled under Annex 1 has not been applied during or after construction
of this ship ........................................................................................................................………………„
An anti-fouling system controlled under Annex 1 has been applied on this ship previously, but has
been removed by .......... (insert name of the facility) on .... (date) ........................................………………... „
An anti-fouling system controlled under Annex 1 has been applied on this ship previously, but has been covered with a sealer coat applied by .......................................…………………. (insert name of the facility)
......................................... on ......................................... (date) .......................................………………. „
An anti-fouling system controlled under Annex 1 was applied on this ship prior to ..... ……..(date) ….
but will be removed or covered with a sealer coat prior to .................... (date) .................... ……………..„
1 the ship has been surveyed in accordance with regulation 1 of Annex 4 to the Convention; and
2 the survey shows that the anti-fouling system on the ship complies with the applicable requirements of Annex 1 to the Convention.
Issued at..........................………………………………………………………………………………..
(Place of issue of Certificate)
…………………… …………………………………………………...
(Date of issue) (Signature of authorized official issuing the Certificate)
Date of completion of the survey
on which this certificate is issued:…………………………………….
This Record s hall be permanently attached to the International Anti-Fouling System Certificate.
Particulars of ship
Name of ship :...................................................
Distinctive number or letters :...................................................
IMO number :...................................................
Details of anti-fouling system(s) applied
Type(s) of anti-fouling system(s) used ..…………………………………………………………………
Date(s) of application of anti-fouling system(s)...............................……………………………………..
Name(s) of company(ies) and facility(ies)/location(s) where applied ……………………………………
Name(s) of anti-fouling system manufacturer(s) ………………………………………………………....
Name(s) and colour(s) of anti-fouling system(s) …………………………………………………………
Active ingredient(s) and their Chemical Abstract Services Registry Number(s) (CAS number(s)) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Type(s) of sealer coat, if applicable.............................................................................................…………
Name(s) and colour(s) of sealer coat applied, if applicable ………………………………………………
Date of application of sealer coat..................................................……………………………………….
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that this Record is correct in all respects.
Issued at ....................…………………………………………………………………………………….
(Place of issue of Record)
……………………. …………………………………………………
(Date of issue) (Signature of authorized official issuing the record)
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that a survey required in accordance with regulation l(l)(b) of Annex 4 to the Convention found that the ship was in compliance with the Convention
Details of anti-fouling system(s) applied
Type(s) of anti-fouling system(s) used ........................................................................................………
Date(s) of application of anti-fouling system(s) ..............................…………………………………….
Name(s) of company(ies) and facility(ies) location(s) where applied …………………………………..
Name(s) of anti-fouling system(s) manufacturer(s) ..................................................................…………
Name(s) and colour(s) of anti-fouling system(s) .....................................................................…………..
Active ingredient(s) and their Chemical Abstract Services Registry Number(s) (CAS number(s)) …….
Type(s) of sealer coat, if applicable .................................………………………………………………..
Name(s) and colour(s) of sealer coat applied, if applicable……………………………………………..
Date of application of sealer coat ..............................................................................................………..
Signed: ...........................................................
(Signature of authorized official issuing the Record)
Place: .............................................................
Date: .............................................................
(Seal or stamp of the authority)
Drawn up under the
International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships
Name of ship .....................………………………………………………………………………………
Distinctive number or letters ……………………………………………………………………………
Port of registry ..................……………………………………………………………………………….
Length ...............................………………………………………………………………………………
Gross tonnage ....................………………………………………………………………………………
IMO number (if applicable) …………………………………………………………………………….
I declare that the anti-fouling system used on this ship complies with Annex 1 of the Convention.
…………………. ………………………………………………
(Date) (Signature of owner or owner's authorized agent)
Endorsement of anti-fouling system(s) applied
Type(s) of anti-fouling system(s) used and date(s) of application ...........................................………….
…………………. ………………………………………………
(Date) (Signature of owner or owner's authorized agent)
Type(s) of anti-fouling system(s) and date(s) of application ...................................................…………
…………………. ………………………………………………
(Date) (Signature of owner or owner's authorized agent)
Types(s) of anti-fouling system(s) used and date(s) of application ..........................................…………
…………………. ………………………………………………
(Date) (Signature of owner or owner's authorized agent)
Satiksmes ministrs |
Valsts sekretārs |
Juridiskā departamenta direktore |
Par uzdevuma izpildes kontroli atbildīgā ministrijas amatpersona |
Jūrniecības departamenta direktors, par projektu atbildīgā amatpersona |
R.Zīle |
V.Legzdiņš |
A.Ļubļina |
D.Andersone |
A.Krastiņš |
Starptautiskā konvencija par kuģu kaitīgo pretapaugšanas sistēmu kontroli
Konvencijas Dalībvalstis,
Atzīmējot to, ka zinātniskie pētījumi un valdību, kā arī kompetento Starptautisko organizāciju veiktie pētījumi ir pierādījuši, ka kuģiem izmantojamās drošas pretapaugšanas sistēmas izraisa būtisku toksicitātes risku un citu pastāvīgu iedarbību attiecībā uz ekoloģiski un ekonomiski svarīgiem jūrā atrodamiem dzīviem organismiem kā arī to, ka piesārņojuma skartu jūras produktus izmantošana var kaitēt cilvēka veselībai,
Īpaši atzīmējot nopietnās bažas par pretapaugšanas sistēmām, kurās izmanto alvas organiskos savienojumus, kas darbojas kā biocīdi un esot pārliecinātām par to, ka šādu alvas organisko savienojumu ievadīšana apkārtējā vidē pakāpeniski jāsamazina,
Atsaucoties uz to, ka 1992. gada Apvienoto Nāciju konferences par apkārtējo vidi un pilnveidošanu 21.dienaskārtības 17.nodaļa aicina valstis veikt pasākumus, lai samazinātu piesārņojumu, kas radies no alvas organiskajiem savienojumiem, kas tiek izmantoti pretapaugšanas sistēmās,
Tāpat atsaucoties uz to, ka rezolūcija A.895(21), ko 1999.gada 25.novembrī pieņēmusi Starptautiskā Jūras organizācija, mudina Jūras vides aizsardzības komitejas (MEPC) organizācijas strādāt pie vispārīga juridiski saistoša dokumenta izstrādāšanas attiecībā uz pretapaugšanas sistēmu kaitīgo ietekmi, kā pie neatliekama jautājuma,
Ievērojot drošības pasākumus, kas izklāstīti Rio deklarācijas Par apkārtējo vidi pilnveidošanu 15. principā un atsaucoties uz tiem rezolūcijā MEPC.67(37), ko pieņēmusi Jūras vides aizsardzības komiteja (MEPC) 1995.gada 15.septembrī,
Atzīstot jūras vides un cilvēka veselības aizsardzības nozīmīgumu attiecībā uz pretapaugšanas sistēmu kaitīgo ietekmi,
Atzīstot arī to, ka pretapaugšanas sistēmu, kuru mērķis ir novērst kuģu virsmu apaugšanu ar organismiem, izmantošanai, ir kritiski svarīga nozīme produktīvajā tirdzniecībā, kuģošanā un kaitīgu ūdensaugu organismu un patogēnu gaidāmajā izplatībā,
Atzīstot tālāk nepieciešamību izstrādāt pretapaugšanas sistēmas, kuras ir efektīvas un draudzīgas apkārtējai videi, un sekmēt kaitīgo sistēmu aizvietošanu ar mazāk kaitīgām sistēmām vai nekaitīgām sistēmām,
Ir vienojušās par sekojošo:
Vispārējie nosacījumi
Šajā Konvencijā, ja vien nav noteikts citādi:
3. pants.
4. pants.
Pretapaugšanas sistēmu kontroles
(1) Saskaņā ar prasībām, kuras noteiktas 1.pielikumā, katra Dalībvalsts aizliedz vai ierobežo:
un jāpieņem iedarbīgi pasākumi, lai nodrošinātu šo kuģu atbilstību minētajām prasībām.
(2) Kuģi, kuri izmanto pretapaugšanas sistēmas, kuras tiek pārbaudītas saskaņā ar 1.pielikuma grozījumiem, kas stājas spēkā pēc Konvencijas spēkā stāšanās, var saglabāt šo sistēmu līdz nākamai grafikā paredzētajai sistēmas atjaunošanai, bet nekādā gadījumā laika posms nedrīkst pārsniegt 60 izmantošanas mēnešus, ja vien Komiteja nenolemj, ka pastāv ārkārtēji apstākļi, kas attaisno agrāku pārbaudes veikšanu.
5. pants.
Pārbaudes, kas veicamas saskaņā ar 1. pielikumu. Atkritumi
Ņemot vērā starptautiskos noteikumus, normas un prasības, Dalībvalsts veic attiecīgos pasākumus savā teritorijā, kas paredz, ka atkritumi, kas rodas no pretapaugšanas sistēmu, kas tiek pārbaudītas saskaņā ar 1.pielikumu, izmantošanas vai noņemšanas, tiek savākti, apstrādāti un likvidēti drošā, apkārtējai videi draudzīgā veidā, lai aizsargātu cilvēka veselību un apkārtējo vidi.
6. pants.
Pretapaugšanas sistēmu pārbaužu grozījumu ierosināšanas process
- apkārtējo vidi (ietverot, bet nenorobežojoties ar bezdarbības sekām un ietekmi uz gaisa kvalitāti);
Tehniskās grupas
8. pants.
Zinātniskie un tehniskie pētījumi un pārraudzība
Paziņošana un informācijas apmaiņa
Inspekcija un sertificēšana
Dalībvalsts garantē, ka kuģi, kas ir tiesīgi kuģot ar tās karogu vai kuras uzraudzībā tie kuģo, tiek inspicēti vai sertificēti saskaņā ar 4.pielikuma noteikumiem.
Kuģu inspicēšana un pārkāpumu atklāšana
Nevajadzīga aizkavēšana un kuģa aizturēšana
Strīda izšķiršana
Jebkurš strīds starp Dalībvalstīm par šīs Konvencijas noteikumu piemērošanu un interpretēšanu ir izšķirams sarunu ceļā, veicot aptauju, izmantojot starpnieku, izmantojot samierināšanas procedūru, arbitrāžu, tiesas procesu, reģionālos spēkus vai vienošanās, vai citus miermīlīgus līdzekļus pēc to izvēles.
Saistība ar Starptautiskajām jūras tiesībām
Nekas šajā Konvencijā neskar Dalībvalsts tiesības un pienākumus, ko tā pilda saskaņā ar starptautisko likumdošanu, kas atspoguļota Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas Jūras tiesību konvencijā.
(ii) Ja, Dalībvalsts, kura ir reģistrējusi vai paziņojusi saskaņā ar (f) daļas (ii) punkta (1) apakšpunktu vai (3) apakšpunktu, attiecīgi, paziņo Ģenerālsekretāram, ka tās akceptē šo grozījumu, grozījums attiecībā uz šo Dalībvalsti stājas spēkā pēc sešiem mēnešiem no datuma, kad paziņota tā akceptēšana, vai datumā, kad grozījums stājas spēkā, ņemot vērā vēlāk notiekošo.
Parakstīšana, ratificēšana, akceptēšana, apstiprināšana un pievienošanās
Spēkā stāšanās.
(1) Šī konvencija stājas spēkā pēc divpadsmit mēnešiem no datuma, kurā ne mazāk kā divdesmit piecas valstis, kuru apvienotā tirdzniecības flote sastāda ne mazāk kā divdesmit piecus procentus no pasaules tirdzniecības flotes bruto tilpības, ir parakstījušas to, nerezervējot ratificēšanu, akceptēšanu vai apstiprināšanu vai ir iesniegušas ratificēšanas, akceptēšanas, apstiprināšanas vai pievienošanās dokumentu rekvizītus saskaņā ar 17.pantu.
(2) Attiecībā uz valstīm, kuras ir iesniegušas šīs Konvencijas ratificēšanas, akceptēšanas, apstiprināšanas vai pievienošanās dokumentu pēc tam, kad ir izpildīti tās spēkā stāšanās nosacījumi, bet pirms Konvencija stājusies spēkā, ratificēšana, akceptēšana, apstiprināšana vai pievienošanās stājas spēkā šīs Konvencijas spēkā stāšanās datumā vai pēc trim mēnešiem no dokumenta deponēšanas datuma, kas notiek vēlāk.
(3) Katrs ratificēšanas akceptēšanas, apstiprināšanas vai pievienošanās dokuments, kas iesniegts pēc šīs Konvencijas spēkā stāšanās datuma, stājas spēkā pēc trim mēnešiem no deponēšanas datuma.
(4) Pēc datuma, kurā šīs Konvencijas grozījums ir uzskatāms par akceptētu saskaņā ar 16.pantu, katrs deponētais ratificēšanas, akceptēšanas, apstiprināšanas vai pievienošanās dokuments ir piemērojams grozītajai Konvencijai.
(ii) par Konvencijas spēkā stāšanās datumu; un
(iii) par katru Konvencijas denonsēšanas dokumenta deponēšanas faktu un datumu, kurā tas saņemts, kā arī datumu, kurā denonsēšana stājas spēkā; un
Konvencija sastādīta vienā eksemplārā arābu, ķīniešu, angļu, franču, krievu un spāņu valodās, visi teksti ir vienlīdz autentiski.
TO APLIECINOT, savu valdību pienācīgi pilnvaroti pārstāvji ir parakstījuši šo Konvenciju.
Parakstīta Londonā, divi tūkstoš pirmā gada piektajā oktobrī.
Pretapaugšanas sistēma |
Pārbaudes pasākumi |
Piemērošana |
Spēkā esamības datums |
Alvas organiskie savienojumi, kas pretapaugšanas sistēmās darbojas kā bioksīdi |
Kuģiem neizmanto vai atkārtoti neizmanto šādus savienojumus |
Visi kuģi |
2003.gada 1.janvāris |
Alvas organiskie savienojumi, kas pretapaugšanas sistēmās darbojas kā bioksīdi |
Kuģiem: (1) neizmanto šādus savienojumus korpusam, vai ārējām daļām vai virsmām; vai (2) izmanto pārklājumu, kas norobežo šādu savienojumu ekstrahēšanos no neatbilstošajām pretapaugšanas sistēmām |
Visi kuģi (izņemtot fiksētās un peldošās platformas, FSUs un FPSOs, kuras konstruētas līdz 2003.gada 1.janvārim un nav bijušas sausajā dokā 2003.gada 1.janvārī vai pēc tam) |
2008.gada 1.janvāris |
(1) Vispusīgais ierosinājums ietver attiecīgu dokumentāciju, kas atspoguļo:
(2) Vispusīgais priekšlikums ietver arī informāciju par attiecīgo komponentu, ja tādi ir, sekojošām fizikālām un ķīmiskām īpašībām:
(3) Saskaņā ar 1.daļas (b) punktu, ir šāds datu iedalījums:
(a) Dati par ietekmi uz apkārtējo vidi:
-sabrukšanas/izkliedes veidi (piem., hidrolīze/fotosabrukšana/ biodegradācija);
- noturība attiecīgajā vidē (piem., ūdens kolonnā/nogulsnēs/dzīvā organismā);
- nogulsnes, ūdens sadalīšanās;
- biocīdu vai aktīvo sastāvdaļu izspiešanās līmenis;
- masas bilance;
- bioakumulācija, sadalīšanās koeficients, oktanola/ūdens koeficients; un
- jebkāda iepriekš nenovērota reakcija uz izplūdi vai zināmu mijiedarbību.
(b) dati par netīšu ietekmi uz jūras floru, bezmugurkaulniekiem, zivīm jūras putniem, zīdītajiem, apdraudētajām sugām, pārējo floru un faunu, ūdens kvalitāti, jūras dibena resursiem vai jūras vides dabisko vidi, ieskaitos jūtīgos un raksturīgos organismus:
Šie fakti attiecas uz vienu vai vairākiem jūras vides organismu veidiem, tādi kā jūras flora, bezmugurkaulnieki, zivis, putni, zīdītāji un apdraudētās sugas.
(4) Vispusīgais ierosinājums ietver izmantotās metodoloģijas aprakstu, kā arī jebkuru būtisku pasākumu, kas veikts, lai garantētu kvalitāti un jebkuru līdzīga pētījuma pārskatu.
1. noteikums
(b) Administrācija, kas ieceļ inspektorus vai atzītās organizācijas, lai veiktu pārbaudi, kā minimums, pilnvaro kādu iecelto inspektoru vai atzīto organizāciju, lai:
(i) pieprasītu kuģim, kuru tā pārbauda, tā atbilstību 1.pielikuma nosacījumiem; un
(ii) veiktu pārbaudes, ja to pieprasa attiecīgās ostas valsts, kas ir šīs Konvencijas dalībvalsts, institūcija.
2. noteikums.
Starptautiskā pretapaugšanas sistēmas sertifikāta izsniegšana vai apstiprināšana
3. noteikums.
Citas Dalībvalsts izdota Starptautiskā pretapaugšanas sistēmas sertifikāta izdošana vai apstiprināšana
4. noteikums.
Starptautiskā pretapaugšanas sistēmas sertifikāta derīguma termiņš
5. noteikums.
Pretapaugšanas sistēmu deklarācija
Starptautiskās pretapaugšanas sistēmas sertifikāta VEIDLAPAS paraugs
(Sertifikāts tiek papildināts ar pretapaugšanas sistēmas raksturojumu)
(Oficiālais zīmogs) (Valsts)
Izdots saskaņā ar
Starptautisko konvenciju par kuģu kaitīgo pretapaugšanas sistēmu kontroli
saskaņā ar valdības pārvaldes institūcijas
(valsts nosaukums)
ko pilnvarojusi
(pilnvarotā persona vai organizācija)
Ja sertifikāts izdots iepriekš, šis sertifikāts aizvieto sertifikātu, kas datēts ar ………………….
Sīkas ziņas par kuģi
Kuģa vārds ...................................................................................................................................
Atšķirības cipari vai burti .............................................................................................................
Reģistra osta .................................................................................................................................
Bruto tilpība .................................................................................................................................
SJO numurs ................................................................................................................................
Pretapaugšanas sistēmas, kuras tiek pārbaudītas saskaņā ar 1.pielikumu nav izmantotas šī kuģa būvniecības laikā vai pēc tam ..............................................................................................
Pretapaugšanas sistēmas, kuras tiek pārbaudītas saskaņā ar 1.pielikumu ir izmantotas šim kuģim iepriekš, bet noņemtas ………….. (iekārtas nosaukums) ……… (datums)………………………………………………………………………………………… .
Pretapaugšanas sistēmas, kuras tiek pārbaudītas saskaņā ar 1.pielikumu ir izmantotas šim kuģim iepriekš, bet ir pārklātas ar aizsargpārklājumu ……………………. (iekārtas nosaukums) ……… (datums)………………………………………………………………………………... .
Pretapaugšanas sistēmas, kuras tiek pārbaudītas saskaņā ar 1.pielikumu tika izmantotas šim kuģim pirms …………(datums), …….. bet tiks noņemtas vai pārklātas ar aizsargpārklājumu līdz …………(datums)………………………………………………………………………… .
1. kuģis ir pārbaudīts saskaņā ar šīs Konvencijas 4.pielikuma 1.noteikumu;un
2. pārbaudes rezultāti pierāda, ka kuģim izmantojamā pretapaugšanas sistēma atbilst šīs Konvencijas 1.pielikuma prasībām.
Izdots ……………………………………………………………………………………………
(Sertifikāta izdošanas vieta)
............................................. …………………………………………..............................
(Izdošanas datums) (sertifikāta izdošanai pilnvarotās amatpersonas paraksts)
Pārbaudes pabeigšanas datums,
kurā ir izdots sertifikāts: …………………………………………………………………… .
Šis apraksts patstāvīgi pievienojams Pretapaugšanas sistēmas sertifikātam
Sīkas ziņas par kuģi
Kuģa vārds : ………………………………………………………………….
Atšķirības cipari vai burti: : ………………………………………………………………….
SJO numurs : ………………………………………………………………….
Izmantojamo pretapaugšanas sistēmu detalizēts apraksts
Izmantojamās(o) pretapaugšanas sistēmas(u) veids ……………................................................
Pretapaugšanas sistēmas(u) izmantošanas datums(i) …………………………………………...
Kompānijas(u) nosaukums(i) un iekārtas(u) izvietojums tās pielietojot ……………………….
Pretapaugšanas sistēmas ražotāja(u) nosaukums(i) ……………………………………………
Pretapaugšanas sistēmas(u) nosaukums(i) un krāsa(as) ………………………………………
Aktīvās sastāvdaļa(as) un Ķīmiskā informatīvā dienesta (CAS) reģistra numurs (i) ………...
Aizsargpārklājuma, ja tāds ir, veids …………………………………………………………….
Uzklātā aizsargpārklājuma nosaukums(i) un krāsa(as) ……………………………………….
Aizsargpārklājuma uzklāšanas datums …………………………………………………….......
AR ŠO APLIECINĀM, ka šis apraksts ir korekts visādā ziņā.
Izdots ……………………………………………………………………………………………
(Apraksta izdošanas vieta)
…………………….. …………………………………………………………...............
(Izdošanas datums) (Apraksts izdošanai pilnvarotās personas paraksts)
Apraksta apstiprinājums
AR ŠO APLIECINĀM, ka pārbaude, kura nepieciešama saskaņā ar 4.pielikuma 1.noteikuma (1)daļas (b) punktu apliecina, ka kuģis atbilst Konvencijas prasībām
Sīkas ziņas par izmantojamo(ām) pretapaugšanas sistēmu(ām)
Izmantojamās(o) pretapaugšanas sistēmas(u) veids……………................................................
Pretapaugšanas sistēmas(u) izmantošanas datums(i) …………………………………………...
Kompānijas(u) nosaukums(i) un iekārtas(u) izvietojums tās pielietojot ……………………….
Pretapaugšanas sistēmas ražotāja(u) nosaukums(i) ……………………………………………
Pretapaugšanas sistēmas(u) nosaukums(i) un krāsa(as) ………………………………………
Aktīvās sastāvdaļa(as) un Ķīmiskā informatīvā dienesta (CAS) reģistra numurs (i) ………...
Aizsargpārklājuma, ja tāds ir, veids …………………………………………………………….
Izmantojamā aizsargpārklājuma, ja tāds ir, nosaukums(i) un krāsa(as)
Aizsargpārklājums uzklāšanas datums …………………………………………………….......
Parakstīts: ……………………………………………………………………….
(Apraksta izdošanai pilnvarotās amatpersonas paraksts)
Vieta: ……………………………………………………………………………
Datums: ………………………………………………………………………
(Pārvaldes institūcijas spiedogs vai zīmogs)
2. papildinājums
Izdota saskaņā ar
Starptautisko konvenciju par kuģu kaitīgās pretapaugšanas sistēmas kontroli
Kuģa vārds ……………………………………………………………………………………
Atšķirības cipari vai zīmes ……………………………………………………………………
Reģistra osta …………………………………………………………………………………..
Garums ………………………………………………………………………………………..
Bruto tilpība …………………………………………………………………………………...
SJO numurs (ja tāds ir) ………………………………………………………………………..
Es apgalvoju, ka kuģim nav pretapaugšanas sistēma, kas pārbaudāma saskaņā ar Konvencijas 1.pielikumu.
………………… …………………………………………………………………
(Datums) (Īpašnieka vai īpašnieka pilnvarota aģenta paraksts)
Izmantotās pretapaugšanas sistēmas apstiprinājums
Izmantotās pretapaugšanas sistēmas(u) veids(i) un pielietošanas datums ……………………
………………… …………………………………………………………………
(Datums) (Īpašnieka vai īpašnieka pilnvarota aģenta paraksts)
Izmantotās pretapaugšanas sistēmas(u) veids(i) un pielietošanas datums ……………………
………………… …………………………………………………………………
(Datums) (Īpašnieka vai īpašnieka pilnvarota aģenta paraksts)
Izmantotās pretapaugšanas sistēmas(u) veids(i) un pielietošanas datums ……………………
………………… …………………………………………………………………
(Datums) (Īpašnieka vai īpašnieka pilnvarota aģenta paraksts)
Satiksmes ministrs |
Valsts sekretārs |
Juridiskā departamenta direktore |
Par uzdevuma izpildes kontroli atbildīgā ministrijas amatpersona |
Jūrniecības departamenta direktors, par projektu atbildīgā amatpersona |
R.Zīle |
V.Legzdiņš |
A.Ļubļina |
D.Andersone |
A.Krastiņš |
Par Starptautisko konvenciju par kuģu kaitīgo pretapaugšanas sistēmu kontroli
I. Kādēļ normatīvais akts ir vajadzīgs |
1. Pašreizējās situācijas raksturojums
Ņemot vērā 1999.gada 25.novembra IMO rezolūciju A.895(21), kura uzsver nepieciešamību izstrādāt vispusīgu, juridiski saistošu dokumentu par kuģu pretapaugšanas sistēmu kaitīgo ietekmi, kā arī 1995.gada 15.septembra MEPC.67(37) rezolūciju par drošības pasākumiem apkārtējās vides pilnveidošanā, Latvijas pienākums ir pievienoties Starptautiskajai konvencijai par kuģu kaitīgo pretapaugšanas sistēmu kontroli. Arī Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes regulas projekts „Par alvas organisko savienojumu izmantošanu kuģiem aizliegumu” (2002/0149(COD)) izvirza prasību, piemērot konvencijas noteiktos pasākumus. Konvencijas mērķis ir aizliegt jūras videi kaitīgo alvas organisko savienojumu un citu, nākotnē plānojamo, kaitīgo vielu izmantošanu kuģu pretapaugšanas sistēmās, tādējādi mazinot būtiska riska draudus jūras videi. Otrs uzdevums- sekmēt kaitīgo sistēmu aizvietošanu ar mazāk kaitīgām vai nekaitīgām. Latvijas kuģu reģistrā uz 2003.gadu reģistrēti 495 kuģi ar kopējo kravnesību 526274 t. No tiem: 30 kravas kuģi (kopējā kravnesība-416316 t); 1 ledlauzis (kravnesība 4968 t); 172 flotes palīgkuģi (kopējā kravnesība 81614 t); 13 pasažieru kuģi (kopējā kravnesība 5107 t); 60 velkoņi (kopējā kravnesība 1975 t); 220 zvejas kuģi (kopējā kravnesība 16294 t). 98 % kuģu zemūdens virsmu pārklāšanā tiek izmantotas pretapaugšanas sistēmas (anti-fouling sistems). Nav informācijas par alvas organisko savienojumu procentuālo klātbūtni kuģu zemūdens virsmu apstrādē, bet esošās pretapaugšanas sistēmas atbilst pašlaik spēkā esošajām starptautiskajām prasībām, jo to virsmu apstrādē tiek izmantotas šim nolūkam speciāli paredzētas un sertificētas krāsas. Kuģiem, kuri pašlaik atrodas remonta vai būvniecības procesā tiek izmantotas pretapaugšanas sistēmas, kas atbilst starptautiskajām prasībām. Pēc Konvencijas spēkā stāšanas, kas plānojama aptuveni pēc 5 gadiem, Dalībvalstis, tai skaitā arī Latvija, izmantojot pretapaugšanas sistēmas rīkosies saskaņā ar Konvencijas prasībām. Pašlaik Konvencijai ir pievienojušās divas valstis – Dānija un Antigua&Barbuda.” |
2. Normatīvā akta projekta būtība
Likums ir nepieciešams, lai Latvija varētu pievienoties 2001.gada 5.oktobra Starptautiskajai konvencijai par kuģu kaitīgo pretapaugšanas sistēmu kontroli ar mērķi mazināt alvas organisko savienojumu toksisko iedarbību uz jūras floru un faunu. Latvijas kuģu reģistrā reģistrēti 220 zvejas kuģi, kas strādā uz nozvejas kvotām. 10 no tiem – tāljūras kuģi (3000 tonnas), 197 kuģi virs 55 KW, 23 kuģi zem 55 KW. Attiecībā uz mazajiem kuģiem Konvencija nav piemērojama, jo to garums ir mazāks par 24 metriem un tilpība ir mazāka par 400 BT. |
3. Cita informācija
Lai nodrošinātu Konvencijas 5.pantā paredzēto saistību izpildi, tiek noteikta dalītā atbildība ar Vides ministriju.
II. Kāda var būt normatīvā akta ietekme uz |
1. Ietekme uz makroekonomisko vidi
Likumprojekts šo jomu neskar |
2. Ietekme uz uzņēmējdarbības vidi un administratīvo procedūru vienkāršošanu
Likumprojekts šo jomu tieši neskar, jo sertifikātu, kuģiem, kuru tilpība ir lielāka par 400 BT - vai deklarāciju, kuģiem, kuru garums ir lielāks par 24 m un tilpība mazāka par 400 BT izsniegs Klasifikācijas sabiedrības vai Karoga valsts inspekcija, kas ir pilnvarotas šādām darbībām. Attiecībā par sertifikāta izmaksām – Satiksmes ministrija nekādi neietekmē sertifikāta cenu. To nosaka pašas Klasifikācijas sabiedrības. |
3. Sociālo seku izvērtējums
Likumprojekts šo jomu neskar |
4. Ietekme uz vidi
Likumprojekta pieņemšana mazinās toksicitātes risku attiecībā uz ekoloģiski un ekonomiski svarīgiem jūrā esošiem dzīviem organismiem, kā arī piesārņojuma skartu jūras produktu izmantošanas kaitīgumu cilvēka veselībai |
5. Cita informācija
III. Kāda var būt normatīvā akta ietekme uz |
(tūkst. latu) |
Rādītāji |
Kārtējais gads |
Nākamie trīs gadi |
Vidēji piecu gadu laikā pēc kārtējā gada |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
1. Izmaiņas budžeta ieņēmumos
Likumprojekts šo jomu neskar |
Likum-projekts šo jomu neskar |
Likum-projekts šo jomu neskar |
Likum-projekts šo jomu neskar |
Likum-projekts šo jomu neskar |
2. Izmaiņas budžeta izdevumos
Likumprojekts šo jomu neskar |
Likum-projekts šo jomu neskar |
Likum-projekts šo jomu neskar |
Likum-projekts šo jomu neskar |
Likum-projekts šo jomu neskar |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
4. Prognozējamie kompensējošie pasākumi papildu izdevumu finansēšanai
Likumprojekts šo jomu neskar |
Likum-pro-jekts šo jomu neskar |
Likum-pro-jekts šo jomu neskar |
Likum-pro-jekts šo jomu neskar |
Li-kum-pro-jekts šo jomu ne-skar |
5. Detalizēts finansiālā pamatojuma aprēķins
Likumprojekts šo jomu neskar
6. Cita informācija
Pēc konvencijas spēkā stāšanās (gadu pēc tam, kad to būs ratificējušas vismaz 25 valstis, kuras sastāda 25% pasaules tirdzniecības kuģošanas tilpības) divu atbilstošas kvalifikācijas speciālistu piesaiste gadā varētu izmaksāt aptuveni Ls 5200. |
IV. Kāda var būt normatīvā akta ietekme uz |
Attiecībā uz Ministru kabineta noteikumiem (arī tiem, kuru izdošana ir paredzēta izstrādātajā likumprojektā) norāda to izdošanas mērķi un galvenos satura punktus, kā arī termiņu, kādā paredzēts šos noteikumus izstrādāt
Papildus normatīvie akti nav jāizdod. |
2. Cita informācija
Nav |
V. Kādām Latvijas starptautiskajām saistībām |
Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes regulas projekts „Par alvas organisko savienojumu uz kuģiem aizliegumu” izvirza prasību piemērot Starptautiskajā konvencijā par kuģu kaitīgo pretapaugšanas sistēmu kontroli noteiktos pasākumus. ES prasība, kas atspoguļo konvencijas noteikumus, aizliedz alvas organisko savienojumu izmantošanu Dalībvalsts karoga kuģiem no 2003.gada 1.janvāra un visiem kuģiem, neatkarīgi no to karoga, no 2008.gada 1.janvāra.
2. Saistības pret citām starptautiskajām organizācijām
Konvencija darbojas saistībā ar IMO un citām Starptautiskajām organizācijām, izstrādājot kopīgus pasākumus ar mērķi cīnīties pret jūras vides piesārņošanu ar alvas organiskajiem savienojumiem, kas tiek izmantoti kuģu pretapaugšanas sistēmās. |
3. Saistības, kas izriet no Latvijai saistošajiem divpusējiem un daudzpusējiem starptautiskajiem līgumiem
Likumprojekts šo jomu neskar |
4. Atbilstības izvērtējums 1.tabula |
Attiecīgie Eiropas Savienības normatīvie akti un citi dokumenti (piemēram, Eiropas Tiesas spriedumi, vadlīnijas, juridiskās doktrīnas atzinums u.tml.), norādot numuru, pieņemšanas datumu, nosaukumu un publikāciju
Nav konkrēta tiesību akta šajā jautājumā |
2.tabula |
Latvijas normatīvā akta projekta norma (attiecīgā panta, punkta Nr.) |
Eiropas Savienības normatīvais akts un attiecīgā panta Nr. |
Atbilstības pakāpe (atbilst/ |
Komentāri |
5. Cita informācija
Nav |
VI. Kādas konsultācijas notikušas, |
1. Ar kurām nevalstiskajām organizācijām konsultācijas ir notikušas
Konvencijas ratificēšanai konsultācijas ar nevalstiskajām organizācijām nav nepieciešamas, jo Kuģu brokerus un aģentus konvencijas ratificēšana neietekmē. Attiecībā uz kuģu īpašniekiem - Starptautiskajā Jūras organizācijā (IMO) bez aptuveni 160 dalībvalstīm ir arī nevalstiskās organizācijas, kuras pārstāv kuģu īpašnieku intereses. Konvencijas izstrādāšanas laikā šo iespēju izmantoja arī Latvijas kuģu īpašnieki. |
2. Kāda ir šo nevalstisko organizāciju pozīcija (atbalsta, iestrādāti tās iesniegtie priekšlikumi, mainīts formulējums
Konsultācijas ar nevalstiskajām organizācijām nav notikušas |
3. Kādi sabiedrības informēšanas pasākumi ir veikti un kāds ir sabiedriskās domas viedoklis
Sabiedrības informēšanas pasākumi nav veikti |
4. Konsultācijas ar starptautiskajiem konsultantiem
Konsultācijas ar starptautiskajiem konsultantiem nav notikušas |
5. Cita informācija
Nav |
VII. Kā tiks nodrošināta normatīvā akta izpilde |
1. Kā tiks nodrošināta normatīvā akta izpilde no valsts un (vai) pašvaldību puses - vai tiek radītas jaunas valsts institūcijas vai paplašinātas esošo institūciju funkcijas
Likums neprasa funkciju paplašināšanu un jaunu institūciju radīšanu, bet pieļauj to piemērošanu starptautiskā mērogā. Normatīvā akta izpildi nodrošinās Latvijas Jūras administrācijas Jūras drošības inspektorāts. |
2. Kā sabiedrība tiks informēta par normatīvā akta ieviešanu
Ārlietu ministrija laikrakstā “Latvijas vēstnesis” paziņo Konvencijas spēkā stāšanās datumu. |
3. Kā indivīds var aizstāvēt savas tiesības, ja normatīvais akts viņu ierobežo
Likums indivīda tiesības neierobežo |
4. Cita informācija
Nav |
Ministrs R. Zīle
120203 15:39; 1 113
A.Krastiņš, 7028198,
Valsts sekretārs |
Juridiskā departamenta direktore |
Par uzdevuma izpildes kontroli atbildīgā ministrijas amatpersona |
Jūrniecības departamenta direktors, par projektu atbildīgā amatpersona |
V.Legzdiņš |
A.Ļubļina |
D.Andersone |
A.Krastiņš |